path: root/cm/res/res/values-en-rAU/strings.xml
diff options
authorAbhisek Devkota <ciwrl@lineageos.org>2017-04-28 14:28:58 -0700
committerAbhisek Devkota <ciwrl@lineageos.org>2017-04-28 14:28:58 -0700
commit9d47788ad96807342bc72106a5bc86e73615e2ae (patch)
tree7db7231e549da94676df77363ef8aaa8e011738e /cm/res/res/values-en-rAU/strings.xml
parent9382b6a75fb1e7bf6c73d1185e8119f8bb34c563 (diff)
Automatic translation import
Change-Id: Icc238269d1036f83019d8dd0f38c84d326b1a65f
Diffstat (limited to 'cm/res/res/values-en-rAU/strings.xml')
1 files changed, 124 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cm/res/res/values-en-rAU/strings.xml b/cm/res/res/values-en-rAU/strings.xml
index f0af8e4..16ccd8c 100644
--- a/cm/res/res/values-en-rAU/strings.xml
+++ b/cm/res/res/values-en-rAU/strings.xml
@@ -18,55 +18,179 @@
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
<!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
+ <string name="cyanogenmod_system_label">LineageOS System</string>
+ <string name="permlab_publishCustomTile">create a custom tile within quick settings panel</string>
+ <string name="permdesc_publishCustomTile">Allows an app to publish a quick settings tile.</string>
+ <string name="permlab_modifyNetworkSettings">change system network settings</string>
+ <string name="permdesc_modifyNetworkSettings">Allows an app to make changes to the aeroplane mode and mobile data network settings.</string>
+ <string name="permlab_modifySoundSettings">change system sound settings</string>
+ <string name="permdesc_modifySoundSettings">Allows an app to make changes to the interruption mode sound settings.</string>
+ <string name="permlab_bindCustomTileListenerService">bind to a custom tile listener service</string>
+ <string name="permdesc_bindCustomTileListenerService">Allows the app to bind to the top-level interface of a custom tile listener service.</string>
<!-- Labels for the READ_MSIM_PHONE_STATE permission. -->
+ <string name="permlab_readMSPhoneState">view the phone state and data connection with support to multiple SIMs</string>
+ <string name="permdesc_readMSPhoneState">Allows an app to view the phone state and data connection with support to multiple SIMs.</string>
<!-- Labels for the MODIFY_MSIM_PHONE_STATE permission. -->
+ <string name="permlab_modifyMSPhoneState">modify the phone state and data connection with support to multiple SIMs</string>
+ <string name="permdesc_modifyMSPhoneState">Allows an app to modify the phone state and data connection with support to multiple SIMs.</string>
<!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
+ <string name="permlab_modifyProfiles">modify system profiles</string>
+ <string name="permdesc_modifyProfiles">Allows an app to modify system profiles.</string>
<!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
+ <string name="permlab_useHardwareFramework">use hardware framework</string>
+ <string name="permdesc_useHardwareFramework">Allows an app access to the CM hardware framework.</string>
<!-- Labels for the WRITE_ALARMS permission. -->
+ <string name="permlab_write_alarms">directly change alarms</string>
+ <string name="permdesc_write_alarms">Allows an app to add, modify or delete all of your alarms.</string>
<!-- Labels for the MANAGE_ALARMS permission. -->
+ <string name="permlab_manage_alarms">toggle scheduled alarms</string>
+ <string name="permdesc_manage_alarms">Allows an app to turn on or off your scheduled alarms.</string>
<!-- Labels for the READ_ALARMS permission. -->
+ <string name="permlab_read_alarms">access scheduled alarms</string>
+ <string name="permdesc_read_alarms">Allows an app to read your scheduled alarms.</string>
<!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
+ <string name="permlab_writeSettings">modify CM system settings</string>
+ <string name="permdesc_writeSettings">Allows an app to modify CM system settings.</string>
<!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
+ <string name="permlab_writeSecureSettings">modify CM secure system settings</string>
+ <string name="permdesc_writeSecureSettings">Allows an app to modify CM secure system settings. Not for use by normal apps.</string>
<!-- Labels for the MANAGE_PERSISTENT_STORAGE permission. -->
+ <string name="permlab_managePersistentStorage">manage persistent storage</string>
+ <string name="permdesc_managePersistentStorage">Allows an app to read or write properties which may persist thrοugh a factory reset.</string>
<!-- Labels for the ACCESS_APP_SUGGESTIONS permission -->
+ <string name="permlab_accessAppSuggestions">access app suggestions</string>
+ <string name="permdesc_accessAppSuggestions">Allows an app to access app suggestions.</string>
<!-- Label to show for a service that is running because it is observing the user's custom tiles. -->
+ <string name="custom_tile_listener_binding_label">Custom tile listener</string>
<!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
+ <string name="permlab_protectedApp">add and remove apps to protected apps</string>
