path: root/test/CodeGen/Mips
diff options
authorStephen Hines <srhines@google.com>2015-03-23 12:10:34 -0700
committerStephen Hines <srhines@google.com>2015-03-23 12:10:34 -0700
commitebe69fe11e48d322045d5949c83283927a0d790b (patch)
treec92f1907a6b8006628a4b01615f38264d29834ea /test/CodeGen/Mips
parentb7d2e72b02a4cb8034f32f8247a2558d2434e121 (diff)
Update aosp/master LLVM for rebase to r230699.
Change-Id: I2b5be30509658cb8266be782de0ab24f9099f9b9
Diffstat (limited to 'test/CodeGen/Mips')
102 files changed, 4239 insertions, 399 deletions
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/2008-08-01-AsmInline.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/2008-08-01-AsmInline.ll
index 3c1bb39..ae06ffe 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/2008-08-01-AsmInline.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/2008-08-01-AsmInline.ll
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
; RUN: llc -march=mips -mcpu=mips32 < %s | FileCheck %s
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64r2 -mattr=n64 < %s | FileCheck %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64r2 -target-abi=n64 < %s | FileCheck %s
%struct.DWstruct = type { i32, i32 }
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/2009-11-16-CstPoolLoad.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/2009-11-16-CstPoolLoad.ll
index c3791df..f736ddd 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/2009-11-16-CstPoolLoad.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/2009-11-16-CstPoolLoad.ll
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
; RUN: llc -march=mipsel -relocation-model=pic < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=PIC-O32
; RUN: llc -march=mipsel -relocation-model=static < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=STATIC-O32
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64r2 -mattr=-n64,n32 -relocation-model=pic < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=PIC-N32
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64r2 -mattr=-n64,n32 -relocation-model=static < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=STATIC-N32
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64r2 -mattr=-n64,n64 -relocation-model=pic < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=PIC-N64
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64r2 -mattr=-n64,n64 -relocation-model=static < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=STATIC-N64
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64r2 -target-abi n32 -relocation-model=pic < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=PIC-N32
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64r2 -target-abi n32 -relocation-model=static < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=STATIC-N32
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64r2 -target-abi n64 -relocation-model=pic < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=PIC-N64
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64r2 -target-abi n64 -relocation-model=static < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=STATIC-N64
define float @h() nounwind readnone {
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/Fast-ISel/callabi.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/Fast-ISel/callabi.ll
index 44b94bb..e76d7a7 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/Fast-ISel/callabi.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/Fast-ISel/callabi.ll
@@ -474,4 +474,4 @@ attributes #1 = { "less-precise-fpmad"="false" "no-frame-pointer-elim"="true" "n
!llvm.ident = !{!0}
-!0 = metadata !{metadata !"clang version 3.6.0 (gitosis@dmz-portal.mips.com:clang 43992fe7b17de5553ac06d323cb80cc6723a9ae3) (gitosis@dmz-portal.mips.com:llvm.git 0834e6839eb170197c81bb02e916258d1527e312)"}
+!0 = !{!"clang version 3.6.0 (gitosis@dmz-portal.mips.com:clang 43992fe7b17de5553ac06d323cb80cc6723a9ae3) (gitosis@dmz-portal.mips.com:llvm.git 0834e6839eb170197c81bb02e916258d1527e312)"}
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/Fast-ISel/overflt.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/Fast-ISel/overflt.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94abd2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/Fast-ISel/overflt.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+; RUN: llc -march=mipsel -relocation-model=pic -O0 -mips-fast-isel -fast-isel-abort -mcpu=mips32r2 \
+; RUN: < %s | FileCheck %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mipsel -relocation-model=pic -O0 -mips-fast-isel -fast-isel-abort -mcpu=mips32 \
+; RUN: < %s | FileCheck %s
+@x = common global [128000 x float] zeroinitializer, align 4
+@y = global float* getelementptr inbounds ([128000 x float]* @x, i32 0, i32 0), align 4
+@result = common global float 0.000000e+00, align 4
+@.str = private unnamed_addr constant [5 x i8] c"%f \0A\00", align 1
+; Function Attrs: nounwind
+define void @foo() {
+; CHECK-LABEL: .ent foo
+ %0 = load float** @y, align 4
+ %arrayidx = getelementptr inbounds float* %0, i32 64000
+ store float 5.500000e+00, float* %arrayidx, align 4
+; CHECK: lui $[[REG_FPCONST_INT:[0-9]+]], 16560
+; CHECK: mtc1 $[[REG_FPCONST_INT]], $f[[REG_FPCONST:[0-9]+]]
+; CHECK: lw $[[REG_Y_GOT:[0-9]+]], %got(y)(${{[0-9]+}})
+; CHECK: lw $[[REG_Y:[0-9]+]], 0($[[REG_Y_GOT]])
+; CHECK: lui $[[REG_IDX_UPPER:[0-9]+]], 3
+; CHECK: ori $[[REG_IDX:[0-9]+]], $[[REG_IDX_UPPER]], 59392
+; CHECK: addu $[[REG_Y_IDX:[0-9]+]], $[[REG_IDX]], $[[REG_Y]]
+; CHECK: swc1 $f[[REG_FPCONST]], 0($[[REG_Y_IDX]])
+ ret void
+; CHECK-LABEL: .end foo
+; Function Attrs: nounwind
+define void @goo() {
+; CHECK-LABEL: .ent goo
+ %0 = load float** @y, align 4
+ %arrayidx = getelementptr inbounds float* %0, i32 64000
+ %1 = load float* %arrayidx, align 4
+ store float %1, float* @result, align 4
+; CHECK-DAG: lw $[[REG_RESULT:[0-9]+]], %got(result)(${{[0-9]+}})
+; CHECK-DAG: lw $[[REG_Y_GOT:[0-9]+]], %got(y)(${{[0-9]+}})
+; CHECK-DAG: lw $[[REG_Y:[0-9]+]], 0($[[REG_Y_GOT]])
+; CHECK-DAG: lui $[[REG_IDX_UPPER:[0-9]+]], 3
+; CHECK-DAG: ori $[[REG_IDX:[0-9]+]], $[[REG_IDX_UPPER]], 59392
+; CHECK-DAG: addu $[[REG_Y_IDX:[0-9]+]], $[[REG_IDX]], $[[REG_Y]]
+; CHECK-DAG: lwc1 $f[[Y_IDX:[0-9]+]], 0($[[REG_Y_IDX]])
+; CHECK-DAG: swc1 $f[[Y_IDX]], 0($[[REG_RESULT]])
+; CHECK-LABEL: .end goo
+ ret void
+; Original C code for test.
+;float x[128000];
+;float *y = x;
+;float result;
+;void foo() {
+; y[64000] = 5.5;
+;void goo() {
+; result = y[64000];
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/Fast-ISel/retabi.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/Fast-ISel/retabi.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d271aef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/Fast-ISel/retabi.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+; RUN: llc -march=mipsel -relocation-model=pic -O0 -mips-fast-isel -fast-isel-abort -mcpu=mips32r2 \
+; RUN: < %s | FileCheck %s
+@i = global i32 75, align 4
+@s = global i16 -345, align 2
+@c = global i8 118, align 1
+@f = global float 0x40BE623360000000, align 4
+@d = global double 1.298330e+03, align 8
+; Function Attrs: nounwind
+define i32 @reti() {
+; CHECK-LABEL: reti:
+ %0 = load i32* @i, align 4
+ ret i32 %0
+; CHECK: lui $[[REG_GPa:[0-9]+]], %hi(_gp_disp)
+; CHECK: addiu $[[REG_GPb:[0-9]+]], $[[REG_GPa]], %lo(_gp_disp)
+; CHECK: addu $[[REG_GP:[0-9]+]], $[[REG_GPb]], $25
+; CHECK: lw $[[REG_I_ADDR:[0-9]+]], %got(i)($[[REG_GP]])
+; CHECK: lw $2, 0($[[REG_I_ADDR]])
+; CHECK: jr $ra
+; Function Attrs: nounwind
+define signext i16 @rets() {
+; CHECK-LABEL: rets:
+ %0 = load i16* @s, align 2
+ ret i16 %0
+; CHECK: lui $[[REG_GPa:[0-9]+]], %hi(_gp_disp)
+; CHECK: addiu $[[REG_GPb:[0-9]+]], $[[REG_GPa]], %lo(_gp_disp)
+; CHECK: addu $[[REG_GP:[0-9]+]], $[[REG_GPb]], $25
+; CHECK: lw $[[REG_S_ADDR:[0-9]+]], %got(s)($[[REG_GP]])
+; CHECK: lhu $[[REG_S:[0-9]+]], 0($[[REG_S_ADDR]])
+; CHECK: seh $2, $[[REG_S]]
+; CHECK: jr $ra
+; Function Attrs: nounwind
+define signext i8 @retc() {
+; CHECK-LABEL: retc:
+ %0 = load i8* @c, align 1
+ ret i8 %0
+; CHECK: lui $[[REG_GPa:[0-9]+]], %hi(_gp_disp)
+; CHECK: addiu $[[REG_GPb:[0-9]+]], $[[REG_GPa]], %lo(_gp_disp)
+; CHECK: addu $[[REG_GP:[0-9]+]], $[[REG_GPb]], $25
+; CHECK: lw $[[REG_C_ADDR:[0-9]+]], %got(c)($[[REG_GP]])
+; CHECK: lbu $[[REG_C:[0-9]+]], 0($[[REG_C_ADDR]])
+; CHECK: seb $2, $[[REG_C]]
+; CHECK: jr $ra
+; Function Attrs: nounwind
+define float @retf() {
+; CHECK-LABEL: retf:
+ %0 = load float* @f, align 4
+ ret float %0
+; CHECK: lui $[[REG_GPa:[0-9]+]], %hi(_gp_disp)
+; CHECK: addiu $[[REG_GPb:[0-9]+]], $[[REG_GPa]], %lo(_gp_disp)
+; CHECK: addu $[[REG_GP:[0-9]+]], $[[REG_GPb]], $25
+; CHECK: lw $[[REG_F_ADDR:[0-9]+]], %got(f)($[[REG_GP]])
+; CHECK: lwc1 $f0, 0($[[REG_F_ADDR]])
+; CHECK: jr $ra
+; Function Attrs: nounwind
+define double @retd() {
+; CHECK-LABEL: retd:
+ %0 = load double* @d, align 8
+ ret double %0
+; CHECK: lui $[[REG_GPa:[0-9]+]], %hi(_gp_disp)
+; CHECK: addiu $[[REG_GPb:[0-9]+]], $[[REG_GPa]], %lo(_gp_disp)
+; CHECK: addu $[[REG_GP:[0-9]+]], $[[REG_GPb]], $25
+; CHECK: lw $[[REG_D_ADDR:[0-9]+]], %got(d)($[[REG_GP]])
+; CHECK: ldc1 $f0, 0($[[REG_D_ADDR]])
+; CHECK: jr $ra
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/abiflags32.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/abiflags32.ll
index e32d4a5..39e2a90 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/abiflags32.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/abiflags32.ll
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
; RUN: llc -filetype=asm -mtriple mipsel-unknown-linux -mcpu=mips32 %s -o - | FileCheck %s
; RUN: llc -filetype=asm -mtriple mipsel-unknown-linux -mcpu=mips32 -mattr=fp64 %s -o - | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-64 %s
-; RUN: llc -filetype=asm -mtriple mipsel-unknown-linux -mcpu=mips64 -mattr=-n64,n32 %s -o - | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-64n %s
+; RUN: llc -filetype=asm -mtriple mipsel-unknown-linux -mcpu=mips64 -target-abi n32 %s -o - | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-64n %s
; CHECK: .nan legacy
; We don't emit '.module fp=32' for compatibility with binutils 2.24 which
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/atomic.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/atomic.ll
index 78fd829..ccfeb00 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/atomic.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/atomic.ll
@@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
-; RUN: llc -march=mipsel --disable-machine-licm -mcpu=mips32 < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=MIPS32-ANY -check-prefix=NO-SEB-SEH -check-prefix=CHECK-EL
-; RUN: llc -march=mipsel --disable-machine-licm -mcpu=mips32r2 < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=MIPS32-ANY -check-prefix=HAS-SEB-SEH -check-prefix=CHECK-EL
-; RUN: llc -march=mipsel --disable-machine-licm -mcpu=mips32r6 < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=MIPS32-ANY -check-prefix=HAS-SEB-SEH -check-prefix=CHECK-EL
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64el --disable-machine-licm -mcpu=mips4 < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=MIPS64-ANY -check-prefix=NO-SEB-SEH -check-prefix=CHECK-EL
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64el --disable-machine-licm -mcpu=mips64 < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=MIPS64-ANY -check-prefix=NO-SEB-SEH -check-prefix=CHECK-EL
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64el --disable-machine-licm -mcpu=mips64r2 < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=MIPS64-ANY -check-prefix=HAS-SEB-SEH -check-prefix=CHECK-EL
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64el --disable-machine-licm -mcpu=mips64r6 < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=MIPS64-ANY -check-prefix=HAS-SEB-SEH -check-prefix=CHECK-EL
+; RUN: llc -march=mipsel --disable-machine-licm -mcpu=mips32 < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=MIPS32-ANY -check-prefix=NO-SEB-SEH -check-prefix=CHECK-EL -check-prefix=NOT-MICROMIPS
+; RUN: llc -march=mipsel --disable-machine-licm -mcpu=mips32r2 < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=MIPS32-ANY -check-prefix=HAS-SEB-SEH -check-prefix=CHECK-EL -check-prefix=NOT-MICROMIPS
+; RUN: llc -march=mipsel --disable-machine-licm -mcpu=mips32r6 < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=MIPS32-ANY -check-prefix=HAS-SEB-SEH -check-prefix=CHECK-EL -check-prefix=NOT-MICROMIPS
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64el --disable-machine-licm -mcpu=mips4 < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=MIPS64-ANY -check-prefix=NO-SEB-SEH -check-prefix=CHECK-EL -check-prefix=NOT-MICROMIPS
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64el --disable-machine-licm -mcpu=mips64 < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=MIPS64-ANY -check-prefix=NO-SEB-SEH -check-prefix=CHECK-EL -check-prefix=NOT-MICROMIPS
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64el --disable-machine-licm -mcpu=mips64r2 < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=MIPS64-ANY -check-prefix=HAS-SEB-SEH -check-prefix=CHECK-EL -check-prefix=NOT-MICROMIPS
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64el --disable-machine-licm -mcpu=mips64r6 < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=MIPS64-ANY -check-prefix=HAS-SEB-SEH -check-prefix=CHECK-EL -check-prefix=NOT-MICROMIPS
+; RUN: llc -march=mipsel --disable-machine-licm -mcpu=mips32r2 -mattr=micromips < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=MIPS32-ANY -check-prefix=HAS-SEB-SEH -check-prefix=CHECK-EL -check-prefix=MICROMIPS
; Keep one big-endian check so that we don't reduce testing, but don't add more
; since endianness doesn't affect the body of the atomic operations.
