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Diffstat (limited to 'rootdir/init.rc')
-rw-r--r-- | rootdir/init.rc | 69 |
1 files changed, 61 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/rootdir/init.rc b/rootdir/init.rc index 9d30518..f62d1d8 100644 --- a/rootdir/init.rc +++ b/rootdir/init.rc @@ -17,12 +17,14 @@ loglevel 3 # Backward compatibility symlink /system/etc /etc + symlink /sys/kernel/debug /d # create mountpoints and mount tmpfs on sqlite_stmt_journals mkdir /sdcard 0000 system system mkdir /system mkdir /data 0771 system system mkdir /cache 0770 system cache + mkdir /config 0500 root root mkdir /sqlite_stmt_journals 01777 root root mount tmpfs tmpfs /sqlite_stmt_journals size=4m @@ -34,11 +36,12 @@ loglevel 3 write /proc/sys/kernel/sched_latency_ns 10000000 write /proc/sys/kernel/sched_wakeup_granularity_ns 2000000 write /proc/sys/kernel/sched_compat_yield 1 + write /proc/sys/kernel/sched_child_runs_first 0 # Create cgroup mount points for process groups mkdir /dev/cpuctl mount cgroup none /dev/cpuctl cpu - chown system system /dev/cpuctl + chown sytem system /dev/cpuctl chown system system /dev/cpuctl/tasks chmod 0777 /dev/cpuctl/tasks write /dev/cpuctl/cpu.shares 1024 @@ -64,6 +67,30 @@ loglevel 3 chown system system /data chmod 0771 /data + # Create dump dir and collect dumps. + # Do this before we mount cache so eventually we can use cache for + # storing dumps on platforms which do not have a dedicated dump partition. + + mkdir /data/dontpanic + chown root log /data/dontpanic + chmod 0750 /data/dontpanic + + # Collect apanic data, free resources and re-arm trigger + copy /proc/apanic_console /data/dontpanic/apanic_console + chown root log /data/dontpanic/apanic_console + chmod 0640 /data/dontpanic/apanic_console + + copy /proc/apanic_threads /data/dontpanic/apanic_threads + chown root log /data/dontpanic/apanic_threads + chmod 0640 /data/dontpanic/apanic_threads + + write /proc/apanic_console 1 + + # Collect ramconsole data + copy /proc/last_kmsg /data/dontpanic/last_kmsg + chown root log /data/dontpanic/last_kmsg + chmod 0640 /data/dontpanic/last_kmsg + # Same reason as /data above mount yaffs2 mtd@cache /cache nosuid nodev chown system cache /cache @@ -73,10 +100,14 @@ loglevel 3 chown system system /cache/recovery chmod 0770 /cache/recovery + #change permissions on vmallocinfo so we can grab it from bugreports + chown root log /proc/vmallocinfo + chmod 0440 /proc/vmallocinfo + # create basic filesystem structure mkdir /data/misc 01771 system misc - mkdir /data/misc/hcid 0770 bluetooth bluetooth - mkdir /data/misc/keystore 0770 keystore keystore + mkdir /data/misc/bluetoothd 0770 bluetooth bluetooth + mkdir /data/misc/keystore 0700 keystore keystore mkdir /data/misc/vpn 0770 system system mkdir /data/misc/vpn/profiles 0770 system system # give system access to wpa_supplicant.conf for backup and restore @@ -90,6 +121,7 @@ loglevel 3 mkdir /data/app 0771 system system mkdir /data/property 0700 root root + # create dalvik-cache and double-check the perms mkdir /data/dalvik-cache 0771 system system chown system system /data/dalvik-cache @@ -148,6 +180,10 @@ on boot # Set init its forked children's oom_adj. write /proc/1/oom_adj -16 + # Tweak background writeout + write /proc/sys/vm/dirty_expire_centisecs 200 + write /proc/sys/vm/dirty_background_ratio 5 + # Permissions for System Server and daemons. chown radio system /sys/android_power/state chown radio system /sys/android_power/request_state @@ -238,12 +274,13 @@ service ril-daemon /system/bin/rild socket rild stream 660 root radio socket rild-debug stream 660 radio system user root - group radio cache inet misc + group radio cache inet misc audio service zygote /system/bin/app_process -Xzygote /system/bin --zygote --start-system-server socket zygote stream 666 onrestart write /sys/android_power/request_state wake onrestart write /sys/power/state on + onrestart restart media service media /system/bin/mediaserver user media @@ -265,11 +302,11 @@ service dbus /system/bin/dbus-daemon --system --nofork user bluetooth group bluetooth net_bt_admin -service hcid /system/bin/hcid -s -n -f /etc/bluez/hcid.conf +service bluetoothd /system/bin/bluetoothd -n socket bluetooth stream 660 bluetooth bluetooth socket dbus_bluetooth stream 660 bluetooth bluetooth # init.rc does not yet support applying capabilities, so run as root and - # let hcid drop uid to bluetooth with the right linux capabilities + # let bluetoothd drop uid to bluetooth with the right linux capabilities group bluetooth net_bt_admin misc disabled @@ -285,6 +322,18 @@ service hsag /system/bin/sdptool add --channel=11 HSAG disabled oneshot +service opush /system/bin/sdptool add --channel=12 OPUSH + user bluetooth + group bluetooth net_bt_admin + disabled + oneshot + +service pbap /system/bin/sdptool add --channel=19 PBAP + user bluetooth + group bluetooth net_bt_admin + disabled + oneshot + service installd /system/bin/installd socket installd stream 600 system system @@ -294,7 +343,7 @@ service flash_recovery /system/etc/install-recovery.sh service racoon /system/bin/racoon socket racoon stream 600 system system # racoon will setuid to vpn after getting necessary resources. - group net_admin keystore + group net_admin disabled oneshot @@ -305,8 +354,12 @@ service mtpd /system/bin/mtpd disabled oneshot -service keystore /system/bin/keystore +service keystore /system/bin/keystore /data/misc/keystore user keystore group keystore socket keystore stream 666 +service dumpstate /system/bin/dumpstate -s + socket dumpstate stream 0660 shell log + disabled + oneshot |