+ <string name="permdesc_protectedApp">Allows an app to mark other apps as protected and lock them.</string>
<!-- Profiles -->
<!-- Names of default profiles. -->
+ <string name="profileNameDefault">Default</string>
+ <string name="profileNameWork">Work</string>
+ <string name="profileNameHome">Home</string>
+ <string name="profileNameSilent">Silent</string>
+ <string name="profileNameNight">Night</string>
+ <string name="profileNameAutomobile">Automobile</string>
<!-- Names of application groups. -->
+ <string name="profileGroupPhone">Phone</string>
+ <string name="profileGroupCalendar">Calendar</string>
+ <string name="profileGroupGmail">Gmail</string>
+ <string name="profileGroupEmail">Email</string>
+ <string name="profileGroupSMS">SMS</string>
<!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
+ <string name="wildcardProfile">Other</string>
<!-- Performance profiles -->
+ <string name="perf_profile_pwrsv">Power save</string>
+ <string name="perf_profile_bal">Balanced</string>
+ <string name="perf_profile_perf">Performance</string>
+ <string name="perf_profile_bias_power">Efficiency</string>
+ <string name="perf_profile_bias_perf">Quick</string>
<!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
+ <string name="live_display_auto">Automatic</string>
+ <string name="live_display_auto_summary">Automatically adjust colour temperature of screen after sunset and sunrise</string>
+ <string name="live_display_off">Off</string>
+ <string name="live_display_off_summary">Disable all adjustments</string>
+ <string name="live_display_day">Day</string>
+ <string name="live_display_day_summary">Use day settings only</string>
+ <string name="live_display_night">Night</string>
+ <string name="live_display_night_summary">Use night settings only</string>
+ <string name="live_display_outdoor">Outdoor (bright sun)</string>
+ <string name="live_display_outdoor_summary">Use outdoor settings only</string>
+ <string name="live_display_hint">LiveDisplay can help reduce eyestrain and help you sleep at night. Click here to try it out!</string>
+ <string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_off">LiveDisplay off.</string>
+ <string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_auto">LiveDisplay: auto mode.</string>
+ <string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_day">LiveDisplay: day mode.</string>
+ <string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_night">LiveDisplay: night mode.</string>
+ <string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_outdoor">LiveDisplay: outdoor mode.</string>
+ <string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_off">LiveDisplay turned off.</string>
+ <string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_auto">LiveDisplay changed to auto mode.</string>
+ <string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_day">LiveDisplay changed to day mode.</string>
+ <string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_night">LiveDisplay changed to night mode.</string>
+ <string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_outdoor">LiveDisplay changed to outdoor mode.</string>
<!-- Third party keyguard permission label -->
+ <string name="permlab_thirdPartyKeyguard">third party lock screen</string>
<!-- Third party keyguard permission description -->
+ <string name="permdesc_thirdPartyKeyguard">Allows an app to be used as an insecure lock screen.</string>
<!-- Device specific settings -->
<string name="device_settings_app_name">Advanced settings</string>
<!-- Touchscreen gestures -->
+ <string name="screen_gestures_panel_title">Gestures</string>
<!-- Touchscreen gesture haptic feedback -->
+ <string name="touchscreen_gesture_extras">Extras</string>
+ <string name="touchscreen_gesture_haptic_feedback">Haptic feedback</string>
+ <string name="touchscreen_gesture_haptic_feedback_summary">Vibrate when a gesture is detected</string>
<!-- Theme installation error notification -->
+ <string name="theme_install_error_title">Failed to install theme</string>
+ <string name="theme_install_error_message"><xliff:g id="theme">%1$s</xliff:g> failed to install</string>
<!-- Theme reset notification -->
+ <string name="theme_reset_notification_title">Theme reset</string>
+ <string name="theme_reset_notification_message">System theme restored due to multiple app crashes.</string>
<!-- Title of an application permission, listed so the user can choose whether they want to allow the application to do this. -->
+ <string name="permlab_accessThemeService">access theme service</string>
<!-- Description of an application permission, listed so the user can choose whether they want to allow the application to do this. -->
+ <string name="permdesc_accessThemeService">Allows an app to access the theme service. Should never be needed for normal apps.</string>
<!-- Title of an application permission, listed so the user can choose whether they want to allow the application to do this. -->
+ <string name="permlab_readThemes">read your theme info</string>