-; RUN: llc -march=mips --disable-machine-licm -mcpu=mips32 < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=MIPS32-ANY -check-prefix=NO-SEB-SEH -check-prefix=CHECK-EB
+; RUN: llc -march=mips --disable-machine-licm -mcpu=mips32 < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=MIPS32-ANY -check-prefix=NO-SEB-SEH -check-prefix=CHECK-EB -check-prefix=NOT-MICROMIPS
@x = common global i32 0, align 4
@@ -26,7 +27,8 @@ entry:
; ALL: ll $[[R1:[0-9]+]], 0($[[R0]])
; ALL: addu $[[R2:[0-9]+]], $[[R1]], $4
; ALL: sc $[[R2]], 0($[[R0]])
-; ALL: beqz $[[R2]], $[[BB0]]
+; NOT-MICROMIPS: beqz $[[R2]], $[[BB0]]
+; MICROMIPS: beqzc $[[R2]], $[[BB0]]
define i32 @AtomicLoadNand32(i32 signext %incr) nounwind {
@@ -44,7 +46,8 @@ entry:
; ALL: and $[[R3:[0-9]+]], $[[R1]], $4
; ALL: nor $[[R2:[0-9]+]], $zero, $[[R3]]
; ALL: sc $[[R2]], 0($[[R0]])
-; ALL: beqz $[[R2]], $[[BB0]]
+; NOT-MICROMIPS: beqz $[[R2]], $[[BB0]]
+; MICROMIPS: beqzc $[[R2]], $[[BB0]]
define i32 @AtomicSwap32(i32 signext %newval) nounwind {
@@ -63,7 +66,8 @@ entry:
; ALL: $[[BB0:[A-Z_0-9]+]]:
; ALL: ll ${{[0-9]+}}, 0($[[R0]])
; ALL: sc $[[R2:[0-9]+]], 0($[[R0]])
-; ALL: beqz $[[R2]], $[[BB0]]
+; NOT-MICROMIPS: beqz $[[R2]], $[[BB0]]
+; MICROMIPS: beqzc $[[R2]], $[[BB0]]
define i32 @AtomicCmpSwap32(i32 signext %oldval, i32 signext %newval) nounwind {
@@ -84,7 +88,8 @@ entry:
; ALL: ll $2, 0($[[R0]])
; ALL: bne $2, $4, $[[BB1:[A-Z_0-9]+]]
; ALL: sc $[[R2:[0-9]+]], 0($[[R0]])
-; ALL: beqz $[[R2]], $[[BB0]]
+; NOT-MICROMIPS: beqz $[[R2]], $[[BB0]]
+; MICROMIPS: beqzc $[[R2]], $[[BB0]]
; ALL: $[[BB1]]:
@@ -120,7 +125,8 @@ entry:
; ALL: and $[[R13:[0-9]+]], $[[R10]], $[[R8]]
; ALL: or $[[R14:[0-9]+]], $[[R13]], $[[R12]]
; ALL: sc $[[R14]], 0($[[R2]])
-; ALL: beqz $[[R14]], $[[BB0]]
+; NOT-MICROMIPS: beqz $[[R14]], $[[BB0]]
+; MICROMIPS: beqzc $[[R14]], $[[BB0]]
; ALL: and $[[R15:[0-9]+]], $[[R10]], $[[R7]]
; ALL: srlv $[[R16:[0-9]+]], $[[R15]], $[[R5]]
@@ -159,7 +165,8 @@ entry:
; ALL: and $[[R13:[0-9]+]], $[[R10]], $[[R8]]
; ALL: or $[[R14:[0-9]+]], $[[R13]], $[[R12]]
; ALL: sc $[[R14]], 0($[[R2]])
-; ALL: beqz $[[R14]], $[[BB0]]
+; NOT-MICROMIPS: beqz $[[R14]], $[[BB0]]
+; MICROMIPS: beqzc $[[R14]], $[[BB0]]
; ALL: and $[[R15:[0-9]+]], $[[R10]], $[[R7]]
; ALL: srlv $[[R16:[0-9]+]], $[[R15]], $[[R5]]
@@ -199,7 +206,8 @@ entry:
; ALL: and $[[R13:[0-9]+]], $[[R10]], $[[R8]]
; ALL: or $[[R14:[0-9]+]], $[[R13]], $[[R12]]
; ALL: sc $[[R14]], 0($[[R2]])
-; ALL: beqz $[[R14]], $[[BB0]]
+; NOT-MICROMIPS: beqz $[[R14]], $[[BB0]]
+; MICROMIPS: beqzc $[[R14]], $[[BB0]]
; ALL: and $[[R15:[0-9]+]], $[[R10]], $[[R7]]
; ALL: srlv $[[R16:[0-9]+]], $[[R15]], $[[R5]]
@@ -237,7 +245,8 @@ entry:
; ALL: and $[[R13:[0-9]+]], $[[R10]], $[[R8]]
; ALL: or $[[R14:[0-9]+]], $[[R13]], $[[R18]]
; ALL: sc $[[R14]], 0($[[R2]])
-; ALL: beqz $[[R14]], $[[BB0]]
+; NOT-MICROMIPS: beqz $[[R14]], $[[BB0]]
+; MICROMIPS: beqzc $[[R14]], $[[BB0]]
; ALL: and $[[R15:[0-9]+]], $[[R10]], $[[R7]]
; ALL: srlv $[[R16:[0-9]+]], $[[R15]], $[[R5]]
@@ -282,7 +291,8 @@ entry:
; ALL: and $[[R15:[0-9]+]], $[[R13]], $[[R8]]
; ALL: or $[[R16:[0-9]+]], $[[R15]], $[[R12]]
; ALL: sc $[[R16]], 0($[[R2]])
-; ALL: beqz $[[R16]], $[[BB0]]
+; NOT-MICROMIPS: beqz $[[R16]], $[[BB0]]
+; MICROMIPS: beqzc $[[R16]], $[[BB0]]
; ALL: $[[BB1]]:
; ALL: srlv $[[R17:[0-9]+]], $[[R14]], $[[R5]]
@@ -322,7 +332,8 @@ entry:
; ALL: and $[[R15:[0-9]+]], $[[R13]], $[[R8]]
; ALL: or $[[R16:[0-9]+]], $[[R15]], $[[R12]]
; ALL: sc $[[R16]], 0($[[R2]])
-; ALL: beqz $[[R16]], $[[BB0]]
+; NOT-MICROMIPS: beqz $[[R16]], $[[BB0]]
+; MICROMIPS: beqzc $[[R16]], $[[BB0]]
; ALL: $[[BB1]]:
; ALL: srlv $[[R17:[0-9]+]], $[[R14]], $[[R5]]
@@ -367,7 +378,8 @@ entry:
; ALL: and $[[R13:[0-9]+]], $[[R10]], $[[R8]]
; ALL: or $[[R14:[0-9]+]], $[[R13]], $[[R12]]
; ALL: sc $[[R14]], 0($[[R2]])
-; ALL: beqz $[[R14]], $[[BB0]]
+; NOT-MICROMIPS: beqz $[[R14]], $[[BB0]]
+; MICROMIPS: beqzc $[[R14]], $[[BB0]]
; ALL: and $[[R15:[0-9]+]], $[[R10]], $[[R7]]
; ALL: srlv $[[R16:[0-9]+]], $[[R15]], $[[R5]]
@@ -430,5 +442,6 @@ entry:
; ALL: ll $[[R1:[0-9]+]], 0($[[PTR]])
; ALL: addu $[[R2:[0-9]+]], $[[R1]], $4
; ALL: sc $[[R2]], 0($[[PTR]])
-; ALL: beqz $[[R2]], $[[BB0]]
+; NOT-MICROMIPS: beqz $[[R2]], $[[BB0]]
+; MICROMIPS: beqzc $[[R2]], $[[BB0]]
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/blockaddr.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/blockaddr.ll
index d6dc7e7..f743637 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/blockaddr.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/blockaddr.ll
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
; RUN: llc -march=mipsel -relocation-model=pic < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=PIC-O32
; RUN: llc -march=mipsel -relocation-model=static < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=STATIC-O32
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64r2 -mattr=-n64,n32 -relocation-model=pic < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=PIC-N32
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64r2 -mattr=-n64,n32 -relocation-model=static < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=STATIC-N32
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64r2 -mattr=-n64,n64 -relocation-model=pic < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=PIC-N64
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64r2 -mattr=-n64,n64 -relocation-model=static < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=STATIC-N64
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64r2 -target-abi n32 -relocation-model=pic < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=PIC-N32
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64r2 -target-abi n32 -relocation-model=static < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=STATIC-N32
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64r2 -target-abi n64 -relocation-model=pic < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=PIC-N64
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64r2 -target-abi n64 -relocation-model=static < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=STATIC-N64
; RUN: llc -mtriple=mipsel-linux-gnu -march=mipsel -mcpu=mips32 -mattr=+mips16 -relocation-model=static < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=STATIC-MIPS16-1
; RUN: llc -mtriple=mipsel-linux-gnu -march=mipsel -mcpu=mips32 -mattr=+mips16 -relocation-model=static < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=STATIC-MIPS16-2
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/brsize3.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/brsize3.ll
index 7b1f440..3620868 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/brsize3.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/brsize3.ll
@@ -30,4 +30,4 @@ x: ; preds = %x, %entry
attributes #0 = { noreturn nounwind optsize "less-precise-fpmad"="false" "no-frame-pointer-elim"="false" "no-infs-fp-math"="false" "no-nans-fp-math"="false" "stack-protector-buffer-size"="8" "unsafe-fp-math"="false" "use-soft-float"="true" }
attributes #1 = { nounwind }
-!1 = metadata !{i32 45}
+!1 = !{i32 45}
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/brsize3a.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/brsize3a.ll
index 6382fa2..f05e211 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/brsize3a.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/brsize3a.ll
@@ -23,4 +23,4 @@ x: ; preds = %x, %entry
attributes #0 = { noreturn nounwind optsize "less-precise-fpmad"="false" "no-frame-pointer-elim"="false" "no-infs-fp-math"="false" "no-nans-fp-math"="false" "stack-protector-buffer-size"="8" "unsafe-fp-math"="false" "use-soft-float"="true" }
attributes #1 = { nounwind }
-!1 = metadata !{i32 45}
+!1 = !{i32 45}
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/arguments-float.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/arguments-float.ll
index 14a3baa..ee40d7f 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/arguments-float.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/arguments-float.ll
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
; RUN: llc -march=mips -relocation-model=static -soft-float < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM32 --check-prefix=O32 --check-prefix=O32BE %s
; RUN: llc -march=mipsel -relocation-model=static -soft-float < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM32 --check-prefix=O32 --check-prefix=O32LE %s
-; RUN-TODO: llc -march=mips64 -relocation-model=static -soft-float -mattr=-n64,+o32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM32 --check-prefix=O32 %s
-; RUN-TODO: llc -march=mips64el -relocation-model=static -soft-float -mattr=-n64,+o32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM32 --check-prefix=O32 %s
+; RUN-TODO: llc -march=mips64 -relocation-model=static -soft-float -target-abi o32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM32 --check-prefix=O32 %s
+; RUN-TODO: llc -march=mips64el -relocation-model=static -soft-float -target-abi o32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM32 --check-prefix=O32 %s
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -relocation-model=static -soft-float -mattr=-n64,+n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM32 --check-prefix=NEW %s
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -relocation-model=static -soft-float -mattr=-n64,+n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM32 --check-prefix=NEW %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -relocation-model=static -soft-float -target-abi n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM32 --check-prefix=NEW %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -relocation-model=static -soft-float -target-abi n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM32 --check-prefix=NEW %s
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -relocation-model=static -soft-float -mattr=-n64,+n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM64 --check-prefix=NEW %s
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -relocation-model=static -soft-float -mattr=-n64,+n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM64 --check-prefix=NEW %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -relocation-model=static -soft-float -target-abi n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM64 --check-prefix=NEW %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -relocation-model=static -soft-float -target-abi n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM64 --check-prefix=NEW %s
; Test the floating point arguments for all ABI's and byte orders as specified
; by section 5 of MD00305 (MIPS ABIs Described).
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/arguments-fp128.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/arguments-fp128.ll
index c8cd8fd..1666974 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/arguments-fp128.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/arguments-fp128.ll
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -relocation-model=static -soft-float -mattr=-n64,+n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM32 %s
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -relocation-model=static -soft-float -mattr=-n64,+n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM32 %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -relocation-model=static -soft-float -target-abi n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM32 %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -relocation-model=static -soft-float -target-abi n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM32 %s
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -relocation-model=static -soft-float -mattr=-n64,+n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM64 %s
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -relocation-model=static -soft-float -mattr=-n64,+n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM64 %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -relocation-model=static -soft-float -target-abi n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM64 %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -relocation-model=static -soft-float -target-abi n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM64 %s
; Test the fp128 arguments for all ABI's and byte orders as specified
; by section 2 of the MIPSpro N32 Handbook.
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/arguments-hard-float-varargs.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/arguments-hard-float-varargs.ll
index 70ccf14..380bd5c 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/arguments-hard-float-varargs.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/arguments-hard-float-varargs.ll
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
; RUN: llc -march=mips -relocation-model=static < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM32 --check-prefix=O32 --check-prefix=O32BE %s
; RUN: llc -march=mipsel -relocation-model=static < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM32 --check-prefix=O32 --check-prefix=O32LE %s
-; RUN-TODO: llc -march=mips64 -relocation-model=static -mattr=-n64,+o32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM32 --check-prefix=O32 %s
-; RUN-TODO: llc -march=mips64el -relocation-model=static -mattr=-n64,+o32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM32 --check-prefix=O32 %s
+; RUN-TODO: llc -march=mips64 -relocation-model=static -target-abi o32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM32 --check-prefix=O32 %s
+; RUN-TODO: llc -march=mips64el -relocation-model=static -target-abi o32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM32 --check-prefix=O32 %s
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -relocation-model=static -mattr=-n64,+n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM32 --check-prefix=N32 --check-prefix=NEW --check-prefix=NEWBE %s
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -relocation-model=static -mattr=-n64,+n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM32 --check-prefix=N32 --check-prefix=NEW --check-prefix=NEWLE %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -relocation-model=static -target-abi n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM32 --check-prefix=N32 --check-prefix=NEW --check-prefix=NEWBE %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -relocation-model=static -target-abi n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM32 --check-prefix=N32 --check-prefix=NEW --check-prefix=NEWLE %s
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -relocation-model=static -mattr=-n64,+n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM64 --check-prefix=N64 --check-prefix=NEW --check-prefix=NEWBE %s
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -relocation-model=static -mattr=-n64,+n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM64 --check-prefix=N64 --check-prefix=NEW --check-prefix=NEWLE %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -relocation-model=static -target-abi n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM64 --check-prefix=N64 --check-prefix=NEW --check-prefix=NEWBE %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -relocation-model=static -target-abi n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM64 --check-prefix=N64 --check-prefix=NEW --check-prefix=NEWLE %s
; Test the effect of varargs on floating point types in the non-variable part
; of the argument list as specified by section 2 of the MIPSpro N32 Handbook.
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/arguments-hard-float.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/arguments-hard-float.ll
index 9837f7e..3221e23 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/arguments-hard-float.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/arguments-hard-float.ll
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
; RUN: llc -march=mips -relocation-model=static < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM32 --check-prefix=O32 --check-prefix=O32BE %s
; RUN: llc -march=mipsel -relocation-model=static < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM32 --check-prefix=O32 --check-prefix=O32LE %s
-; RUN-TODO: llc -march=mips64 -relocation-model=static -mattr=-n64,+o32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM32 --check-prefix=O32 %s
-; RUN-TODO: llc -march=mips64el -relocation-model=static -mattr=-n64,+o32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM32 --check-prefix=O32 %s
+; RUN-TODO: llc -march=mips64 -relocation-model=static -target-abi o32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM32 --check-prefix=O32 %s
+; RUN-TODO: llc -march=mips64el -relocation-model=static -target-abi o32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM32 --check-prefix=O32 %s
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -relocation-model=static -mattr=-n64,+n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM32 --check-prefix=NEW %s
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -relocation-model=static -mattr=-n64,+n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM32 --check-prefix=NEW %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -relocation-model=static -target-abi n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM32 --check-prefix=NEW %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -relocation-model=static -target-abi n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM32 --check-prefix=NEW %s
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -relocation-model=static -mattr=-n64,+n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM64 --check-prefix=NEW %s
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -relocation-model=static -mattr=-n64,+n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM64 --check-prefix=NEW %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -relocation-model=static -target-abi n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM64 --check-prefix=NEW %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -relocation-model=static -target-abi n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM64 --check-prefix=NEW %s
; Test the floating point arguments for all ABI's and byte orders as specified
; by section 5 of MD00305 (MIPS ABIs Described).
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/arguments-hard-fp128.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/arguments-hard-fp128.ll
index 5e3f403..583759a 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/arguments-hard-fp128.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/arguments-hard-fp128.ll
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -relocation-model=static -mattr=-n64,+n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM32 %s
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -relocation-model=static -mattr=-n64,+n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM32 %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -relocation-model=static -target-abi n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM32 %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -relocation-model=static -target-abi n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM32 %s
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -relocation-model=static -mattr=-n64,+n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM64 %s
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -relocation-model=static -mattr=-n64,+n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM64 %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -relocation-model=static -target-abi n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM64 %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -relocation-model=static -target-abi n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM64 %s
; Test the fp128 arguments for all ABI's and byte orders as specified
; by section 2 of the MIPSpro N32 Handbook.
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/arguments-struct.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/arguments-struct.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ff894f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/arguments-struct.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+; RUN: llc -mtriple=mips-unknown-linux-gnu -relocation-model=static < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM32 --check-prefix=O32-BE %s
+; RUN: llc -mtriple=mipsel-unknown-linux-gnu -relocation-model=static < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM32 --check-prefix=O32-LE %s
+; RUN-TODO: llc -mtriple=mips64-unknown-linux-gnu -relocation-model=static -target-abi n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM32 --check-prefix=O32-BE %s
+; RUN-TODO: llc -mtriple=mips64el-unknown-linux-gnu -relocation-model=static -target-abi n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM32 --check-prefix=O32-LE %s
+; RUN: llc -mtriple=mips64-unknown-linux-gnu -relocation-model=static -target-abi n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM32 --check-prefix=NEW-BE %s
+; RUN: llc -mtriple=mips64el-unknown-linux-gnu -relocation-model=static -target-abi n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM32 --check-prefix=NEW-LE %s
+; RUN: llc -mtriple=mips64-unknown-linux-gnu -relocation-model=static -target-abi n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM64 --check-prefix=NEW-BE %s
+; RUN: llc -mtriple=mips64el-unknown-linux-gnu -relocation-model=static -target-abi n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM64 --check-prefix=NEW-LE %s
+; Test small structures for all ABI's and byte orders.
+; N32/N64 are identical in this area so their checks have been combined into
+; the 'NEW' prefix (the N stands for New).
+@bytes = global [2 x i8] zeroinitializer
+define void @s_i8(i8 inreg %a) nounwind {
+ store i8 %a, i8* getelementptr inbounds ([2 x i8]* @bytes, i32 0, i32 1)
+ ret void
+; ALL-LABEL: s_i8:
+; SYM32-DAG: lui [[PTR_HI:\$[0-9]+]], %hi(bytes)
+; SYM32-DAG: addiu [[PTR:\$[0-9]+]], [[PTR_HI]], %lo(bytes)
+; SYM64-DAG: ld [[PTR:\$[0-9]+]], %got_disp(bytes)(
+; O32-BE-DAG: srl [[ARG:\$[0-9]+]], $4, 24
+; O32-BE-DAG: sb [[ARG]], 1([[PTR]])
+; O32-LE-DAG: sb $4, 1([[PTR]])
+; NEW-BE-DAG: dsrl [[ARG:\$[0-9]+]], $4, 56
+; NEW-BE-DAG: sb [[ARG]], 1([[PTR]])
+; NEW-LE-DAG: sb $4, 1([[PTR]])
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/arguments-varargs-small-structs-byte.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/arguments-varargs-small-structs-byte.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..458b124
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/arguments-varargs-small-structs-byte.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+; RUN: llc --march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r2 < %s | FileCheck %s
+; Generated from the C program:
+; #include <stdio.h>
+; #include <string.h>
+; struct SmallStruct_1b {
+; char x1;
+; };
+; struct SmallStruct_2b {
+; char x1;
+; char x2;
+; };
+; struct SmallStruct_3b {
+; char x1;
+; char x2;
+; char x3;
+; };
+; struct SmallStruct_4b {
+; char x1;
+; char x2;
+; char x3;
+; char x4;
+; };
+; struct SmallStruct_5b {
+; char x1;
+; char x2;
+; char x3;
+; char x4;
+; char x5;
+; };
+; struct SmallStruct_6b {
+; char x1;
+; char x2;
+; char x3;
+; char x4;
+; char x5;
+; char x6;
+; };
+; struct SmallStruct_7b {
+; char x1;
+; char x2;
+; char x3;
+; char x4;
+; char x5;
+; char x6;
+; char x7;
+; };
+; struct SmallStruct_8b {
+; char x1;
+; char x2;
+; char x3;
+; char x4;
+; char x5;
+; char x6;
+; char x7;
+; char x8;
+; };
+; struct SmallStruct_9b {
+; char x1;
+; char x2;
+; char x3;
+; char x4;
+; char x5;
+; char x6;
+; char x7;
+; char x8;
+; char x9;
+; };
+; void varArgF_SmallStruct(char* c, ...);
+; void smallStruct_1b(struct SmallStruct_1b* ss) {
+; varArgF_SmallStruct("", *ss);
+; }
+; void smallStruct_2b(struct SmallStruct_2b* ss) {
+; varArgF_SmallStruct("", *ss);
+; }
+; void smallStruct_3b(struct SmallStruct_3b* ss)
+; {
+; varArgF_SmallStruct("", *ss);
+; }
+; void smallStruct_4b(struct SmallStruct_4b* ss)
+; {
+; varArgF_SmallStruct("", *ss);
+; }
+; void smallStruct_5b(struct SmallStruct_5b* ss)
+; {
+; varArgF_SmallStruct("", *ss);
+; }
+; void smallStruct_6b(struct SmallStruct_6b* ss)
+; {
+; varArgF_SmallStruct("", *ss);
+; }
+; void smallStruct_7b(struct SmallStruct_7b* ss)
+; {
+; varArgF_SmallStruct("", *ss);
+; }
+; void smallStruct_8b(struct SmallStruct_8b* ss)
+; {
+; varArgF_SmallStruct("", *ss);
+; }
+; void smallStruct_9b(struct SmallStruct_9b* ss)
+; {
+; varArgF_SmallStruct("", *ss);
+; }
+%struct.SmallStruct_1b = type { i8 }
+%struct.SmallStruct_2b = type { i8, i8 }
+%struct.SmallStruct_3b = type { i8, i8, i8 }
+%struct.SmallStruct_4b = type { i8, i8, i8, i8 }
+%struct.SmallStruct_5b = type { i8, i8, i8, i8, i8 }
+%struct.SmallStruct_6b = type { i8, i8, i8, i8, i8, i8 }
+%struct.SmallStruct_7b = type { i8, i8, i8, i8, i8, i8, i8 }
+%struct.SmallStruct_8b = type { i8, i8, i8, i8, i8, i8, i8, i8 }
+%struct.SmallStruct_9b = type { i8, i8, i8, i8, i8, i8, i8, i8, i8 }
+@.str = private unnamed_addr constant [3 x i8] c"01\00", align 1
+declare void @varArgF_SmallStruct(i8* %c, ...)
+define void @smallStruct_1b(%struct.SmallStruct_1b* %ss) #0 {
+ %ss.addr = alloca %struct.SmallStruct_1b*, align 8
+ store %struct.SmallStruct_1b* %ss, %struct.SmallStruct_1b** %ss.addr, align 8
+ %0 = load %struct.SmallStruct_1b** %ss.addr, align 8
+ %1 = bitcast %struct.SmallStruct_1b* %0 to { i8 }*
+ %2 = getelementptr { i8 }* %1, i32 0, i32 0
+ %3 = load i8* %2, align 1
+ call void (i8*, ...)* @varArgF_SmallStruct(i8* getelementptr inbounds ([3 x i8]* @.str, i32 0, i32 0), i8 inreg %3)
+ ret void
+ ; CHECK-LABEL: smallStruct_1b:
+ ; CHECK: dsll $[[R1:[0-9]+]], $[[R2:[0-9]+]], 56
+define void @smallStruct_2b(%struct.SmallStruct_2b* %ss) #0 {
+ %ss.addr = alloca %struct.SmallStruct_2b*, align 8
+ store %struct.SmallStruct_2b* %ss, %struct.SmallStruct_2b** %ss.addr, align 8
+ %0 = load %struct.SmallStruct_2b** %ss.addr, align 8
+ %1 = bitcast %struct.SmallStruct_2b* %0 to { i16 }*
+ %2 = getelementptr { i16 }* %1, i32 0, i32 0
+ %3 = load i16* %2, align 1
+ call void (i8*, ...)* @varArgF_SmallStruct(i8* getelementptr inbounds ([3 x i8]* @.str, i32 0, i32 0), i16 inreg %3)
+ ret void
+ ; CHECK-LABEL: smallStruct_2b:
+ ; CHECK: dsll $[[R1:[0-9]+]], $[[R2:[0-9]+]], 48
+define void @smallStruct_3b(%struct.SmallStruct_3b* %ss) #0 {
+ %ss.addr = alloca %struct.SmallStruct_3b*, align 8
+ %.coerce = alloca { i24 }
+ store %struct.SmallStruct_3b* %ss, %struct.SmallStruct_3b** %ss.addr, align 8
+ %0 = load %struct.SmallStruct_3b** %ss.addr, align 8
+ %1 = bitcast { i24 }* %.coerce to i8*
+ %2 = bitcast %struct.SmallStruct_3b* %0 to i8*
+ call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* %1, i8* %2, i64 3, i32 0, i1 false)
+ %3 = getelementptr { i24 }* %.coerce, i32 0, i32 0
+ %4 = load i24* %3, align 1
+ call void (i8*, ...)* @varArgF_SmallStruct(i8* getelementptr inbounds ([3 x i8]* @.str, i32 0, i32 0), i24 inreg %4)
+ ret void
+ ; CHECK-LABEL: smallStruct_3b:
+ ; CHECK: dsll $[[R1:[0-9]+]], $[[R2:[0-9]+]], 40
+declare void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* nocapture, i8* nocapture readonly, i64, i32, i1) #1
+define void @smallStruct_4b(%struct.SmallStruct_4b* %ss) #0 {
+ %ss.addr = alloca %struct.SmallStruct_4b*, align 8
+ store %struct.SmallStruct_4b* %ss, %struct.SmallStruct_4b** %ss.addr, align 8
+ %0 = load %struct.SmallStruct_4b** %ss.addr, align 8
+ %1 = bitcast %struct.SmallStruct_4b* %0 to { i32 }*
+ %2 = getelementptr { i32 }* %1, i32 0, i32 0
+ %3 = load i32* %2, align 1
+ call void (i8*, ...)* @varArgF_SmallStruct(i8* getelementptr inbounds ([3 x i8]* @.str, i32 0, i32 0), i32 inreg %3)
+ ret void
+ ; CHECK-LABEL: smallStruct_4b:
+ ; CHECK: dsll $[[R1:[0-9]+]], $[[R2:[0-9]+]], 32
+define void @smallStruct_5b(%struct.SmallStruct_5b* %ss) #0 {
+ %ss.addr = alloca %struct.SmallStruct_5b*, align 8
+ %.coerce = alloca { i40 }
+ store %struct.SmallStruct_5b* %ss, %struct.SmallStruct_5b** %ss.addr, align 8
+ %0 = load %struct.SmallStruct_5b** %ss.addr, align 8
+ %1 = bitcast { i40 }* %.coerce to i8*
+ %2 = bitcast %struct.SmallStruct_5b* %0 to i8*
+ call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* %1, i8* %2, i64 5, i32 0, i1 false)
+ %3 = getelementptr { i40 }* %.coerce, i32 0, i32 0
+ %4 = load i40* %3, align 1
+ call void (i8*, ...)* @varArgF_SmallStruct(i8* getelementptr inbounds ([3 x i8]* @.str, i32 0, i32 0), i40 inreg %4)
+ ret void
+ ; CHECK-LABEL: smallStruct_5b:
+ ; CHECK: dsll $[[R1:[0-9]+]], $[[R2:[0-9]+]], 24
+define void @smallStruct_6b(%struct.SmallStruct_6b* %ss) #0 {
+ %ss.addr = alloca %struct.SmallStruct_6b*, align 8
+ %.coerce = alloca { i48 }
+ store %struct.SmallStruct_6b* %ss, %struct.SmallStruct_6b** %ss.addr, align 8
+ %0 = load %struct.SmallStruct_6b** %ss.addr, align 8
+ %1 = bitcast { i48 }* %.coerce to i8*
+ %2 = bitcast %struct.SmallStruct_6b* %0 to i8*
+ call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* %1, i8* %2, i64 6, i32 0, i1 false)
+ %3 = getelementptr { i48 }* %.coerce, i32 0, i32 0
+ %4 = load i48* %3, align 1
+ call void (i8*, ...)* @varArgF_SmallStruct(i8* getelementptr inbounds ([3 x i8]* @.str, i32 0, i32 0), i48 inreg %4)
+ ret void
+ ; CHECK-LABEL: smallStruct_6b:
+ ; CHECK: dsll $[[R1:[0-9]+]], $[[R2:[0-9]+]], 16
+define void @smallStruct_7b(%struct.SmallStruct_7b* %ss) #0 {
+ %ss.addr = alloca %struct.SmallStruct_7b*, align 8
+ %.coerce = alloca { i56 }
+ store %struct.SmallStruct_7b* %ss, %struct.SmallStruct_7b** %ss.addr, align 8
+ %0 = load %struct.SmallStruct_7b** %ss.addr, align 8
+ %1 = bitcast { i56 }* %.coerce to i8*
+ %2 = bitcast %struct.SmallStruct_7b* %0 to i8*
+ call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* %1, i8* %2, i64 7, i32 0, i1 false)
+ %3 = getelementptr { i56 }* %.coerce, i32 0, i32 0
+ %4 = load i56* %3, align 1
+ call void (i8*, ...)* @varArgF_SmallStruct(i8* getelementptr inbounds ([3 x i8]* @.str, i32 0, i32 0), i56 inreg %4)
+ ret void
+ ; CHECK-LABEL: smallStruct_7b:
+ ; CHECK: dsll $[[R1:[0-9]+]], $[[R2:[0-9]+]], 8
+define void @smallStruct_8b(%struct.SmallStruct_8b* %ss) #0 {
+ %ss.addr = alloca %struct.SmallStruct_8b*, align 8
+ store %struct.SmallStruct_8b* %ss, %struct.SmallStruct_8b** %ss.addr, align 8
+ %0 = load %struct.SmallStruct_8b** %ss.addr, align 8
+ %1 = bitcast %struct.SmallStruct_8b* %0 to { i64 }*
+ %2 = getelementptr { i64 }* %1, i32 0, i32 0
+ %3 = load i64* %2, align 1
+ call void (i8*, ...)* @varArgF_SmallStruct(i8* getelementptr inbounds ([3 x i8]* @.str, i32 0, i32 0), i64 inreg %3)
+ ret void
+ ; CHECK-LABEL: smallStruct_8b:
+ ; CHECK-NOT: dsll
+define void @smallStruct_9b(%struct.SmallStruct_9b* %ss) #0 {
+ %ss.addr = alloca %struct.SmallStruct_9b*, align 8
+ %.coerce = alloca { i64, i8 }
+ store %struct.SmallStruct_9b* %ss, %struct.SmallStruct_9b** %ss.addr, align 8
+ %0 = load %struct.SmallStruct_9b** %ss.addr, align 8
+ %1 = bitcast { i64, i8 }* %.coerce to i8*
+ %2 = bitcast %struct.SmallStruct_9b* %0 to i8*
+ call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* %1, i8* %2, i64 9, i32 0, i1 false)
+ %3 = getelementptr { i64, i8 }* %.coerce, i32 0, i32 0
+ %4 = load i64* %3, align 1
+ %5 = getelementptr { i64, i8 }* %.coerce, i32 0, i32 1
+ %6 = load i8* %5, align 1
+ call void (i8*, ...)* @varArgF_SmallStruct(i8* getelementptr inbounds ([3 x i8]* @.str, i32 0, i32 0), i64 inreg %4, i8 inreg %6)
+ ret void
+ ; CHECK-LABEL: smallStruct_9b:
+ ; CHECK: dsll $[[R1:[0-9]+]], $[[R2:[0-9]+]], 56
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/arguments-varargs-small-structs-combinations.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/arguments-varargs-small-structs-combinations.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..899a3e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/arguments-varargs-small-structs-combinations.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+; RUN: llc --march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r2 < %s | FileCheck %s
+; Generated from the C program:
+; #include <stdio.h>
+; #include <string.h>
+; struct SmallStruct_1b1s {
+; char x1;
+; short x2;
+; };
+; struct SmallStruct_1b1i {
+; char x1;
+; int x2;
+; };
+; struct SmallStruct_1b1s1b {
+; char x1;
+; short x2;
+; char x3;
+; };
+; struct SmallStruct_1s1i {
+; short x1;
+; int x2;
+; };
+; struct SmallStruct_3b1s {
+; char x1;
+; char x2;
+; char x3;
+; short x4;
+; };
+; void varArgF_SmallStruct(char* c, ...);
+; void smallStruct_1b1s(struct SmallStruct_1b1s* ss)
+; {
+; varArgF_SmallStruct("", *ss);
+; }
+; void smallStruct_1b1i(struct SmallStruct_1b1i* ss)
+; {
+; varArgF_SmallStruct("", *ss);
+; }
+; void smallStruct_1b1s1b(struct SmallStruct_1b1s1b* ss)
+; {
+; varArgF_SmallStruct("", *ss);
+; }
+; void smallStruct_1s1i(struct SmallStruct_1s1i* ss)
+; {
+; varArgF_SmallStruct("", *ss);
+; }
+; void smallStruct_3b1s(struct SmallStruct_3b1s* ss)
+; {
+; varArgF_SmallStruct("", *ss);
+; }
+%struct.SmallStruct_1b1s = type { i8, i16 }
+%struct.SmallStruct_1b1i = type { i8, i32 }
+%struct.SmallStruct_1b1s1b = type { i8, i16, i8 }
+%struct.SmallStruct_1s1i = type { i16, i32 }
+%struct.SmallStruct_3b1s = type { i8, i8, i8, i16 }
+@.str = private unnamed_addr constant [3 x i8] c"01\00", align 1
+declare void @varArgF_SmallStruct(i8* %c, ...)
+define void @smallStruct_1b1s(%struct.SmallStruct_1b1s* %ss) #0 {
+ %ss.addr = alloca %struct.SmallStruct_1b1s*, align 8
+ store %struct.SmallStruct_1b1s* %ss, %struct.SmallStruct_1b1s** %ss.addr, align 8
+ %0 = load %struct.SmallStruct_1b1s** %ss.addr, align 8
+ %1 = bitcast %struct.SmallStruct_1b1s* %0 to { i32 }*
+ %2 = getelementptr { i32 }* %1, i32 0, i32 0
+ %3 = load i32* %2, align 1
+ call void (i8*, ...)* @varArgF_SmallStruct(i8* getelementptr inbounds ([3 x i8]* @.str, i32 0, i32 0), i32 inreg %3)
+ ret void
+ ; CHECK-LABEL: smallStruct_1b1s:
+ ; CHECK: dsll $[[R1:[0-9]+]], $[[R2:[0-9]+]], 32
+define void @smallStruct_1b1i(%struct.SmallStruct_1b1i* %ss) #0 {
+ %ss.addr = alloca %struct.SmallStruct_1b1i*, align 8
+ store %struct.SmallStruct_1b1i* %ss, %struct.SmallStruct_1b1i** %ss.addr, align 8
+ %0 = load %struct.SmallStruct_1b1i** %ss.addr, align 8
+ %1 = bitcast %struct.SmallStruct_1b1i* %0 to { i64 }*
+ %2 = getelementptr { i64 }* %1, i32 0, i32 0
+ %3 = load i64* %2, align 1
+ call void (i8*, ...)* @varArgF_SmallStruct(i8* getelementptr inbounds ([3 x i8]* @.str, i32 0, i32 0), i64 inreg %3)
+ ret void
+ ; CHECK-LABEL: smallStruct_1b1i:
+ ; CHECK-NOT: dsll
+define void @smallStruct_1b1s1b(%struct.SmallStruct_1b1s1b* %ss) #0 {
+ %ss.addr = alloca %struct.SmallStruct_1b1s1b*, align 8
+ %.coerce = alloca { i48 }
+ store %struct.SmallStruct_1b1s1b* %ss, %struct.SmallStruct_1b1s1b** %ss.addr, align 8
+ %0 = load %struct.SmallStruct_1b1s1b** %ss.addr, align 8
+ %1 = bitcast { i48 }* %.coerce to i8*
+ %2 = bitcast %struct.SmallStruct_1b1s1b* %0 to i8*
+ call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* %1, i8* %2, i64 6, i32 0, i1 false)
+ %3 = getelementptr { i48 }* %.coerce, i32 0, i32 0
+ %4 = load i48* %3, align 1
+ call void (i8*, ...)* @varArgF_SmallStruct(i8* getelementptr inbounds ([3 x i8]* @.str, i32 0, i32 0), i48 inreg %4)
+ ret void
+ ; CHECK-LABEL: smallStruct_1b1s1b:
+ ; CHECK: dsll $[[R1:[0-9]+]], $[[R2:[0-9]+]], 16
+declare void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* nocapture, i8* nocapture readonly, i64, i32, i1) #1
+define void @smallStruct_1s1i(%struct.SmallStruct_1s1i* %ss) #0 {
+ %ss.addr = alloca %struct.SmallStruct_1s1i*, align 8
+ store %struct.SmallStruct_1s1i* %ss, %struct.SmallStruct_1s1i** %ss.addr, align 8
+ %0 = load %struct.SmallStruct_1s1i** %ss.addr, align 8
+ %1 = bitcast %struct.SmallStruct_1s1i* %0 to { i64 }*
+ %2 = getelementptr { i64 }* %1, i32 0, i32 0
+ %3 = load i64* %2, align 1
+ call void (i8*, ...)* @varArgF_SmallStruct(i8* getelementptr inbounds ([3 x i8]* @.str, i32 0, i32 0), i64 inreg %3)
+ ret void
+ ; CHECK-LABEL: smallStruct_1s1i:
+ ; CHECK-NOT: dsll
+define void @smallStruct_3b1s(%struct.SmallStruct_3b1s* %ss) #0 {
+ %ss.addr = alloca %struct.SmallStruct_3b1s*, align 8
+ %.coerce = alloca { i48 }
+ store %struct.SmallStruct_3b1s* %ss, %struct.SmallStruct_3b1s** %ss.addr, align 8
+ %0 = load %struct.SmallStruct_3b1s** %ss.addr, align 8
+ %1 = bitcast { i48 }* %.coerce to i8*
+ %2 = bitcast %struct.SmallStruct_3b1s* %0 to i8*
+ call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* %1, i8* %2, i64 6, i32 0, i1 false)
+ %3 = getelementptr { i48 }* %.coerce, i32 0, i32 0
+ %4 = load i48* %3, align 1
+ call void (i8*, ...)* @varArgF_SmallStruct(i8* getelementptr inbounds ([3 x i8]* @.str, i32 0, i32 0), i48 inreg %4)
+ ret void
+ ; CHECK-LABEL: smallStruct_3b1s:
+ ; CHECK: dsll $[[R1:[0-9]+]], $[[R2:[0-9]+]], 16
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/arguments-varargs-small-structs-multiple-args.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/arguments-varargs-small-structs-multiple-args.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f73625
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/arguments-varargs-small-structs-multiple-args.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+; RUN: llc --march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r2 < %s | FileCheck %s
+; Generated from the C program:
+; #include <stdio.h>
+; #include <string.h>
+; struct SmallStruct_1b {
+; char x1;
+; };
+; struct SmallStruct_2b {
+; char x1;
+; char x2;
+; };
+; struct SmallStruct_3b {
+; char x1;
+; char x2;
+; char x3;
+; };
+; struct SmallStruct_4b {
+; char x1;
+; char x2;
+; char x3;
+; char x4;
+; };
+; struct SmallStruct_5b {
+; char x1;
+; char x2;
+; char x3;
+; char x4;
+; char x5;
+; };
+; struct SmallStruct_6b {
+; char x1;
+; char x2;
+; char x3;
+; char x4;
+; char x5;
+; char x6;
+; };
+; struct SmallStruct_7b {
+; char x1;
+; char x2;
+; char x3;
+; char x4;
+; char x5;
+; char x6;
+; char x7;
+; };
+; struct SmallStruct_8b {
+; char x1;
+; char x2;
+; char x3;
+; char x4;
+; char x5;
+; char x6;
+; char x7;
+; char x8;
+; };
+; struct SmallStruct_9b {
+; char x1;
+; char x2;
+; char x3;
+; char x4;
+; char x5;
+; char x6;
+; char x7;
+; char x8;
+; char x9;
+; };
+; void varArgF_SmallStruct(char* c, ...);
+; void smallStruct_1b_x9(struct SmallStruct_1b* ss1, struct SmallStruct_1b* ss2, struct SmallStruct_1b* ss3, struct SmallStruct_1b* ss4, struct SmallStruct_1b* ss5, struct SmallStruct_1b* ss6, struct SmallStruct_1b* ss7, struct SmallStruct_1b* ss8, struct SmallStruct_1b* ss9)
+; {
+; varArgF_SmallStruct("", *ss1, *ss2, *ss3, *ss4, *ss5, *ss6, *ss7, *ss8, *ss9);
+; }
+%struct.SmallStruct_1b = type { i8 }
+@.str = private unnamed_addr constant [3 x i8] c"01\00", align 1
+declare void @varArgF_SmallStruct(i8* %c, ...)