<!-- Description of an application permission, listed so the user can choose whether they want to allow the application to do this. -->
+ <string name="permdesc_readThemesDesc">Allows the app to read your themes and
+ determine which theme you have applied.</string>
<!-- Title of an application permission, listed so the user can choose whether they want to allow the application to do this. -->
+ <string name="permlab_writeThemes">modify your themes</string>
<!-- Description of an application permission, listed so the user can choose whether they want to allow the application to do this. -->
+ <string name="permdesc_writeThemesDesc">Allows the app to insert new themes and modify which theme you have applied.</string>
<!-- Performance manager permission title -->
+ <string name="permlab_perfAccess">access performance manager</string>
<!-- Performance manager permission description -->
+ <string name="permdesc_perfAccessDesc">Allows an app to access the performance service. Should never be needed for normal apps.</string>
<!-- Access live lock screen manager service permission label -->
+ <string name="permlab_accessLiveLockScreenService">access live lock screen manager service</string>
<!-- Access live lock screen manager service permission description -->
+ <string name="permdesc_accessLiveLockScreenService">Allows an app to access the live lock screen manager service.</string>
<!-- Privileged access live lock screen manager service permission label -->
+ <string name="permlab_accessLiveLockScreenServicePrivate">access live lock screen manager service</string>
<!-- Privileged access live lock screen manager service permission description -->
+ <string name="permdesc_accessLiveLockScreenServicePrivate">Allows system apps to access the live lock screen manager service.</string>
<!-- Live lock screen manager service provider permission label -->
+ <string name="permlab_accessLiveLockScreenServiceProvider">provide live lock screen manager service</string>
<!-- Live lock screen manager service provider permission description -->
+ <string name="permdesc_accessLiveLockScreenServiceProvider">Allows a service to provide the live lock screen manager service.</string>
<!-- Weather Service strings -->
+ <string name="permlab_weather_read">read weather</string>
+ <string name="permdesc_weather_read">Allows an app to read content from the weather provider.</string>
+ <string name="permlab_weather_write">update weather provider</string>
+ <string name="permdesc_weather_write">Allows an app to update the content of the weather provider.</string>
+ <string name="permlab_weather_bind">bind as a weather provider service</string>
+ <string name="permdesc_weather_bind">Allows an app to be identified as a weather provider service.</string>
+ <string name="permlab_weather_access_mgr">access weather service</string>
+ <string name="permdesc_weather_access_mgr">Allows an app to access the weather service in the system. Should never be needed for normal apps.</string>
<!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
+ <string name="permlab_dataUsageWrite">modify data usage database</string>
<!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
+ <string name="permdesc_dataUsageWrite">Allows an app to update the content of the data usage database.</string>
<!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
+ <string name="permlab_dataUsageRead">read data usage database</string>
<!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
+ <string name="permdesc_dataUsageRead">Allows an app to read content from the data usage database.</string>
<!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
+ <string name="permlab_manageLiveDisplay">manage LiveDisplay settings</string>
+ <string name="permdesc_manageLiveDisplay">Allows an app to configure advanced display settings.</string>
<!-- CMAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
+ <string name="permlab_observe_audio_sessions">observe audio session changes</string>
+ <string name="permdesc_observe_audio_sessions">Allows an app to observe audio streams being created and destroyed.</string>
<!-- CMAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
+ <string name="permlab_manage_audio_sessions">manage audio session changes</string>
+ <string name="permdesc_manage_audio_sessions">Allows an app to send audio stream updates.</string>
<!-- QuickSettings: Themes tile -->
+ <string name="qs_themes_label">Themes</string>
+ <string name="qs_themes_content_description">Customise your theme</string>
<!-- Custom booot dexopt -->
+ <string name="android_upgrading_starting_apps">Starting apps\u2026</string>
+ <string name="android_upgrading_fstrim">Optimizing storage\u2026</string>
+ <string name="android_upgrading_complete">Preparing to start\u2026</string>
+ <string name="android_upgrading_complete_details">Optimisation completed.</string>
+ <string name="android_preparing_apk">Preparing %1$s\u2026</string>
+ <string name="android_preparing_apk_obscured">Preparing apps\u2026</string>
+ <string name="android_upgrading_apk">%1$d of %2$d apps</string>