+define void @smallStruct_1b_x9(%struct.SmallStruct_1b* %ss1, %struct.SmallStruct_1b* %ss2, %struct.SmallStruct_1b* %ss3, %struct.SmallStruct_1b* %ss4, %struct.SmallStruct_1b* %ss5, %struct.SmallStruct_1b* %ss6, %struct.SmallStruct_1b* %ss7, %struct.SmallStruct_1b* %ss8, %struct.SmallStruct_1b* %ss9) #0 {
+ %ss1.addr = alloca %struct.SmallStruct_1b*, align 8
+ %ss2.addr = alloca %struct.SmallStruct_1b*, align 8
+ %ss3.addr = alloca %struct.SmallStruct_1b*, align 8
+ %ss4.addr = alloca %struct.SmallStruct_1b*, align 8
+ %ss5.addr = alloca %struct.SmallStruct_1b*, align 8
+ %ss6.addr = alloca %struct.SmallStruct_1b*, align 8
+ %ss7.addr = alloca %struct.SmallStruct_1b*, align 8
+ %ss8.addr = alloca %struct.SmallStruct_1b*, align 8
+ %ss9.addr = alloca %struct.SmallStruct_1b*, align 8
+ store %struct.SmallStruct_1b* %ss1, %struct.SmallStruct_1b** %ss1.addr, align 8
+ store %struct.SmallStruct_1b* %ss2, %struct.SmallStruct_1b** %ss2.addr, align 8
+ store %struct.SmallStruct_1b* %ss3, %struct.SmallStruct_1b** %ss3.addr, align 8
+ store %struct.SmallStruct_1b* %ss4, %struct.SmallStruct_1b** %ss4.addr, align 8
+ store %struct.SmallStruct_1b* %ss5, %struct.SmallStruct_1b** %ss5.addr, align 8
+ store %struct.SmallStruct_1b* %ss6, %struct.SmallStruct_1b** %ss6.addr, align 8
+ store %struct.SmallStruct_1b* %ss7, %struct.SmallStruct_1b** %ss7.addr, align 8
+ store %struct.SmallStruct_1b* %ss8, %struct.SmallStruct_1b** %ss8.addr, align 8
+ store %struct.SmallStruct_1b* %ss9, %struct.SmallStruct_1b** %ss9.addr, align 8
+ %0 = load %struct.SmallStruct_1b** %ss1.addr, align 8
+ %1 = load %struct.SmallStruct_1b** %ss2.addr, align 8
+ %2 = load %struct.SmallStruct_1b** %ss3.addr, align 8
+ %3 = load %struct.SmallStruct_1b** %ss4.addr, align 8
+ %4 = load %struct.SmallStruct_1b** %ss5.addr, align 8
+ %5 = load %struct.SmallStruct_1b** %ss6.addr, align 8
+ %6 = load %struct.SmallStruct_1b** %ss7.addr, align 8
+ %7 = load %struct.SmallStruct_1b** %ss8.addr, align 8
+ %8 = load %struct.SmallStruct_1b** %ss9.addr, align 8
+ %9 = bitcast %struct.SmallStruct_1b* %0 to { i8 }*
+ %10 = getelementptr { i8 }* %9, i32 0, i32 0
+ %11 = load i8* %10, align 1
+ %12 = bitcast %struct.SmallStruct_1b* %1 to { i8 }*
+ %13 = getelementptr { i8 }* %12, i32 0, i32 0
+ %14 = load i8* %13, align 1
+ %15 = bitcast %struct.SmallStruct_1b* %2 to { i8 }*
+ %16 = getelementptr { i8 }* %15, i32 0, i32 0
+ %17 = load i8* %16, align 1
+ %18 = bitcast %struct.SmallStruct_1b* %3 to { i8 }*
+ %19 = getelementptr { i8 }* %18, i32 0, i32 0
+ %20 = load i8* %19, align 1
+ %21 = bitcast %struct.SmallStruct_1b* %4 to { i8 }*
+ %22 = getelementptr { i8 }* %21, i32 0, i32 0
+ %23 = load i8* %22, align 1
+ %24 = bitcast %struct.SmallStruct_1b* %5 to { i8 }*
+ %25 = getelementptr { i8 }* %24, i32 0, i32 0
+ %26 = load i8* %25, align 1
+ %27 = bitcast %struct.SmallStruct_1b* %6 to { i8 }*
+ %28 = getelementptr { i8 }* %27, i32 0, i32 0
+ %29 = load i8* %28, align 1
+ %30 = bitcast %struct.SmallStruct_1b* %7 to { i8 }*
+ %31 = getelementptr { i8 }* %30, i32 0, i32 0
+ %32 = load i8* %31, align 1
+ %33 = bitcast %struct.SmallStruct_1b* %8 to { i8 }*
+ %34 = getelementptr { i8 }* %33, i32 0, i32 0
+ %35 = load i8* %34, align 1
+ call void (i8*, ...)* @varArgF_SmallStruct(i8* getelementptr inbounds ([3 x i8]* @.str, i32 0, i32 0), i8 inreg %11, i8 inreg %14, i8 inreg %17, i8 inreg %20, i8 inreg %23, i8 inreg %26, i8 inreg %29, i8 inreg %32, i8 inreg %35)
+ ret void
+ ; CHECK-LABEL: smallStruct_1b_x9:
+ ; CHECK: dsll $[[R1:[0-9]+]], $[[R2:[0-9]+]], 56
+ ; CHECK: dsll $[[R1:[0-9]+]], $[[R2:[0-9]+]], 56
+ ; CHECK: dsll $[[R1:[0-9]+]], $[[R2:[0-9]+]], 56
+ ; CHECK: dsll $[[R1:[0-9]+]], $[[R2:[0-9]+]], 56
+ ; CHECK: dsll $[[R1:[0-9]+]], $[[R2:[0-9]+]], 56
+ ; CHECK: dsll $[[R1:[0-9]+]], $[[R2:[0-9]+]], 56
+ ; CHECK: dsll $[[R1:[0-9]+]], $[[R2:[0-9]+]], 56
+ ; CHECK: dsll $[[R1:[0-9]+]], $[[R2:[0-9]+]], 56
+ ; CHECK: dsll $[[R1:[0-9]+]], $[[R2:[0-9]+]], 56
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/arguments-varargs.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/arguments-varargs.ll
index adacda5..6e6f48b 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/arguments-varargs.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/arguments-varargs.ll
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
; RUN: llc -mtriple=mips-linux -relocation-model=static < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=O32 --check-prefix=O32-BE %s
; RUN: llc -mtriple=mipsel-linux -relocation-model=static < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=O32 --check-prefix=O32-LE %s
-; RUN-TODO: llc -march=mips64 -relocation-model=static -mattr=-n64,+o32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=O32 %s
-; RUN-TODO: llc -march=mips64el -relocation-model=static -mattr=-n64,+o32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=O32 %s
+; RUN-TODO: llc -march=mips64 -relocation-model=static -target-abi o32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=O32 %s
+; RUN-TODO: llc -march=mips64el -relocation-model=static -target-abi o32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=O32 %s
-; RUN: llc -mtriple=mips64-linux -relocation-model=static -mattr=-n64,+n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=NEW --check-prefix=N32 --check-prefix=NEW-BE %s
-; RUN: llc -mtriple=mips64el-linux -relocation-model=static -mattr=-n64,+n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=NEW --check-prefix=N32 --check-prefix=NEW-LE %s
+; RUN: llc -mtriple=mips64-linux -relocation-model=static -target-abi n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=NEW --check-prefix=N32 --check-prefix=NEW-BE %s
+; RUN: llc -mtriple=mips64el-linux -relocation-model=static -target-abi n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=NEW --check-prefix=N32 --check-prefix=NEW-LE %s
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -relocation-model=static -mattr=-n64,+n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=NEW --check-prefix=N64 --check-prefix=NEW-BE %s
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -relocation-model=static -mattr=-n64,+n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=NEW --check-prefix=N64 --check-prefix=NEW-LE %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -relocation-model=static -target-abi n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=NEW --check-prefix=N64 --check-prefix=NEW-BE %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -relocation-model=static -target-abi n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=NEW --check-prefix=N64 --check-prefix=NEW-LE %s
@hwords = global [3 x i16] zeroinitializer, align 1
@words = global [3 x i32] zeroinitializer, align 1
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/arguments.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/arguments.ll
index 43da604..98671aa 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/arguments.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/arguments.ll
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
; RUN: llc -march=mips -relocation-model=static < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM32 --check-prefix=O32 %s
; RUN: llc -march=mipsel -relocation-model=static < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM32 --check-prefix=O32 %s
-; RUN-TODO: llc -march=mips64 -relocation-model=static -mattr=-n64,+o32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM32 --check-prefix=O32 %s
-; RUN-TODO: llc -march=mips64el -relocation-model=static -mattr=-n64,+o32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM32 --check-prefix=O32 %s
+; RUN-TODO: llc -march=mips64 -relocation-model=static -target-abi n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM32 --check-prefix=O32 %s
+; RUN-TODO: llc -march=mips64el -relocation-model=static -target-abi n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM32 --check-prefix=O32 %s
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -relocation-model=static -mattr=-n64,+n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM32 --check-prefix=NEW %s
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -relocation-model=static -mattr=-n64,+n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM32 --check-prefix=NEW %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -relocation-model=static -target-abi n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM32 --check-prefix=NEW %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -relocation-model=static -target-abi n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM32 --check-prefix=NEW %s
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -relocation-model=static -mattr=-n64,+n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM64 --check-prefix=NEW %s
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -relocation-model=static -mattr=-n64,+n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM64 --check-prefix=NEW %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -relocation-model=static -target-abi n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM64 --check-prefix=NEW %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -relocation-model=static -target-abi n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=SYM64 --check-prefix=NEW %s
; Test the integer arguments for all ABI's and byte orders as specified by
; section 5 of MD00305 (MIPS ABIs Described).
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/callee-saved-float.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/callee-saved-float.ll
index de4d917..c84f0f4 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/callee-saved-float.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/callee-saved-float.ll
@@ -3,20 +3,20 @@
; RUN: llc -march=mips < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=O32-INV %s
; RUN: llc -march=mipsel < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=O32-INV %s
-; RUN-TODO: llc -march=mips64 -mattr=-n64,+o32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=O32 %s
-; RUN-TODO: llc -march=mips64el -mattr=-n64,+o32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=O32 %s
-; RUN-TODO: llc -march=mips64 -mattr=-n64,+o32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=ALL-INV --check-prefix=O32-INV %s
-; RUN-TODO: llc -march=mips64el -mattr=-n64,+o32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=ALL-INV --check-prefix=O32-INV %s
+; RUN-TODO: llc -march=mips64 -target-abi o32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=O32 %s
+; RUN-TODO: llc -march=mips64el -target-abi o32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=O32 %s
+; RUN-TODO: llc -march=mips64 -target-abi o32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=ALL-INV --check-prefix=O32-INV %s
+; RUN-TODO: llc -march=mips64el -target-abi o32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=ALL-INV --check-prefix=O32-INV %s
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -mattr=-n64,+n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N32 %s
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mattr=-n64,+n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N32 %s
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -mattr=-n64,+n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=ALL-INV --check-prefix=N32-INV %s
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mattr=-n64,+n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=ALL-INV --check-prefix=N32-INV %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -target-abi n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N32 %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -target-abi n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N32 %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -target-abi n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=ALL-INV --check-prefix=N32-INV %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -target-abi n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=ALL-INV --check-prefix=N32-INV %s
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -mattr=-n64,+n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N64 %s
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mattr=-n64,+n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N64 %s
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -mattr=-n64,+n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=ALL-INV --check-prefix=N64-INV %s
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mattr=-n64,+n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=ALL-INV --check-prefix=N64-INV %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -target-abi n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N64 %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -target-abi n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N64 %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -target-abi n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=ALL-INV --check-prefix=N64-INV %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -target-abi n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=ALL-INV --check-prefix=N64-INV %s
; Test the the callee-saved registers are callee-saved as specified by section
; 2 of the MIPSpro N32 Handbook and section 3 of the SYSV ABI spec.
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/callee-saved.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/callee-saved.ll
index 293e99f..d0b1e64 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/callee-saved.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/callee-saved.ll
@@ -3,20 +3,20 @@
; RUN: llc -march=mips < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=O32-INV %s
; RUN: llc -march=mipsel < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=O32-INV %s
-; RUN-TODO: llc -march=mips64 -mattr=-n64,+o32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=O32 %s
-; RUN-TODO: llc -march=mips64el -mattr=-n64,+o32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=O32 %s
-; RUN-TODO: llc -march=mips64 -mattr=-n64,+o32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=O32-INV %s
-; RUN-TODO: llc -march=mips64el -mattr=-n64,+o32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=O32-INV %s
+; RUN-TODO: llc -march=mips64 -target-abi o32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=O32 %s
+; RUN-TODO: llc -march=mips64el -target-abi o32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=O32 %s
+; RUN-TODO: llc -march=mips64 -target-abi o32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=O32-INV %s
+; RUN-TODO: llc -march=mips64el -target-abi o32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=O32-INV %s
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -mattr=-n64,+n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N32 %s
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mattr=-n64,+n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N32 %s
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -mattr=-n64,+n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N32-INV %s
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mattr=-n64,+n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N32-INV %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -target-abi n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N32 %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -target-abi n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N32 %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -target-abi n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N32-INV %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -target-abi n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N32-INV %s
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -mattr=-n64,+n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N64 %s
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mattr=-n64,+n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N64 %s
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -mattr=-n64,+n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N64-INV %s
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mattr=-n64,+n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N64-INV %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -target-abi n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N64 %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -target-abi n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N64 %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -target-abi n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N64-INV %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -target-abi n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N64-INV %s
; Test the the callee-saved registers are callee-saved as specified by section
; 2 of the MIPSpro N32 Handbook and section 3 of the SYSV ABI spec.
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/memory-layout.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/memory-layout.ll
index 0c3cc9e..33a68da 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/memory-layout.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/memory-layout.ll
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
; RUN: llc -march=mips < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=O32 %s
; RUN: llc -march=mipsel < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=O32 %s
-; RUN-TODO: llc -march=mips64 -mattr=-n64,+o32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=O32 %s
-; RUN-TODO: llc -march=mips64el -mattr=-n64,+o32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=O32 %s
+; RUN-TODO: llc -march=mips64 -target-abi o32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=O32 %s
+; RUN-TODO: llc -march=mips64el -target-abi o32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=O32 %s
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -mattr=-n64,+n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N32 %s
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mattr=-n64,+n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N32 %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -target-abi n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N32 %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -target-abi n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N32 %s
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -mattr=-n64,+n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N64 %s
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mattr=-n64,+n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N64 %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -target-abi n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N64 %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -target-abi n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N64 %s
; Test the memory layout for all ABI's and byte orders as specified by section
; 4 of MD00305 (MIPS ABIs Described).
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/reserved-space.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/reserved-space.ll
index b36f89e..23190c2 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/reserved-space.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/reserved-space.ll
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
; RUN: llc -march=mips < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=O32 %s
; RUN: llc -march=mipsel < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=O32 %s
-; RUN-TODO: llc -march=mips64 -mattr=-n64,+o32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=O32 %s
-; RUN-TODO: llc -march=mips64el -mattr=-n64,+o32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=O32 %s
+; RUN-TODO: llc -march=mips64 -target-abi o32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=O32 %s
+; RUN-TODO: llc -march=mips64el -target-abi o32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=O32 %s
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -mattr=-n64,+n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N32 %s
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mattr=-n64,+n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N32 %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -target-abi n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N32 %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -target-abi n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N32 %s
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -mattr=-n64,+n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N64 %s
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mattr=-n64,+n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N64 %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -target-abi n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N64 %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -target-abi n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N64 %s
; Test that O32 correctly reserved space for the four arguments, even when
; there aren't any as per section 5 of MD00305 (MIPS ABIs Described).
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/return-float.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/return-float.ll
index d1a5e4f..8c4c31c 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/return-float.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/return-float.ll
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
; RUN: llc -mtriple=mips-linux-gnu -soft-float -relocation-model=static < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=O32 %s
; RUN: llc -mtriple=mipsel-linux-gnu -soft-float -relocation-model=static < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=O32 %s
-; RUN-TODO: llc -mtriple=mips64-linux-gnu -soft-float -relocation-model=static -mattr=-n64,+o32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=O32 %s
-; RUN-TODO: llc -mtriple=mips64el-linux-gnu -soft-float -relocation-model=static -mattr=-n64,+o32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=O32 %s
+; RUN-TODO: llc -mtriple=mips64-linux-gnu -soft-float -relocation-model=static -target-abi o32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=O32 %s
+; RUN-TODO: llc -mtriple=mips64el-linux-gnu -soft-float -relocation-model=static -target-abi o32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=O32 %s
-; RUN: llc -mtriple=mips64-linux-gnu -soft-float -relocation-model=static -mattr=-n64,+n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N32 %s
-; RUN: llc -mtriple=mips64el-linux-gnu -soft-float -relocation-model=static -mattr=-n64,+n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N32 %s
+; RUN: llc -mtriple=mips64-linux-gnu -soft-float -relocation-model=static -target-abi n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N32 %s
+; RUN: llc -mtriple=mips64el-linux-gnu -soft-float -relocation-model=static -target-abi n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N32 %s
-; RUN: llc -mtriple=mips64-linux-gnu -soft-float -relocation-model=static -mattr=-n64,+n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N64 %s
-; RUN: llc -mtriple=mips64el-linux-gnu -soft-float -relocation-model=static -mattr=-n64,+n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N64 %s
+; RUN: llc -mtriple=mips64-linux-gnu -soft-float -relocation-model=static -target-abi n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N64 %s
+; RUN: llc -mtriple=mips64el-linux-gnu -soft-float -relocation-model=static -target-abi n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N64 %s
; Test the float returns for all ABI's and byte orders as specified by
; section 5 of MD00305 (MIPS ABIs Described).
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/return-hard-float.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/return-hard-float.ll
index 123b499..f0aeb12 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/return-hard-float.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/return-hard-float.ll
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
; RUN: llc -mtriple=mips-linux-gnu -relocation-model=static < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=O32 %s
; RUN: llc -mtriple=mipsel-linux-gnu -relocation-model=static < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=O32 %s
-; RUN-TODO: llc -mtriple=mips64-linux-gnu -relocation-model=static -mattr=-n64,+o32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=O32 %s
-; RUN-TODO: llc -mtriple=mips64el-linux-gnu -relocation-model=static -mattr=-n64,+o32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=O32 %s
+; RUN-TODO: llc -mtriple=mips64-linux-gnu -relocation-model=static -target-abi o32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=O32 %s
+; RUN-TODO: llc -mtriple=mips64el-linux-gnu -relocation-model=static -target-abi o32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=O32 %s
-; RUN: llc -mtriple=mips64-linux-gnu -relocation-model=static -mattr=-n64,+n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N32 %s
-; RUN: llc -mtriple=mips64el-linux-gnu -relocation-model=static -mattr=-n64,+n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N32 %s
+; RUN: llc -mtriple=mips64-linux-gnu -relocation-model=static -target-abi n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N32 %s
+; RUN: llc -mtriple=mips64el-linux-gnu -relocation-model=static -target-abi n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N32 %s
-; RUN: llc -mtriple=mips64-linux-gnu -relocation-model=static -mattr=-n64,+n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N64 %s
-; RUN: llc -mtriple=mips64el-linux-gnu -relocation-model=static -mattr=-n64,+n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N64 %s
+; RUN: llc -mtriple=mips64-linux-gnu -relocation-model=static -target-abi n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N64 %s
+; RUN: llc -mtriple=mips64el-linux-gnu -relocation-model=static -target-abi n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N64 %s
; RUN: llc -mtriple=mips-linux-gnu -relocation-model=static -mattr=+o32,+fp64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=032FP64 %s
; RUN: llc -mtriple=mipsel-linux-gnu -relocation-model=static -mattr=+o32,+fp64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=032FP64 %s
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/return-hard-fp128.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/return-hard-fp128.ll
index 0da59ef..05dacfe 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/return-hard-fp128.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/return-hard-fp128.ll
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -relocation-model=static -mattr=-n64,+n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N32 %s
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -relocation-model=static -mattr=-n64,+n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N32 %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -relocation-model=static -target-abi n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N32 %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -relocation-model=static -target-abi n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N32 %s
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -relocation-model=static -mattr=-n64,+n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N64 %s
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -relocation-model=static -mattr=-n64,+n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N64 %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -relocation-model=static -target-abi n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N64 %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -relocation-model=static -target-abi n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N64 %s
; Test the fp128 returns for N32/N64 and all byte orders as specified by
; section 5 of MD00305 (MIPS ABIs Described).
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/return-hard-struct-f128.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/return-hard-struct-f128.ll
index 2e84477..4ce26b1 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/return-hard-struct-f128.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/return-hard-struct-f128.ll
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-; RUN: llc -mtriple=mips64-linux-gnu -relocation-model=static -mattr=-n64,+n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N32 %s
-; RUN: llc -mtriple=mips64el-linux-gnu -relocation-model=static -mattr=-n64,+n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N32 %s
+; RUN: llc -mtriple=mips64-linux-gnu -relocation-model=static -target-abi n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N32 %s
+; RUN: llc -mtriple=mips64el-linux-gnu -relocation-model=static -target-abi n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N32 %s
-; RUN: llc -mtriple=mips64-linux-gnu -relocation-model=static -mattr=-n64,+n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N64 %s
-; RUN: llc -mtriple=mips64el-linux-gnu -relocation-model=static -mattr=-n64,+n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N64 %s
+; RUN: llc -mtriple=mips64-linux-gnu -relocation-model=static -target-abi n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N64 %s
+; RUN: llc -mtriple=mips64el-linux-gnu -relocation-model=static -target-abi n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N64 %s
; Test return of {fp128} agrees with de-facto N32/N64 ABI.
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/return-struct.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/return-struct.ll
index 11a8cf0..3d591df 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/return-struct.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/return-struct.ll
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
; RUN: llc -mtriple=mips-linux-gnu -relocation-model=static < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=O32 --check-prefix=O32-BE %s
; RUN: llc -mtriple=mipsel-linux-gnu -relocation-model=static < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=O32 --check-prefix=O32-LE %s
-; RUN-TODO: llc -mtriple=mips64-linux-gnu -relocation-model=static -mattr=-n64,+o32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=O32 %s
-; RUN-TODO: llc -mtriple=mips64el-linux-gnu -relocation-model=static -mattr=-n64,+o32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=O32 %s
+; RUN-TODO: llc -mtriple=mips64-linux-gnu -relocation-model=static -target-abi o32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=O32 %s
+; RUN-TODO: llc -mtriple=mips64el-linux-gnu -relocation-model=static -target-abi o32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=O32 %s
-; RUN: llc -mtriple=mips64-linux-gnu -relocation-model=static -mattr=-n64,+n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N32 --check-prefix=N32-BE %s
-; RUN: llc -mtriple=mips64el-linux-gnu -relocation-model=static -mattr=-n64,+n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N32 --check-prefix=N32-LE %s
+; RUN: llc -mtriple=mips64-linux-gnu -relocation-model=static -target-abi n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N32 --check-prefix=N32-BE %s
+; RUN: llc -mtriple=mips64el-linux-gnu -relocation-model=static -target-abi n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N32 --check-prefix=N32-LE %s
-; RUN: llc -mtriple=mips64-linux-gnu -relocation-model=static -mattr=-n64,+n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N64 --check-prefix=N64-BE %s
-; RUN: llc -mtriple=mips64el-linux-gnu -relocation-model=static -mattr=-n64,+n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N64 --check-prefix=N64-LE %s
+; RUN: llc -mtriple=mips64-linux-gnu -relocation-model=static -target-abi n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N64 --check-prefix=N64-BE %s
+; RUN: llc -mtriple=mips64el-linux-gnu -relocation-model=static -target-abi n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N64 --check-prefix=N64-LE %s
; Test struct returns for all ABI's and byte orders.
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/return.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/return.ll
index 63f9b5f..516026d 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/return.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/return.ll
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
; RUN: llc -mtriple=mips-linux-gnu -relocation-model=static < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=O32 %s
; RUN: llc -mtriple=mipsel-linux-gnu -relocation-model=static < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=O32 %s
-; RUN-TODO: llc -mtriple=mips64-linux-gnu -relocation-model=static -mattr=-n64,+o32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=O32 %s
-; RUN-TODO: llc -mtriple=mips64el-linux-gnu -relocation-model=static -mattr=-n64,+o32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=O32 %s
+; RUN-TODO: llc -mtriple=mips64-linux-gnu -relocation-model=static -target-abi o32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=O32 %s
+; RUN-TODO: llc -mtriple=mips64el-linux-gnu -relocation-model=static -target-abi o32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=O32 %s
-; RUN: llc -mtriple=mips64-linux-gnu -relocation-model=static -mattr=-n64,+n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N32 %s
-; RUN: llc -mtriple=mips64el-linux-gnu -relocation-model=static -mattr=-n64,+n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N32 %s
+; RUN: llc -mtriple=mips64-linux-gnu -relocation-model=static -target-abi n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N32 %s
+; RUN: llc -mtriple=mips64el-linux-gnu -relocation-model=static -target-abi n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N32 %s
-; RUN: llc -mtriple=mips64-linux-gnu -relocation-model=static -mattr=-n64,+n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N64 %s
-; RUN: llc -mtriple=mips64el-linux-gnu -relocation-model=static -mattr=-n64,+n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N64 %s
+; RUN: llc -mtriple=mips64-linux-gnu -relocation-model=static -target-abi n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N64 %s
+; RUN: llc -mtriple=mips64el-linux-gnu -relocation-model=static -target-abi n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N64 %s
; Test the integer returns for all ABI's and byte orders as specified by
; section 5 of MD00305 (MIPS ABIs Described).
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/stack-alignment.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/stack-alignment.ll
index 834033b..f21bc30 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/stack-alignment.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/cconv/stack-alignment.ll
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
; RUN: llc -march=mips < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=O32 %s
; RUN: llc -march=mipsel < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=O32 %s
-; RUN-TODO: llc -march=mips64 -mattr=-n64,+o32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=O32 %s
-; RUN-TODO: llc -march=mips64el -mattr=-n64,+o32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=O32 %s
+; RUN-TODO: llc -march=mips64 -target-abi o32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=O32 %s
+; RUN-TODO: llc -march=mips64el -target-abi o32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=O32 %s
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -mattr=-n64,+n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N32 %s
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mattr=-n64,+n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N32 %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -target-abi n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N32 %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -target-abi n32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N32 %s
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -mattr=-n64,+n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N64 %s
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mattr=-n64,+n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N64 %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -target-abi n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N64 %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -target-abi n64 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=N64 %s
; Test the stack alignment for all ABI's and byte orders as specified by
; section 5 of MD00305 (MIPS ABIs Described).
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/ci2.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/ci2.ll
index 7187f0c..e2068fd 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/ci2.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/ci2.ll
@@ -36,4 +36,4 @@ if.end: ; preds = %if.else, %if.then
attributes #0 = { nounwind "less-precise-fpmad"="false" "no-frame-pointer-elim"="true" "no-frame-pointer-elim-non-leaf" "no-infs-fp-math"="false" "no-nans-fp-math"="false" "stack-protector-buffer-size"="8" "unsafe-fp-math"="false" "use-soft-float"="false" }
attributes #1 = { nounwind }
-!1 = metadata !{i32 103}
+!1 = !{i32 103}
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/const1.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/const1.ll
index cb2baca..f32ce24 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/const1.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/const1.ll
@@ -32,4 +32,4 @@ attributes #0 = { nounwind "less-precise-fpmad"="false" "no-frame-pointer-elim"=
!llvm.ident = !{!0}
-!0 = metadata !{metadata !"clang version 3.4 (gitosis@dmz-portal.mips.com:clang.git b754974ec32ab712ea7d8b52cd8037b24e7d6ed3) (gitosis@dmz-portal.mips.com:llvm.git 8e211187b501bc73edb938fde0019c9a20bcffd5)"}
+!0 = !{!"clang version 3.4 (gitosis@dmz-portal.mips.com:clang.git b754974ec32ab712ea7d8b52cd8037b24e7d6ed3) (gitosis@dmz-portal.mips.com:llvm.git 8e211187b501bc73edb938fde0019c9a20bcffd5)"}
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/const4a.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/const4a.ll
index b4c509f..ac6795b 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/const4a.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/const4a.ll
@@ -177,4 +177,4 @@ attributes #1 = { "less-precise-fpmad"="false" "no-frame-pointer-elim"="true" "n
!llvm.ident = !{!0}
-!0 = metadata !{metadata !"clang version 3.4 (gitosis@dmz-portal.mips.com:clang.git b310439121c875937d78cc49cc969bc1197fc025) (gitosis@dmz-portal.mips.com:llvm.git 7fc0ca9656ebec8dad61f72f5a5ddfb232c070fd)"}
+!0 = !{!"clang version 3.4 (gitosis@dmz-portal.mips.com:clang.git b310439121c875937d78cc49cc969bc1197fc025) (gitosis@dmz-portal.mips.com:llvm.git 7fc0ca9656ebec8dad61f72f5a5ddfb232c070fd)"}
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/const6.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/const6.ll
index 3f02ab9..c26e02f 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/const6.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/const6.ll
@@ -159,6 +159,6 @@ attributes #1 = { "less-precise-fpmad"="false" "no-frame-pointer-elim"="true" "n
!llvm.ident = !{!0}
-!0 = metadata !{metadata !"clang version 3.4 (gitosis@dmz-portal.mips.com:clang.git b310439121c875937d78cc49cc969bc1197fc025) (gitosis@dmz-portal.mips.com:llvm.git 7fc0ca9656ebec8dad61f72f5a5ddfb232c070fd)"}
+!0 = !{!"clang version 3.4 (gitosis@dmz-portal.mips.com:clang.git b310439121c875937d78cc49cc969bc1197fc025) (gitosis@dmz-portal.mips.com:llvm.git 7fc0ca9656ebec8dad61f72f5a5ddfb232c070fd)"}
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/const6a.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/const6a.ll
index d342390..aff1357 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/const6a.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/const6a.ll
@@ -26,4 +26,4 @@ entry:
attributes #0 = { nounwind "less-precise-fpmad"="false" "no-frame-pointer-elim"="true" "no-frame-pointer-elim-non-leaf" "no-infs-fp-math"="false" "no-nans-fp-math"="false" "stack-protector-buffer-size"="8" "unsafe-fp-math"="false" "use-soft-float"="true" }
attributes #1 = { nounwind }
-!1 = metadata !{i32 121}
+!1 = !{i32 121}
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/fcmp.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/fcmp.ll
index b775983..8e83b00 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/fcmp.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/fcmp.ll
@@ -781,3 +781,93 @@ define i32 @true_f64(double %a, double %b) nounwind {
%2 = zext i1 %1 to i32
ret i32 %2
+; The optimizers sometimes produce setlt instead of setolt/setult.
+define float @bug1_f32(float %angle, float %at) #0 {
+; ALL-LABEL: bug1_f32:
+; 32-C-DAG: add.s $[[T0:f[0-9]+]], $f14, $f12
+; 32-C-DAG: lwc1 $[[T1:f[0-9]+]], %lo($CPI32_0)(
+; 32-C-DAG: c.ole.s $[[T0]], $[[T1]]
+; 32-C-DAG: bc1t
+; 32-CMP-DAG: add.s $[[T0:f[0-9]+]], $f14, $f12
+; 32-CMP-DAG: lwc1 $[[T1:f[0-9]+]], %lo($CPI32_0)(
+; 32-CMP-DAG: cmp.le.s $[[T2:f[0-9]+]], $[[T0]], $[[T1]]
+; 32-CMP-DAG: mfc1 $[[T3:[0-9]+]], $[[T2]]
+; FIXME: This instruction is redundant.
+; 32-CMP-DAG: andi $[[T4:[0-9]+]], $[[T3]], 1
+; 32-CMP-DAG: bnez $[[T4]],
+; 64-C-DAG: add.s $[[T0:f[0-9]+]], $f13, $f12
+; 64-C-DAG: lwc1 $[[T1:f[0-9]+]], %got_ofst($CPI32_0)(
+; 64-C-DAG: c.ole.s $[[T0]], $[[T1]]
+; 64-C-DAG: bc1t
+; 64-CMP-DAG: add.s $[[T0:f[0-9]+]], $f13, $f12
+; 64-CMP-DAG: lwc1 $[[T1:f[0-9]+]], %got_ofst($CPI32_0)(
+; 64-CMP-DAG: cmp.le.s $[[T2:f[0-9]+]], $[[T0]], $[[T1]]
+; 64-CMP-DAG: mfc1 $[[T3:[0-9]+]], $[[T2]]
+; FIXME: This instruction is redundant.
+; 64-CMP-DAG: andi $[[T4:[0-9]+]], $[[T3]], 1
+; 64-CMP-DAG: bnez $[[T4]],
+ %add = fadd fast float %at, %angle
+ %cmp = fcmp ogt float %add, 1.000000e+00
+ br i1 %cmp, label %if.then, label %if.end
+ %sub = fadd fast float %add, -1.000000e+00
+ br label %if.end
+ %theta.0 = phi float [ %sub, %if.then ], [ %add, %entry ]
+ ret float %theta.0
+; The optimizers sometimes produce setlt instead of setolt/setult.
+define double @bug1_f64(double %angle, double %at) #0 {
+; ALL-LABEL: bug1_f64:
+; 32-C-DAG: add.d $[[T0:f[0-9]+]], $f14, $f12
+; 32-C-DAG: ldc1 $[[T1:f[0-9]+]], %lo($CPI33_0)(
+; 32-C-DAG: c.ole.d $[[T0]], $[[T1]]
+; 32-C-DAG: bc1t
+; 32-CMP-DAG: add.d $[[T0:f[0-9]+]], $f14, $f12
+; 32-CMP-DAG: ldc1 $[[T1:f[0-9]+]], %lo($CPI33_0)(
+; 32-CMP-DAG: cmp.le.d $[[T2:f[0-9]+]], $[[T0]], $[[T1]]
+; 32-CMP-DAG: mfc1 $[[T3:[0-9]+]], $[[T2]]
+; FIXME: This instruction is redundant.
+; 32-CMP-DAG: andi $[[T4:[0-9]+]], $[[T3]], 1
+; 32-CMP-DAG: bnez $[[T4]],
+; 64-C-DAG: add.d $[[T0:f[0-9]+]], $f13, $f12
+; 64-C-DAG: ldc1 $[[T1:f[0-9]+]], %got_ofst($CPI33_0)(
+; 64-C-DAG: c.ole.d $[[T0]], $[[T1]]
+; 64-C-DAG: bc1t
+; 64-CMP-DAG: add.d $[[T0:f[0-9]+]], $f13, $f12
+; 64-CMP-DAG: ldc1 $[[T1:f[0-9]+]], %got_ofst($CPI33_0)(
+; 64-CMP-DAG: cmp.le.d $[[T2:f[0-9]+]], $[[T0]], $[[T1]]
+; 64-CMP-DAG: mfc1 $[[T3:[0-9]+]], $[[T2]]
+; FIXME: This instruction is redundant.
+; 64-CMP-DAG: andi $[[T4:[0-9]+]], $[[T3]], 1
+; 64-CMP-DAG: bnez $[[T4]],
+ %add = fadd fast double %at, %angle
+ %cmp = fcmp ogt double %add, 1.000000e+00
+ br i1 %cmp, label %if.then, label %if.end
+ %sub = fadd fast double %add, -1.000000e+00
+ br label %if.end
+ %theta.0 = phi double [ %sub, %if.then ], [ %add, %entry ]
+ ret double %theta.0
+attributes #0 = { nounwind readnone "no-nans-fp-math"="true" }
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/fcopysign-f32-f64.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/fcopysign-f32-f64.ll
index 148a780..860bc79 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/fcopysign-f32-f64.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/fcopysign-f32-f64.ll
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips4 -mattr=n64 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=64
-; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64 -mattr=n64 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=64
-; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64r2 -mattr=n64 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=64R2
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips4 -target-abi=n64 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=64
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64 -target-abi=n64 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=64
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64r2 -target-abi=n64 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=64R2
declare double @copysign(double, double) nounwind readnone
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/fcopysign.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/fcopysign.ll
index 3a9d9c7..6928f2f 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/fcopysign.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/fcopysign.ll
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
; RUN: llc < %s -march=mipsel -mcpu=mips32 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=32
; RUN: llc < %s -march=mipsel -mcpu=mips32r2 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=32R2
-; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips4 -mattr=n64 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=64
-; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64 -mattr=n64 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=64
-; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64r2 -mattr=n64 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=64R2
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips4 -target-abi=n64 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=64
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64 -target-abi=n64 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=64
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64r2 -target-abi=n64 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=64R2
define double @func0(double %d0, double %d1) nounwind readnone {
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/fmadd1.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/fmadd1.ll
index 271631e..99d99fa 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/fmadd1.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/fmadd1.ll
@@ -8,15 +8,15 @@
; RUN: llc < %s -march=mipsel -mcpu=mips32 -enable-no-nans-fp-math | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=32 -check-prefix=32-NONAN
; RUN: llc < %s -march=mipsel -mcpu=mips32r2 -enable-no-nans-fp-math | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=32R2 -check-prefix=32R2-NONAN
; RUN: llc < %s -march=mipsel -mcpu=mips32r6 -enable-no-nans-fp-math | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=32R6 -check-prefix=32R6-NONAN
-; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64 -mattr=n64 -enable-no-nans-fp-math | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=64 -check-prefix=64-NONAN
-; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64r2 -mattr=n64 -enable-no-nans-fp-math | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=64R2 -check-prefix=64R2-NONAN
-; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64r6 -mattr=n64 -enable-no-nans-fp-math | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=64R6 -check-prefix=64R6-NONAN
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64 -target-abi=n64 -enable-no-nans-fp-math | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=64 -check-prefix=64-NONAN
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64r2 -target-abi=n64 -enable-no-nans-fp-math | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=64R2 -check-prefix=64R2-NONAN
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64r6 -target-abi=n64 -enable-no-nans-fp-math | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=64R6 -check-prefix=64R6-NONAN
; RUN: llc < %s -march=mipsel -mcpu=mips32 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=32 -check-prefix=32-NAN
; RUN: llc < %s -march=mipsel -mcpu=mips32r2 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=32R2 -check-prefix=32R2-NAN
; RUN: llc < %s -march=mipsel -mcpu=mips32r6 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=32R6 -check-prefix=32R6-NAN
-; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64 -mattr=n64 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=64 -check-prefix=64-NAN
-; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64r2 -mattr=n64 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=64R2 -check-prefix=64R2-NAN
-; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64r6 -mattr=n64 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=64R6 -check-prefix=64R6-NAN
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64 -target-abi=n64 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=64 -check-prefix=64-NAN
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64r2 -target-abi=n64 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=64R2 -check-prefix=64R2-NAN
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64r6 -target-abi=n64 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=64R6 -check-prefix=64R6-NAN
define float @FOO0float(float %a, float %b, float %c) nounwind readnone {
@@ -39,10 +39,9 @@ entry:
; 32R6-DAG: mtc1 $zero, $[[T2:f[0-9]+]]
; 32R6-DAG: add.s $f0, $[[T1]], $[[T2]]
-; 64-DAG: mul.s $[[T1:f[0-9]+]], $f12, $f13
-; 64-DAG: add.s $[[T2:f[0-9]+]], $[[T1]], $f14
-; 64-DAG: mtc1 $zero, $[[T2:f[0-9]+]]
-; 64-DAG: add.s $f0, $[[T1]], $[[T2]]
+; 64-DAG: madd.s $[[T0:f[0-9]+]], $f14, $f12, $f13
+; 64-DAG: mtc1 $zero, $[[T1:f[0-9]+]]
+; 64-DAG: add.s $f0, $[[T0]], $[[T1]]
; 64R2: madd.s $[[T0:f[0-9]+]], $f14, $f12, $f13
; 64R2: mtc1 $zero, $[[T1:f[0-9]+]]
@@ -80,10 +79,9 @@ entry:
; 32R6-DAG: mtc1 $zero, $[[T2:f[0-9]+]]
; 32R6-DAG: add.s $f0, $[[T1]], $[[T2]]
-; 64-DAG: mul.s $[[T1:f[0-9]+]], $f12, $f13
-; 64-DAG: sub.s $[[T2:f[0-9]+]], $[[T1]], $f14
-; 64-DAG: mtc1 $zero, $[[T2:f[0-9]+]]
-; 64-DAG: add.s $f0, $[[T1]], $[[T2]]
+; 64-DAG: msub.s $[[T0:f[0-9]+]], $f14, $f12, $f13
+; 64-DAG: mtc1 $zero, $[[T1:f[0-9]+]]
+; 64-DAG: add.s $f0, $[[T0]], $[[T1]]
; 64R2: msub.s $[[T0:f[0-9]+]], $f14, $f12, $f13
; 64R2: mtc1 $zero, $[[T1:f[0-9]+]]
@@ -124,10 +122,11 @@ entry:
; 32R6-DAG: mtc1 $zero, $[[T2:f[0-9]+]]
; 32R6-DAG: sub.s $f0, $[[T2]], $[[T1]]
-; 64-DAG: mul.s $[[T1:f[0-9]+]], $f12, $f13
-; 64-DAG: add.s $[[T2:f[0-9]+]], $[[T1]], $f14
-; 64-DAG: mtc1 $zero, $[[T2:f[0-9]+]]
-; 64-DAG: sub.s $f0, $[[T2]], $[[T1]]
+; 64-NONAN: nmadd.s $f0, $f14, $f12, $f13
+; 64-NAN: madd.s $[[T0:f[0-9]+]], $f14, $f12, $f13
+; 64-NAN: mtc1 $zero, $[[T1:f[0-9]+]]
+; 64-NAN: sub.s $f0, $[[T1]], $[[T0]]
; 64R2-NONAN: nmadd.s $f0, $f14, $f12, $f13
@@ -164,10 +163,11 @@ entry:
; 32R2-NAN: mtc1 $zero, $[[T2:f[0-9]+]]
; 32R2-NAN: sub.s $f0, $[[T2]], $[[T1]]
-; 64-DAG: mul.s $[[T1:f[0-9]+]], $f12, $f13
-; 64-DAG: sub.s $[[T2:f[0-9]+]], $[[T1]], $f14
-; 64-DAG: mtc1 $zero, $[[T2:f[0-9]+]]
-; 64-DAG: sub.s $f0, $[[T2]], $[[T1]]
+; 64-NAN: msub.s $[[T0:f[0-9]+]], $f14, $f12, $f13
+; 64-NAN: mtc1 $zero, $[[T1:f[0-9]+]]
+; 64-NAN: sub.s $f0, $[[T1]], $[[T0]]
+; 64-NONAN: nmsub.s $f0, $f14, $f12, $f13
; 64R2-NAN: msub.s $[[T0:f[0-9]+]], $f14, $f12, $f13
; 64R2-NAN: mtc1 $zero, $[[T1:f[0-9]+]]
@@ -206,10 +206,9 @@ entry:
; 32R6-DAG: mtc1 $zero, $[[T2:f[0-9]+]]
; 32R6-DAG: add.d $f0, $[[T1]], $[[T2]]
-; 64-DAG: mul.d $[[T1:f[0-9]+]], $f12, $f13
-; 64-DAG: add.d $[[T2:f[0-9]+]], $[[T1]], $f14
-; 64-DAG: dmtc1 $zero, $[[T2:f[0-9]+]]
-; 64-DAG: add.d $f0, $[[T1]], $[[T2]]
+; 64-DAG: madd.d $[[T0:f[0-9]+]], $f14, $f12, $f13
+; 64-DAG: mtc1 $zero, $[[T1:f[0-9]+]]
+; 64-DAG: add.d $f0, $[[T0]], $[[T1]]
; 64R2: madd.d $[[T0:f[0-9]+]], $f14, $f12, $f13
; 64R2: mtc1 $zero, $[[T1:f[0-9]+]]
@@ -248,10 +247,9 @@ entry:
; 32R6-DAG: mtc1 $zero, $[[T2:f[0-9]+]]
; 32R6-DAG: add.d $f0, $[[T1]], $[[T2]]
-; 64-DAG: mul.d $[[T1:f[0-9]+]], $f12, $f13
-; 64-DAG: sub.d $[[T2:f[0-9]+]], $[[T1]], $f14
-; 64-DAG: dmtc1 $zero, $[[T2:f[0-9]+]]
-; 64-DAG: add.d $f0, $[[T1]], $[[T2]]
+; 64-DAG: msub.d $[[T0:f[0-9]+]], $f14, $f12, $f13
+; 64-DAG: mtc1 $zero, $[[T1:f[0-9]+]]
+; 64-DAG: add.d $f0, $[[T0]], $[[T1]]
; 64R2: msub.d $[[T0:f[0-9]+]], $f14, $f12, $f13
; 64R2: mtc1 $zero, $[[T1:f[0-9]+]]
@@ -293,10 +291,11 @@ entry:
; 32R6-DAG: mtc1 $zero, $[[T2:f[0-9]+]]
; 32R6-DAG: sub.d $f0, $[[T2]], $[[T1]]
-; 64-DAG: mul.d $[[T1:f[0-9]+]], $f12, $f13
-; 64-DAG: add.d $[[T2:f[0-9]+]], $[[T1]], $f14
-; 64-DAG: dmtc1 $zero, $[[T2:f[0-9]+]]
-; 64-DAG: sub.d $f0, $[[T2]], $[[T1]]
+; 64-NONAN: nmadd.d $f0, $f14, $f12, $f13
+; 64-NAN: madd.d $[[T0:f[0-9]+]], $f14, $f12, $f13
+; 64-NAN: mtc1 $zero, $[[T1:f[0-9]+]]
+; 64-NAN: sub.d $f0, $[[T1]], $[[T0]]
; 64R2-NONAN: nmadd.d $f0, $f14, $f12, $f13
@@ -340,10 +339,11 @@ entry:
; 32R6-DAG: mtc1 $zero, $[[T2:f[0-9]+]]
; 32R6-DAG: sub.d $f0, $[[T2]], $[[T1]]
-; 64-DAG: mul.d $[[T1:f[0-9]+]], $f12, $f13
-; 64-DAG: sub.d $[[T2:f[0-9]+]], $[[T1]], $f14
-; 64-DAG: dmtc1 $zero, $[[T2:f[0-9]+]]
-; 64-DAG: sub.d $f0, $[[T2]], $[[T1]]
+; 64-NONAN: nmsub.d $f0, $f14, $f12, $f13
+; 64-NAN: msub.d $[[T0:f[0-9]+]], $f14, $f12, $f13
+; 64-NAN: mtc1 $zero, $[[T1:f[0-9]+]]
+; 64-NAN: sub.d $f0, $[[T1]], $[[T0]]
; 64R2-NONAN: nmsub.d $f0, $f14, $f12, $f13
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/fp-indexed-ls.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/fp-indexed-ls.ll
index 787e131..ea337de 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/fp-indexed-ls.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/fp-indexed-ls.ll
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
; RUN: llc -march=mipsel -mcpu=mips32 < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=MIPS32R1
; RUN: llc -march=mipsel -mcpu=mips32r2 < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=MIPS32R2
; RUN: llc -march=mipsel -mcpu=mips32r6 < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=MIPS32R6
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips4 -mattr=n64 < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=MIPS4
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64 -mattr=n64 < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=MIPS4
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64r2 -mattr=n64 < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=MIPS4
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64r6 -mattr=n64 < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=MIPS64R6
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips4 -target-abi=n64 < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=MIPS4
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64 -target-abi=n64 < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=MIPS4
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64r2 -target-abi=n64 < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=MIPS4
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64r6 -target-abi=n64 < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=MIPS64R6
; Check that [ls][dwu]xc1 are not emitted for nacl.
; RUN: llc -mtriple=mipsel-none-nacl-gnu -mcpu=mips32r2 < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=CHECK-NACL
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/fptr2.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/fptr2.ll
deleted file mode 100644
index c8b5e0d..0000000
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/fptr2.ll
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-; RUN: llc -mtriple=mipsel-linux-gnu -march=mipsel -mcpu=mips16 -relocation-model=static < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=static16
-; Function Attrs: nounwind
-define double @my_mul(double %a, double %b) #0 {
- %a.addr = alloca double, align 8
- %b.addr = alloca double, align 8
- store double %a, double* %a.addr, align 8
- store double %b, double* %b.addr, align 8
- %0 = load double* %a.addr, align 8
- %1 = load double* %b.addr, align 8
- %mul = fmul double %0, %1
- ret double %mul
-; static16: .ent __fn_stub_my_mul
-; static16: .set reorder
-; static16-NEXT: #NO_APP
-; static16: .end __fn_stub_my_mul
-attributes #0 = { nounwind "less-precise-fpmad"="false" "no-frame-pointer-elim"="true" "no-frame-pointer-elim-non-leaf" "no-infs-fp-math"="false" "no-nans-fp-math"="false" "stack-protector-buffer-size"="8" "unsafe-fp-math"="false" "use-soft-float"="true" }
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/fpxx.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/fpxx.ll
index 7e2ed22..5b42ece 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/fpxx.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/fpxx.ll
@@ -10,11 +10,11 @@
; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64 < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=64-NOFPXX
; RUN: not llc -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64 -mattr=fpxx < %s 2>&1 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=64-FPXX
-; RUN-TODO: llc -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips4 -mattr=-n64,+o32 < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=4-O32-NOFPXX
-; RUN-TODO: llc -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips4 -mattr=-n64,+o32 -mattr=fpxx < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=4-O32-FPXX
+; RUN-TODO: llc -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips4 -target-abi o32 < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=4-O32-NOFPXX
+; RUN-TODO: llc -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips4 -target-abi o32 -mattr=fpxx < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=4-O32-FPXX
-; RUN-TODO: llc -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64 -mattr=-n64,+o32 < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=64-O32-NOFPXX
-; RUN-TODO: llc -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64 -mattr=-n64,+o32 -mattr=fpxx < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=64-O32-FPXX
+; RUN-TODO: llc -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64 -target-abi o32 < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=64-O32-NOFPXX
+; RUN-TODO: llc -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64 -target-abi o32 -mattr=fpxx < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=64-O32-FPXX
declare double @dbl();
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/global-address.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/global-address.ll
index 0785cfc..ae6afeb 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/global-address.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/global-address.ll
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
; RUN: llc -march=mipsel -relocation-model=pic < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=PIC-O32
; RUN: llc -march=mipsel -relocation-model=static -mtriple=mipsel-linux-gnu < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=STATIC-O32
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64r2 -mattr=-n64,n32 -relocation-model=pic < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=PIC-N32
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64r2 -mattr=-n64,n32 -relocation-model=static -mtriple=mipsel-linux-gnu < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=STATIC-N32
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64r2 -mattr=-n64,n64 -relocation-model=pic < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=PIC-N64
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64r2 -mattr=-n64,n64 -relocation-model=static < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=STATIC-N64
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64r2 -target-abi n32 -relocation-model=pic < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=PIC-N32
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64r2 -target-abi n32 -relocation-model=static -mtriple=mipsel-linux-gnu < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=STATIC-N32
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64r2 -target-abi n64 -relocation-model=pic < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=PIC-N64
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64r2 -target-abi n64 -relocation-model=static < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=STATIC-N64
@s1 = internal unnamed_addr global i32 8, align 4
@g1 = external global i32
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/inlineasm-assembler-directives.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/inlineasm-assembler-directives.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4a6d1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/inlineasm-assembler-directives.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+; RUN: llc -march=mips < %s | FileCheck %s
+; Check for the emission of appropriate assembler directives before and
+; after the inline assembly code.
+define void @f() nounwind {
+; CHECK-NEXT: .set push
+; CHECK-NEXT: .set at
+; CHECK-NEXT: .set macro
+; CHECK-NEXT: .set reorder
+; CHECK: addi $9, ${{[2-9][0-9]?}}, 8
+; CHECK: subi ${{[2-9][0-9]?}}, $9, 6
+; CHECK: .set pop
+ %a = alloca i32, align 4
+ %b = alloca i32, align 4
+ store i32 20, i32* %a, align 4
+ %0 = load i32* %a, align 4
+ %1 = call i32 asm sideeffect "addi $$9, $1, 8\0A\09subi $0, $$9, 6", "=r,r,~{$1}"(i32 %0)
+ store i32 %1, i32* %b, align 4
+ ret void
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/inlineasm-cnstrnt-reg.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/inlineasm-cnstrnt-reg.ll
index a67ddce..41991d0 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/inlineasm-cnstrnt-reg.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/inlineasm-cnstrnt-reg.ll
@@ -32,10 +32,10 @@ entry:
; Now l with 1024: make sure register lo is picked. We do this by checking the instruction
; after the inline expression for a mflo to pull the value out of lo.
-; CHECK-NEXT: mtlo ${{[0-9]+}}
+; CHECK: mtlo ${{[0-9]+}}
; CHECK-NEXT: madd ${{[0-9]+}},${{[0-9]+}}
; CHECK-NEXT: mflo ${{[0-9]+}}
%bosco = alloca i32, align 4
call i32 asm sideeffect "\09mtlo $3 \0A\09\09madd $1,$2 ", "=l,r,r,r"(i32 7, i32 6, i32 44) nounwind
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/inlineasm-cnstrnt-reg64.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/inlineasm-cnstrnt-reg64.ll
index a7ba762..acce632 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/inlineasm-cnstrnt-reg64.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/inlineasm-cnstrnt-reg64.ll
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
; The target is 64 bit.
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64r2 -mattr=n64 < %s | FileCheck %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64r2 -target-abi=n64 < %s | FileCheck %s
define i32 @main() nounwind {
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/inlineasm64.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/inlineasm64.ll
index dbce3c3..a8e949b 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/inlineasm64.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/inlineasm64.ll
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64r2 -mattr=n64 < %s | FileCheck %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64r2 -target-abi=n64 < %s | FileCheck %s
@gl2 = external global i64
@gl1 = external global i64
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/inlineasmmemop.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/inlineasmmemop.ll
index a08a024..5518520 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/inlineasmmemop.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/inlineasmmemop.ll
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
define i32 @f1(i32 %x) nounwind {
; CHECK: addiu $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $sp
; CHECK: sw $4, 0($[[T0]])
@@ -22,42 +23,26 @@ entry:
ret i32 %0
-; "D": Second word of double word. This works for any memory element
+; CHECK-LABEL: main:
+; "D": Second word of a double word. This works for any memory element
; double or single.
-; CHECK-NEXT: lw ${{[0-9]+}},4(${{[0-9]+}});
+; CHECK: lw ${{[0-9]+}},4(${{[0-9]+}});
-; No "D": First word of double word. This works for any memory element
+; No "D": First word of a double word. This works for any memory element
; double or single.
-; CHECK-NEXT: lw ${{[0-9]+}},0(${{[0-9]+}});
-;int b[8] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7};
-;int main()
-; int i;
-; // The first word. Notice, no 'D'
-; { asm (
-; "lw %0,%1;\n"
-; : "=r" (i) : "m" (*(b+4)));}
-; // The second word
-; { asm (
-; "lw %0,%D1;\n"
-; : "=r" (i) "m" (*(b+4)));}
+; CHECK: lw ${{[0-9]+}},0(${{[0-9]+}});
@b = common global [20 x i32] zeroinitializer, align 4
define void @main() {
+; Second word:
tail call void asm sideeffect " lw $0,${1:D};", "r,*m,~{$11}"(i32 undef, i32* getelementptr inbounds ([20 x i32]* @b, i32 0, i32 3))
+; First word. Notice, no 'D':
tail call void asm sideeffect " lw $0,${1};", "r,*m,~{$11}"(i32 undef, i32* getelementptr inbounds ([20 x i32]* @b, i32 0, i32 3))
ret void
-attributes #0 = { nounwind }
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/largeimmprinting.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/largeimmprinting.ll
index 0e9c91f..918dfee 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/largeimmprinting.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/largeimmprinting.ll
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
; RUN: llc -march=mipsel < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=32
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips4 -mattr=n64 < %s | \
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips4 -target-abi=n64 < %s | \
; RUN: FileCheck %s -check-prefix=64
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64 -mattr=n64 < %s | \
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64 -target-abi=n64 < %s | \
; RUN: FileCheck %s -check-prefix=64
%struct.S1 = type { [65536 x i8] }
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/lcb2.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/lcb2.ll
index 715584b..59b96e6 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/lcb2.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/lcb2.ll
@@ -120,14 +120,14 @@ attributes #1 = { nounwind }
!llvm.ident = !{!0}
-!0 = metadata !{metadata !"clang version 3.5 (gitosis@dmz-portal.mips.com:clang.git ed197d08c90d82e1119774e10920e6f7a841c8ec) (gitosis@dmz-portal.mips.com:llvm.git b9235a363fa2dddb26ac01cbaed58efbc9eff392)"}
-!1 = metadata !{metadata !2, metadata !2, i64 0}
-!2 = metadata !{metadata !"int", metadata !3, i64 0}
-!3 = metadata !{metadata !"omnipotent char", metadata !4, i64 0}
-!4 = metadata !{metadata !"Simple C/C++ TBAA"}
-!5 = metadata !{i32 59}
-!6 = metadata !{i32 156}
-!7 = metadata !{i32 210}
-!8 = metadata !{i32 299}
-!9 = metadata !{i32 340}
-!10 = metadata !{i32 412}
+!0 = !{!"clang version 3.5 (gitosis@dmz-portal.mips.com:clang.git ed197d08c90d82e1119774e10920e6f7a841c8ec) (gitosis@dmz-portal.mips.com:llvm.git b9235a363fa2dddb26ac01cbaed58efbc9eff392)"}
+!1 = !{!2, !2, i64 0}
+!2 = !{!"int", !3, i64 0}
+!3 = !{!"omnipotent char", !4, i64 0}
+!4 = !{!"Simple C/C++ TBAA"}
+!5 = !{i32 59}
+!6 = !{i32 156}
+!7 = !{i32 210}
+!8 = !{i32 299}
+!9 = !{i32 340}
+!10 = !{i32 412}
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/lcb3c.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/lcb3c.ll
index 72a0b8c..eb83291 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/lcb3c.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/lcb3c.ll
@@ -55,5 +55,5 @@ attributes #0 = { nounwind "less-precise-fpmad"="false" "no-frame-pointer-elim"=
attributes #1 = { nounwind }
-!1 = metadata !{i32 65}
-!2 = metadata !{i32 167}
+!1 = !{i32 65}
+!2 = !{i32 167}
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/lcb4a.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/lcb4a.ll
index e37feca..fbcadd2 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/lcb4a.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/lcb4a.ll
@@ -59,11 +59,11 @@ attributes #0 = { nounwind optsize "less-precise-fpmad"="false" "no-frame-pointe
attributes #1 = { nounwind }
-!1 = metadata !{metadata !2, metadata !2, i64 0}
-!2 = metadata !{metadata !"int", metadata !3, i64 0}
-!3 = metadata !{metadata !"omnipotent char", metadata !4, i64 0}
-!4 = metadata !{metadata !"Simple C/C++ TBAA"}
-!5 = metadata !{i32 58}
-!6 = metadata !{i32 108}
-!7 = metadata !{i32 190}
-!8 = metadata !{i32 243}
+!1 = !{!2, !2, i64 0}
+!2 = !{!"int", !3, i64 0}
+!3 = !{!"omnipotent char", !4, i64 0}
+!4 = !{!"Simple C/C++ TBAA"}
+!5 = !{i32 58}
+!6 = !{i32 108}
+!7 = !{i32 190}
+!8 = !{i32 243}
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/lcb5.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/lcb5.ll
index 0a89c80..b2a8d1d 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/lcb5.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/lcb5.ll
@@ -220,21 +220,21 @@ attributes #0 = { nounwind optsize "less-precise-fpmad"="false" "no-frame-pointe
attributes #1 = { nounwind }
-!1 = metadata !{metadata !2, metadata !2, i64 0}
-!2 = metadata !{metadata !"int", metadata !3, i64 0}
-!3 = metadata !{metadata !"omnipotent char", metadata !4, i64 0}
-!4 = metadata !{metadata !"Simple C/C++ TBAA"}
-!5 = metadata !{i32 57}
-!6 = metadata !{i32 107}
-!7 = metadata !{i32 188}
-!8 = metadata !{i32 241}
-!9 = metadata !{i32 338}
-!10 = metadata !{i32 391}
-!11 = metadata !{i32 477}
-!12 = metadata !{i32 533}
-!13 = metadata !{i32 621}
-!14 = metadata !{i32 663}
-!15 = metadata !{i32 747}
-!16 = metadata !{i32 792}
-!17 = metadata !{i32 867}
-!18 = metadata !{i32 953}
+!1 = !{!2, !2, i64 0}
+!2 = !{!"int", !3, i64 0}
+!3 = !{!"omnipotent char", !4, i64 0}
+!4 = !{!"Simple C/C++ TBAA"}
+!5 = !{i32 57}
+!6 = !{i32 107}
+!7 = !{i32 188}
+!8 = !{i32 241}
+!9 = !{i32 338}
+!10 = !{i32 391}
+!11 = !{i32 477}
+!12 = !{i32 533}
+!13 = !{i32 621}
+!14 = !{i32 663}
+!15 = !{i32 747}
+!16 = !{i32 792}
+!17 = !{i32 867}
+!18 = !{i32 953}
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/llvm-ir/add.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/llvm-ir/add.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6cccc7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/llvm-ir/add.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips2 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=NOT-R2-R6 -check-prefix=GP32
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=NOT-R2-R6 -check-prefix=GP32
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r2 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=R2-R6 -check-prefix=GP32
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r3 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=R2-R6 -check-prefix=GP32
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r5 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=R2-R6 -check-prefix=GP32
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r6 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=R2-R6 -check-prefix=GP32
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips3 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=NOT-R2-R6 -check-prefix=GP64
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips4 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=NOT-R2-R6 -check-prefix=GP64
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=NOT-R2-R6 -check-prefix=GP64
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r2 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=R2-R6 -check-prefix=GP64
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r3 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=R2-R6 -check-prefix=GP64
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r5 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=R2-R6 -check-prefix=GP64
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r6 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=R2-R6 -check-prefix=GP64
+define signext i1 @add_i1(i1 signext %a, i1 signext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: add_i1:
+ ; ALL: addu $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $4, $5
+ ; ALL: sll $[[T0]], $[[T0]], 31
+ ; ALL: sra $2, $[[T0]], 31
+ %r = add i1 %a, %b
+ ret i1 %r
+define signext i8 @add_i8(i8 signext %a, i8 signext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: add_i8:
+ ; NOT-R2-R6: addu $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $4, $5
+ ; NOT-R2-R6: sll $[[T0]], $[[T0]], 24
+ ; NOT-R2-R6: sra $2, $[[T0]], 24
+ ; R2-R6: addu $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $4, $5
+ ; R2-R6: seb $2, $[[T0:[0-9]+]]
+ %r = add i8 %a, %b
+ ret i8 %r
+define signext i16 @add_i16(i16 signext %a, i16 signext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: add_i16:
+ ; NOT-R2-R6: addu $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $4, $5
+ ; NOT-R2-R6: sll $[[T0]], $[[T0]], 16
+ ; NOT-R2-R6: sra $2, $[[T0]], 16
+ ; R2-R6: addu $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $4, $5
+ ; R2-R6: seh $2, $[[T0:[0-9]+]]
+ %r = add i16 %a, %b
+ ret i16 %r
+define signext i32 @add_i32(i32 signext %a, i32 signext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: add_i32:
+ ; ALL: addu $2, $4, $5
+ %r = add i32 %a, %b
+ ret i32 %r
+define signext i64 @add_i64(i64 signext %a, i64 signext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: add_i64:
+ ; GP32: addu $3, $5, $7
+ ; GP32: sltu $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $3, $7
+ ; GP32: addu $[[T1:[0-9]+]], $[[T0]], $6
+ ; GP32: addu $2, $4, $[[T1]]
+ ; GP64: daddu $2, $4, $5
+ %r = add i64 %a, %b
+ ret i64 %r
+define signext i128 @add_i128(i128 signext %a, i128 signext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: add_i128:
+ ; GP32: lw $[[T0:[0-9]+]], 28($sp)
+ ; GP32: addu $[[T1:[0-9]+]], $7, $[[T0]]
+ ; GP32: sltu $[[T2:[0-9]+]], $[[T1]], $[[T0]]
+ ; GP32: lw $[[T3:[0-9]+]], 24($sp)
+ ; GP32: addu $[[T4:[0-9]+]], $[[T2]], $[[T3]]
+ ; GP32: addu $[[T5:[0-9]+]], $6, $[[T4]]
+ ; GP32: sltu $[[T6:[0-9]+]], $[[T5]], $[[T3]]
+ ; GP32: lw $[[T7:[0-9]+]], 20($sp)
+ ; GP32: addu $[[T8:[0-9]+]], $[[T6]], $[[T7]]
+ ; GP32: lw $[[T9:[0-9]+]], 16($sp)
+ ; GP32: addu $3, $5, $[[T8]]
+ ; GP32: sltu $[[T10:[0-9]+]], $3, $[[T7]]
+ ; GP32: addu $[[T11:[0-9]+]], $[[T10]], $[[T9]]
+ ; GP32: addu $2, $4, $[[T11]]
+ ; GP32: move $4, $[[T5]]
+ ; GP32: move $5, $[[T1]]
+ ; GP64: daddu $3, $5, $7
+ ; GP64: sltu $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $3, $7
+ ; GP64: daddu $[[T1:[0-9]+]], $[[T0]], $6
+ ; GP64: daddu $2, $4, $[[T1]]
+ %r = add i128 %a, %b
+ ret i128 %r
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/llvm-ir/and.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/llvm-ir/and.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ebcfe4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/llvm-ir/and.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips2 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP32
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP32
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r2 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP32
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r3 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP32
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r5 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP32
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r6 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP32
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips3 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP64
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips4 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP64
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP64
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r2 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP64
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r3 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP64
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r5 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP64
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r6 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP64
+define signext i1 @and_i1(i1 signext %a, i1 signext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: and_i1:
+ ; ALL: and $2, $4, $5
+ %r = and i1 %a, %b
+ ret i1 %r
+define signext i8 @and_i8(i8 signext %a, i8 signext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: and_i8:
+ ; ALL: and $2, $4, $5
+ %r = and i8 %a, %b
+ ret i8 %r
+define signext i16 @and_i16(i16 signext %a, i16 signext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: and_i16:
+ ; ALL: and $2, $4, $5
+ %r = and i16 %a, %b
+ ret i16 %r
+define signext i32 @and_i32(i32 signext %a, i32 signext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: and_i32:
+ ; ALL: and $2, $4, $5
+ %r = and i32 %a, %b
+ ret i32 %r
+define signext i64 @and_i64(i64 signext %a, i64 signext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: and_i64:
+ ; GP32: and $2, $4, $6
+ ; GP32: and $3, $5, $7
+ ; GP64: and $2, $4, $5
+ %r = and i64 %a, %b
+ ret i64 %r
+define signext i128 @and_i128(i128 signext %a, i128 signext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: and_i128:
+ ; GP32: lw $[[T0:[0-9]+]], 24($sp)
+ ; GP32: lw $[[T1:[0-9]+]], 20($sp)
+ ; GP32: lw $[[T2:[0-9]+]], 16($sp)
+ ; GP32: and $2, $4, $[[T2]]
+ ; GP32: and $3, $5, $[[T1]]
+ ; GP32: and $4, $6, $[[T0]]
+ ; GP32: lw $[[T3:[0-9]+]], 28($sp)
+ ; GP32: and $5, $7, $[[T3]]
+ ; GP64: and $2, $4, $6
+ ; GP64: and $3, $5, $7
+ %r = and i128 %a, %b
+ ret i128 %r
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/llvm-ir/ashr.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/llvm-ir/ashr.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e1587c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/llvm-ir/ashr.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips2 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP32 \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=M2
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP32 \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=32R1-R5
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r2 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP32 \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=32R1-R5
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r3 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP32 \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=32R1-R5
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r5 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP32 \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=32R1-R5
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r6 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP32 \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=32R6
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips3 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP64 \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=M3
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips4 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP64 \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=GP64-NOT-R6
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP64 \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=GP64-NOT-R6
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r2 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP64 \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=GP64-NOT-R6
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r3 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP64 \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=GP64-NOT-R6
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r5 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP64 \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=GP64-NOT-R6
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r6 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP64 \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=64R6
+define signext i1 @ashr_i1(i1 signext %a, i1 signext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: ashr_i1:
+ ; ALL: move $2, $4
+ %r = ashr i1 %a, %b
+ ret i1 %r
+define signext i8 @ashr_i8(i8 signext %a, i8 signext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: ashr_i8:
+ ; FIXME: The andi instruction is redundant.
+ ; ALL: andi $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $5, 255
+ ; ALL: srav $2, $4, $[[T0]]
+ %r = ashr i8 %a, %b
+ ret i8 %r
+define signext i16 @ashr_i16(i16 signext %a, i16 signext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: ashr_i16:
+ ; FIXME: The andi instruction is redundant.
+ ; ALL: andi $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $5, 65535
+ ; ALL: srav $2, $4, $[[T0]]
+ %r = ashr i16 %a, %b
+ ret i16 %r
+define signext i32 @ashr_i32(i32 signext %a, i32 signext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: ashr_i32:
+ ; ALL: srav $2, $4, $5
+ %r = ashr i32 %a, %b
+ ret i32 %r
+define signext i64 @ashr_i64(i64 signext %a, i64 signext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: ashr_i64:
+ ; M2: srav $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $4, $7
+ ; M2: andi $[[T1:[0-9]+]], $7, 32
+ ; M2: bnez $[[T1]], $[[BB0:BB[0-9_]+]]
+ ; M2: move $3, $[[T0]]
+ ; M2: srlv $[[T2:[0-9]+]], $5, $7
+ ; M2: not $[[T3:[0-9]+]], $7
+ ; M2: sll $[[T4:[0-9]+]], $4, 1
+ ; M2: sllv $[[T5:[0-9]+]], $[[T4]], $[[T3]]
+ ; M2: or $3, $[[T3]], $[[T2]]
+ ; M2: $[[BB0]]:
+ ; M2: beqz $[[T1]], $[[BB1:BB[0-9_]+]]
+ ; M2: nop
+ ; M2: sra $2, $4, 31
+ ; M2: $[[BB1]]:
+ ; M2: jr $ra
+ ; M2: nop
+ ; 32R1-R5: srlv $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $5, $7
+ ; 32R1-R5: not $[[T1:[0-9]+]], $7
+ ; 32R1-R5: sll $[[T2:[0-9]+]], $4, 1
+ ; 32R1-R5: sllv $[[T3:[0-9]+]], $[[T2]], $[[T1]]
+ ; 32R1-R5: or $3, $[[T3]], $[[T0]]
+ ; 32R1-R5: srav $[[T4:[0-9]+]], $4, $7
+ ; 32R1-R5: andi $[[T5:[0-9]+]], $7, 32
+ ; 32R1-R5: movn $3, $[[T4]], $[[T5]]
+ ; 32R1-R5: sra $4, $4, 31
+ ; 32R1-R5: jr $ra
+ ; 32R1-R5: movn $2, $4, $[[T5]]
+ ; 32R6: srav $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $4, $7
+ ; 32R6: andi $[[T1:[0-9]+]], $7, 32
+ ; 32R6: seleqz $[[T2:[0-9]+]], $[[T0]], $[[T1]]
+ ; 32R6: sra $[[T3:[0-9]+]], $4, 31
+ ; 32R6: selnez $[[T4:[0-9]+]], $[[T3]], $[[T1]]
+ ; 32R6: or $[[T5:[0-9]+]], $[[T4]], $[[T2]]
+ ; 32R6: srlv $[[T6:[0-9]+]], $5, $7
+ ; 32R6: not $[[T7:[0-9]+]], $7
+ ; 32R6: sll $[[T8:[0-9]+]], $4, 1
+ ; 32R6: sllv $[[T9:[0-9]+]], $[[T8]], $[[T7]]
+ ; 32R6: or $[[T10:[0-9]+]], $[[T9]], $[[T6]]
+ ; 32R6: seleqz $[[T11:[0-9]+]], $[[T10]], $[[T1]]
+ ; 32R6: selnez $[[T12:[0-9]+]], $[[T0]], $[[T1]]
+ ; 32R6: jr $ra
+ ; 32R6: or $3, $[[T0]], $[[T11]]
+ ; FIXME: The sll instruction below is redundant.
+ ; GP64: sll $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $5, 0
+ ; GP64: dsrav $2, $4, $[[T0]]
+ %r = ashr i64 %a, %b
+ ret i64 %r
+define signext i128 @ashr_i128(i128 signext %a, i128 signext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: ashr_i128:
+ ; GP32: lw $25, %call16(__ashrti3)($gp)
+ ; M3: sll $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $7, 0
+ ; M3: dsrav $[[T1:[0-9]+]], $4, $[[T0]]
+ ; M3: andi $[[T2:[0-9]+]], $[[T0]], 32
+ ; M3: bnez $[[T3:[0-9]+]], $[[BB0:BB[0-9_]+]]
+ ; M3: move $3, $[[T1]]
+ ; M3: dsrlv $[[T4:[0-9]+]], $5, $[[T0]]
+ ; M3: dsll $[[T5:[0-9]+]], $4, 1
+ ; M3: not $[[T6:[0-9]+]], $[[T0]]
+ ; M3: dsllv $[[T7:[0-9]+]], $[[T5]], $[[T6]]
+ ; M3: or $3, $[[T7]], $[[T4]]
+ ; M3: $[[BB0]]:
+ ; M3: beqz $[[T3]], $[[BB1:BB[0-9_]+]]
+ ; M3: nop
+ ; M3: dsra $2, $4, 31
+ ; M3: $[[BB1]]:
+ ; M3: jr $ra
+ ; M3: nop
+ ; GP64-NOT-R6: sll $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $7, 0
+ ; GP64-NOT-R6: dsrlv $[[T1:[0-9]+]], $5, $[[T0]]
+ ; GP64-NOT-R6: dsll $[[T2:[0-9]+]], $4, 1
+ ; GP64-NOT-R6: not $[[T3:[0-9]+]], $[[T0]]
+ ; GP64-NOT-R6: dsllv $[[T4:[0-9]+]], $[[T2]], $[[T3]]
+ ; GP64-NOT-R6: or $3, $[[T4]], $[[T1]]
+ ; GP64-NOT-R6: dsrav $2, $4, $[[T0]]
+ ; GP64-NOT-R6: andi $[[T5:[0-9]+]], $[[T0]], 32
+ ; GP64-NOT-R6: movn $3, $2, $[[T5]]
+ ; GP64-NOT-R6: dsra $[[T6:[0-9]+]], $4, 31
+ ; GP64-NOT-R6: jr $ra
+ ; GP64-NOT-R6: movn $2, $[[T6]], $[[T5]]
+ ; 64R6: sll $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $7, 0
+ ; 64R6: dsrav $[[T1:[0-9]+]], $4, $[[T0]]
+ ; 64R6: andi $[[T2:[0-9]+]], $[[T0]], 32
+ ; 64R6: sll $[[T3:[0-9]+]], $[[T2]], 0
+ ; 64R6: seleqz $[[T4:[0-9]+]], $[[T1]], $[[T3]]
+ ; 64R6: dsra $[[T5:[0-9]+]], $4, 31
+ ; 64R6: selnez $[[T6:[0-9]+]], $[[T5]], $[[T3]]
+ ; 64R6: or $2, $[[T6]], $[[T4]]
+ ; 64R6: dsrlv $[[T7:[0-9]+]], $5, $[[T0]]
+ ; 64R6: dsll $[[T8:[0-9]+]], $4, 1
+ ; 64R6: not $[[T9:[0-9]+]], $[[T0]]
+ ; 64R6: dsllv $[[T10:[0-9]+]], $[[T8]], $[[T9]]
+ ; 64R6: or $[[T11:[0-9]+]], $[[T10]], $[[T7]]
+ ; 64R6: seleqz $[[T12:[0-9]+]], $[[T11]], $[[T3]]
+ ; 64R6: selnez $[[T13:[0-9]+]], $[[T1]], $[[T3]]
+ ; 64R6: jr $ra
+ ; 64R6: or $3, $[[T13]], $[[T12]]
+ %r = ashr i128 %a, %b
+ ret i128 %r
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/llvm-ir/call.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/llvm-ir/call.ll
index 4cbf43c..112ab8e 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/llvm-ir/call.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/llvm-ir/call.ll
@@ -3,10 +3,14 @@
; FIXME: We should remove the need for -enable-mips-tail-calls
; RUN: llc -march=mips -mcpu=mips32 -enable-mips-tail-calls < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=O32
; RUN: llc -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r2 -enable-mips-tail-calls < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=O32
+; RUN: llc -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r3 -enable-mips-tail-calls < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=O32
+; RUN: llc -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r5 -enable-mips-tail-calls < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=O32
; RUN: llc -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r6 -enable-mips-tail-calls < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=O32
; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips4 -enable-mips-tail-calls < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=N64
; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64 -enable-mips-tail-calls < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=N64
; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r2 -enable-mips-tail-calls < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=N64
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r3 -enable-mips-tail-calls < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=N64
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r5 -enable-mips-tail-calls < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=N64
; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r6 -enable-mips-tail-calls < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=N64
declare void @extern_void_void()
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/llvm-ir/indirectbr.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/llvm-ir/indirectbr.ll
index d8fd787..debfeb3 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/llvm-ir/indirectbr.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/llvm-ir/indirectbr.ll
@@ -2,10 +2,14 @@
; RUN: llc -march=mips -mcpu=mips32 -asm-show-inst < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=NOT-R6
; RUN: llc -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r2 -asm-show-inst < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=NOT-R6
+; RUN: llc -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r3 -asm-show-inst < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=NOT-R6
+; RUN: llc -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r5 -asm-show-inst < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=NOT-R6
; RUN: llc -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r6 -asm-show-inst < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=R6
; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips4 -asm-show-inst < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=NOT-R6
; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64 -asm-show-inst < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=NOT-R6
; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r2 -asm-show-inst < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=NOT-R6
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r3 -asm-show-inst < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=NOT-R6
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r5 -asm-show-inst < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=NOT-R6
; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r6 -asm-show-inst < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=R6
define i32 @br(i8 *%addr) {
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/llvm-ir/lshr.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/llvm-ir/lshr.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7344d95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/llvm-ir/lshr.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips2 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP32 \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=M2
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP32 \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=32R1-R5
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r2 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP32 \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=32R1-R5
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r3 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP32 \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=32R1-R5
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r5 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP32 \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=32R1-R5
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r6 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP32 \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=32R6
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips3 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP64 \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=M3
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips4 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP64 \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=GP64-NOT-R6
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP64 \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=GP64-NOT-R6
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r2 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP64 \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=GP64-NOT-R6
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r3 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP64 \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=GP64-NOT-R6
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r5 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP64 \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=GP64-NOT-R6
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r6 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP64 \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=64R6
+define signext i1 @lshr_i1(i1 signext %a, i1 signext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: lshr_i1:
+ ; ALL: move $2, $4
+ %r = lshr i1 %a, %b
+ ret i1 %r
+define zeroext i8 @lshr_i8(i8 zeroext %a, i8 zeroext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: lshr_i8:
+ ; ALL: srlv $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $4, $5
+ ; ALL: andi $2, $[[T0]], 255
+ %r = lshr i8 %a, %b
+ ret i8 %r
+define zeroext i16 @lshr_i16(i16 zeroext %a, i16 zeroext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: lshr_i16:
+ ; ALL: srlv $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $4, $5
+ ; ALL: andi $2, $[[T0]], 65535
+ %r = lshr i16 %a, %b
+ ret i16 %r
+define signext i32 @lshr_i32(i32 signext %a, i32 signext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: lshr_i32:
+ ; ALL: srlv $2, $4, $5
+ %r = lshr i32 %a, %b
+ ret i32 %r
+define signext i64 @lshr_i64(i64 signext %a, i64 signext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: lshr_i64:
+ ; M2: srlv $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $4, $7
+ ; M2: andi $[[T1:[0-9]+]], $7, 32
+ ; M2: bnez $[[T1]], $[[BB0:BB[0-9_]+]]
+ ; M2: move $3, $[[T0]]
+ ; M2: srlv $[[T2:[0-9]+]], $5, $7
+ ; M2: not $[[T3:[0-9]+]], $7
+ ; M2: sll $[[T4:[0-9]+]], $4, 1
+ ; M2: sllv $[[T5:[0-9]+]], $[[T4]], $[[T3]]
+ ; M2: or $3, $[[T3]], $[[T2]]
+ ; M2: $[[BB0]]:
+ ; M2: bnez $[[T1]], $[[BB1:BB[0-9_]+]]
+ ; M2: addiu $2, $zero, 0
+ ; M2: move $2, $[[T0]]
+ ; M2: $[[BB1]]:
+ ; M2: jr $ra
+ ; M2: nop
+ ; 32R1-R5: srlv $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $5, $7
+ ; 32R1-R5: not $[[T1:[0-9]+]], $7
+ ; 32R1-R5: sll $[[T2:[0-9]+]], $4, 1
+ ; 32R1-R5: sllv $[[T3:[0-9]+]], $[[T2]], $[[T1]]
+ ; 32R1-R5: or $3, $[[T3]], $[[T0]]
+ ; 32R1-R5: srlv $[[T4:[0-9]+]], $4, $7
+ ; 32R1-R5: andi $[[T5:[0-9]+]], $7, 32
+ ; 32R1-R5: movn $3, $[[T4]], $[[T5]]
+ ; 32R1-R5: jr $ra
+ ; 32R1-R5: movn $2, $zero, $[[T5]]
+ ; 32R6: srlv $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $5, $7
+ ; 32R6: not $[[T1:[0-9]+]], $7
+ ; 32R6: sll $[[T2:[0-9]+]], $4, 1
+ ; 32R6: sllv $[[T3:[0-9]+]], $[[T2]], $[[T1]]
+ ; 32R6: or $[[T4:[0-9]+]], $[[T3]], $[[T0]]
+ ; 32R6: andi $[[T5:[0-9]+]], $7, 32
+ ; 32R6: seleqz $[[T6:[0-9]+]], $[[T4]], $[[T3]]
+ ; 32R6: srlv $[[T7:[0-9]+]], $4, $7
+ ; 32R6: selnez $[[T8:[0-9]+]], $[[T7]], $[[T5]]
+ ; 32R6: or $3, $[[T8]], $[[T6]]
+ ; 32R6: jr $ra
+ ; 32R6: seleqz $2, $[[T7]], $[[T5]]
+ ; GP64: sll $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $5, 0
+ ; GP64: dsrlv $2, $4, $[[T0]]
+ %r = lshr i64 %a, %b
+ ret i64 %r
+define signext i128 @lshr_i128(i128 signext %a, i128 signext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: lshr_i128:
+ ; GP32: lw $25, %call16(__lshrti3)($gp)
+ ; M3: sll $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $7, 0
+ ; M3: dsrlv $[[T1:[0-9]+]], $4, $[[T0]]
+ ; M3: andi $[[T2:[0-9]+]], $[[T0]], 32
+ ; M3: bnez $[[T3:[0-9]+]], $[[BB0:BB[0-9_]+]]
+ ; M3: move $3, $[[T1]]
+ ; M3: dsrlv $[[T4:[0-9]+]], $5, $[[T0]]
+ ; M3: dsll $[[T5:[0-9]+]], $4, 1
+ ; M3: not $[[T6:[0-9]+]], $[[T0]]
+ ; M3: dsllv $[[T7:[0-9]+]], $[[T5]], $[[T6]]
+ ; M3: or $3, $[[T7]], $[[T4]]
+ ; M3: $[[BB0]]:
+ ; M3: bnez $[[T3]], $[[BB1:BB[0-9_]+]]
+ ; M3: daddiu $2, $zero, 0
+ ; M3: move $2, $[[T1]]
+ ; M3: $[[BB1]]:
+ ; M3: jr $ra
+ ; M3: nop
+ ; GP64-NOT-R6: sll $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $7, 0
+ ; GP64-NOT-R6: dsrlv $[[T1:[0-9]+]], $5, $[[T0]]
+ ; GP64-NOT-R6: dsll $[[T2:[0-9]+]], $4, 1
+ ; GP64-NOT-R6: not $[[T3:[0-9]+]], $[[T0]]
+ ; GP64-NOT-R6: dsllv $[[T4:[0-9]+]], $[[T2]], $[[T3]]
+ ; GP64-NOT-R6: or $3, $[[T4]], $[[T1]]
+ ; GP64-NOT-R6: dsrlv $2, $4, $[[T0]]
+ ; GP64-NOT-R6: andi $[[T5:[0-9]+]], $[[T0]], 32
+ ; GP64-NOT-R6: movn $3, $2, $[[T5]]
+ ; GP64-NOT-R6: jr $ra
+ ; GP64-NOT-R6: movn $2, $zero, $1
+ ; 64R6: sll $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $7, 0
+ ; 64R6: dsrlv $[[T1:[0-9]+]], $5, $[[T0]]
+ ; 64R6: dsll $[[T2:[0-9]+]], $4, 1
+ ; 64R6: not $[[T3:[0-9]+]], $[[T0]]
+ ; 64R6: dsllv $[[T4:[0-9]+]], $[[T2]], $[[T3]]
+ ; 64R6: or $[[T5:[0-9]+]], $[[T4]], $[[T1]]
+ ; 64R6: andi $[[T6:[0-9]+]], $[[T0]], 32
+ ; 64R6: sll $[[T7:[0-9]+]], $[[T6]], 0
+ ; 64R6: seleqz $[[T8:[0-9]+]], $[[T5]], $[[T7]]
+ ; 64R6: dsrlv $[[T9:[0-9]+]], $4, $[[T0]]
+ ; 64R6: selnez $[[T10:[0-9]+]], $[[T9]], $[[T7]]
+ ; 64R6: or $3, $[[T10]], $[[T8]]
+ ; 64R6: jr $ra
+ ; 64R6: seleqz $2, $[[T0]], $[[T7]]
+ %r = lshr i128 %a, %b
+ ret i128 %r
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/llvm-ir/mul.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/llvm-ir/mul.ll
index 1674124..a758280 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/llvm-ir/mul.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/llvm-ir/mul.ll
@@ -1,19 +1,27 @@
-; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips2 | FileCheck %s \
-; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=M2
-; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32 | FileCheck %s \
-; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=32R1-R2 -check-prefix=32R1
-; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r2 | FileCheck %s \
-; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=32R1-R2 -check-prefix=32R2
-; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r6 | FileCheck %s \
-; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=32R6
-; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips4 | FileCheck %s \
-; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=M4
-; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64 | FileCheck %s \
-; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=64R1-R2
-; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r2 | FileCheck %s \
-; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=64R1-R2
-; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r6 | FileCheck %s \
-; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=64R6
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips2 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=M2 -check-prefix=GP32
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=32R1-R5 -check-prefix=GP32
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r2 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=32R1-R5 -check-prefix=32R2-R5 -check-prefix=GP32
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r3 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=32R1-R5 -check-prefix=32R2-R5 -check-prefix=GP32
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r5 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=32R1-R5 -check-prefix=32R2-R5 -check-prefix=GP32
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r6 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=32R6 -check-prefix=GP32
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips4 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=M4 -check-prefix=GP64-NOT-R6
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=64R1-R5 -check-prefix=GP64-NOT-R6
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r2 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=64R1-R5 -check-prefix=GP64 -check-prefix=GP64-NOT-R6
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r3 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=64R1-R5 -check-prefix=GP64 -check-prefix=GP64-NOT-R6
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r5 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=64R1-R5 -check-prefix=GP64 -check-prefix=GP64-NOT-R6
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r6 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=64R6
define signext i1 @mul_i1(i1 signext %a, i1 signext %b) {
@@ -24,9 +32,9 @@ entry:
; M2: sll $[[T0]], $[[T0]], 31
; M2: sra $2, $[[T0]], 31
- ; 32R1-R2: mul $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $4, $5
- ; 32R1-R2: sll $[[T0]], $[[T0]], 31
- ; 32R1-R2: sra $2, $[[T0]], 31
+ ; 32R1-R5: mul $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $4, $5
+ ; 32R1-R5: sll $[[T0]], $[[T0]], 31
+ ; 32R1-R5: sra $2, $[[T0]], 31
; 32R6: mul $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $4, $5
; 32R6: sll $[[T0]], $[[T0]], 31
@@ -37,9 +45,9 @@ entry:
; M4: sll $[[T0]], $[[T0]], 31
; M4: sra $2, $[[T0]], 31
- ; 64R1-R2: mul $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $4, $5
- ; 64R1-R2: sll $[[T0]], $[[T0]], 31
- ; 64R1-R2: sra $2, $[[T0]], 31
+ ; 64R1-R5: mul $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $4, $5
+ ; 64R1-R5: sll $[[T0]], $[[T0]], 31
+ ; 64R1-R5: sra $2, $[[T0]], 31
; 64R6: mul $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $4, $5
; 64R6: sll $[[T0]], $[[T0]], 31
@@ -62,8 +70,8 @@ entry:
; 32R1: sll $[[T0]], $[[T0]], 24
; 32R1: sra $2, $[[T0]], 24
- ; 32R2: mul $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $4, $5
- ; 32R2: seb $2, $[[T0]]
+ ; 32R2-R5: mul $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $4, $5
+ ; 32R2-R5: seb $2, $[[T0]]
; 32R6: mul $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $4, $5
; 32R6: seb $2, $[[T0]]
@@ -99,8 +107,8 @@ entry:
; 32R1: sll $[[T0]], $[[T0]], 16
; 32R1: sra $2, $[[T0]], 16
- ; 32R2: mul $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $4, $5
- ; 32R2: seh $2, $[[T0]]
+ ; 32R2-R5: mul $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $4, $5
+ ; 32R2-R5: seh $2, $[[T0]]
; 32R6: mul $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $4, $5
; 32R6: seh $2, $[[T0]]
@@ -130,10 +138,10 @@ entry:
; M2: mult $4, $5
; M2: mflo $2
- ; 32R1-R2: mul $2, $4, $5
+ ; 32R1-R5: mul $2, $4, $5
; 32R6: mul $2, $4, $5
- ; 64R1-R2: mul $2, $4, $5
+ ; 64R1-R5: mul $2, $4, $5
; 64R6: mul $2, $4, $5
%r = mul i32 %a, %b
ret i32 %r
@@ -153,13 +161,13 @@ entry:
; M2: addu $[[T2:[0-9]+]], $4, $[[T1]]
; M2: addu $2, $[[T2]], $[[T0]]
- ; 32R1-R2: multu $5, $7
- ; 32R1-R2: mflo $3
- ; 32R1-R2: mfhi $[[T0:[0-9]+]]
- ; 32R1-R2: mul $[[T1:[0-9]+]], $4, $7
- ; 32R1-R2: mul $[[T2:[0-9]+]], $5, $6
- ; 32R1-R2: addu $[[T0]], $[[T0]], $[[T2:[0-9]+]]
- ; 32R1-R2: addu $2, $[[T0]], $[[T1]]
+ ; 32R1-R5: multu $5, $7
+ ; 32R1-R5: mflo $3
+ ; 32R1-R5: mfhi $[[T0:[0-9]+]]
+ ; 32R1-R5: mul $[[T1:[0-9]+]], $4, $7
+ ; 32R1-R5: mul $[[T2:[0-9]+]], $5, $6
+ ; 32R1-R5: addu $[[T0]], $[[T0]], $[[T2:[0-9]+]]
+ ; 32R1-R5: addu $2, $[[T0]], $[[T1]]
; 32R6: mul $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $5, $6
; 32R6: muhu $[[T1:[0-9]+]], $5, $7
@@ -171,11 +179,38 @@ entry:
; M4: dmult $4, $5
; M4: mflo $2
- ; 64R1-R2: dmult $4, $5
- ; 64R1-R2: mflo $2
+ ; 64R1-R5: dmult $4, $5
+ ; 64R1-R5: mflo $2
; 64R6: dmul $2, $4, $5
%r = mul i64 %a, %b
ret i64 %r
+define signext i128 @mul_i128(i128 signext %a, i128 signext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: mul_i128:
+ ; GP32: lw $25, %call16(__multi3)($gp)
+ ; GP64-NOT-R6: dmult $4, $7
+ ; GP64-NOT-R6: mflo $[[T0:[0-9]+]]
+ ; GP64-NOT-R6: dmult $5, $6
+ ; GP64-NOT-R6: mflo $[[T1:[0-9]+]]
+ ; GP64-NOT-R6: dmultu $5, $7
+ ; GP64-NOT-R6: mflo $3
+ ; GP64-NOT-R6: mfhi $[[T2:[0-9]+]]
+ ; GP64-NOT-R6: daddu $[[T3:[0-9]+]], $[[T2]], $[[T1]]
+ ; GP64-NOT-R6: daddu $2, $[[T3:[0-9]+]], $[[T0]]
+ ; 64R6: dmul $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $5, $6
+ ; 64R6: dmuhu $[[T1:[0-9]+]], $5, $7
+ ; 64R6: daddu $[[T2:[0-9]+]], $[[T1]], $[[T0]]
+ ; 64R6: dmul $[[T3:[0-9]+]], $4, $7
+ ; 64R6: daddu $2, $[[T2]], $[[T3]]
+ ; 64R6: dmul $3, $5, $7
+ %r = mul i128 %a, %b
+ ret i128 %r
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/llvm-ir/or.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/llvm-ir/or.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6215e40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/llvm-ir/or.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips2 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP32
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP32
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r2 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP32
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r3 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP32
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r5 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP32
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r6 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP32
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips3 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP64
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips4 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP64
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP64
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r2 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP64
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r3 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP64
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r5 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP64
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r6 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP64
+define signext i1 @or_i1(i1 signext %a, i1 signext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: or_i1:
+ ; ALL: or $2, $4, $5
+ %r = or i1 %a, %b
+ ret i1 %r
+define signext i8 @or_i8(i8 signext %a, i8 signext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: or_i8:
+ ; ALL: or $2, $4, $5
+ %r = or i8 %a, %b
+ ret i8 %r
+define signext i16 @or_i16(i16 signext %a, i16 signext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: or_i16:
+ ; ALL: or $2, $4, $5
+ %r = or i16 %a, %b
+ ret i16 %r
+define signext i32 @or_i32(i32 signext %a, i32 signext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: or_i32:
+ ; ALL: or $2, $4, $5
+ %r = or i32 %a, %b
+ ret i32 %r
+define signext i64 @or_i64(i64 signext %a, i64 signext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: or_i64:
+ ; GP32: or $2, $4, $6
+ ; GP32: or $3, $5, $7
+ ; GP64: or $2, $4, $5
+ %r = or i64 %a, %b
+ ret i64 %r
+define signext i128 @or_i128(i128 signext %a, i128 signext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: or_i128:
+ ; GP32: lw $[[T0:[0-9]+]], 24($sp)
+ ; GP32: lw $[[T1:[0-9]+]], 20($sp)
+ ; GP32: lw $[[T2:[0-9]+]], 16($sp)
+ ; GP32: or $2, $4, $[[T2]]
+ ; GP32: or $3, $5, $[[T1]]
+ ; GP32: or $4, $6, $[[T0]]
+ ; GP32: lw $[[T3:[0-9]+]], 28($sp)
+ ; GP32: or $5, $7, $[[T3]]
+ ; GP64: or $2, $4, $6
+ ; GP64: or $3, $5, $7
+ %r = or i128 %a, %b
+ ret i128 %r
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/llvm-ir/ret.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/llvm-ir/ret.ll
index 8f5b115..0561c24 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/llvm-ir/ret.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/llvm-ir/ret.ll
@@ -9,10 +9,14 @@
; RUN: llc -march=mips -mcpu=mips32 -asm-show-inst < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GPR32 -check-prefix=NO-MTHC1 -check-prefix=NOT-R6
; RUN: llc -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r2 -asm-show-inst < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GPR32 -check-prefix=MTHC1 -check-prefix=NOT-R6
+; RUN: llc -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r3 -asm-show-inst < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GPR32 -check-prefix=MTHC1 -check-prefix=NOT-R6
+; RUN: llc -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r5 -asm-show-inst < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GPR32 -check-prefix=MTHC1 -check-prefix=NOT-R6
; RUN: llc -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r6 -asm-show-inst < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GPR32 -check-prefix=MTHC1 -check-prefix=R6
; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips4 -asm-show-inst < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GPR64 -check-prefix=DMTC1 -check-prefix=NOT-R6
; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64 -asm-show-inst < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GPR64 -check-prefix=DMTC1 -check-prefix=NOT-R6
; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r2 -asm-show-inst < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GPR64 -check-prefix=DMTC1 -check-prefix=NOT-R6
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r3 -asm-show-inst < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GPR64 -check-prefix=DMTC1 -check-prefix=NOT-R6
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r5 -asm-show-inst < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GPR64 -check-prefix=DMTC1 -check-prefix=NOT-R6
; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r6 -asm-show-inst < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GPR64 -check-prefix=DMTC1 -check-prefix=R6
define void @ret_void() {
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/llvm-ir/sdiv.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/llvm-ir/sdiv.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..929ee88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/llvm-ir/sdiv.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips2 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=NOT-R6 -check-prefix=NOT-R2-R6 -check-prefix=GP32
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=NOT-R6 -check-prefix=NOT-R2-R6 -check-prefix=GP32
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r2 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=NOT-R6 -check-prefix=R2-R5 -check-prefix=GP32
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r3 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=NOT-R6 -check-prefix=R2-R5 -check-prefix=GP32
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r5 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=NOT-R6 -check-prefix=R2-R5 -check-prefix=GP32
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r6 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=R6 -check-prefix=GP32
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips3 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=NOT-R6 -check-prefix=NOT-R2-R6 -check-prefix=GP64-NOT-R6
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips4 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=NOT-R6 -check-prefix=NOT-R2-R6 -check-prefix=GP64-NOT-R6
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=NOT-R6 -check-prefix=NOT-R2-R6 -check-prefix=GP64-NOT-R6
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r2 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=NOT-R6 -check-prefix=R2-R5 -check-prefix=GP64-NOT-R6
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r3 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=NOT-R6 -check-prefix=R2-R5 -check-prefix=GP64-NOT-R6
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r5 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=NOT-R6 -check-prefix=R2-R5 -check-prefix=GP64-NOT-R6
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r6 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=R6 -check-prefix=64R6
+define signext i1 @sdiv_i1(i1 signext %a, i1 signext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: sdiv_i1:
+ ; NOT-R6: div $zero, $4, $5
+ ; NOT-R6: teq $5, $zero, 7
+ ; NOT-R6: mflo $[[T0:[0-9]+]]
+ ; FIXME: The sll/sra instructions are redundant since div is signed.
+ ; NOT-R6: sll $[[T1:[0-9]+]], $[[T0]], 31
+ ; NOT-R6: sra $2, $[[T1]], 31
+ ; R6: div $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $4, $5
+ ; R6: teq $5, $zero, 7
+ ; FIXME: The sll/sra instructions are redundant since div is signed.
+ ; R6: sll $[[T1:[0-9]+]], $[[T0]], 31
+ ; R6: sra $2, $[[T1]], 31
+ %r = sdiv i1 %a, %b
+ ret i1 %r
+define signext i8 @sdiv_i8(i8 signext %a, i8 signext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: sdiv_i8:
+ ; NOT-R2-R6: div $zero, $4, $5
+ ; NOT-R2-R6: teq $5, $zero, 7
+ ; NOT-R2-R6: mflo $[[T0:[0-9]+]]
+ ; FIXME: The sll/sra instructions are redundant since div is signed.
+ ; NOT-R2-R6: sll $[[T1:[0-9]+]], $[[T0]], 24
+ ; NOT-R2-R6: sra $2, $[[T1]], 24
+ ; R2-R5: div $zero, $4, $5
+ ; R2-R5: teq $5, $zero, 7
+ ; R2-R5: mflo $[[T0:[0-9]+]]
+ ; FIXME: This instruction is redundant.
+ ; R2-R5: seb $2, $[[T0]]
+ ; R6: div $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $4, $5
+ ; R6: teq $5, $zero, 7
+ ; FIXME: This instruction is redundant.
+ ; R6: seb $2, $[[T0]]
+ %r = sdiv i8 %a, %b
+ ret i8 %r
+define signext i16 @sdiv_i16(i16 signext %a, i16 signext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: sdiv_i16:
+ ; NOT-R2-R6: div $zero, $4, $5
+ ; NOT-R2-R6: teq $5, $zero, 7
+ ; NOT-R2-R6: mflo $[[T0:[0-9]+]]
+ ; FIXME: The sll/sra instructions are redundant since div is signed.
+ ; NOT-R2-R6: sll $[[T1:[0-9]+]], $[[T0]], 16
+ ; NOT-R2-R6: sra $2, $[[T1]], 16
+ ; R2-R5: div $zero, $4, $5
+ ; R2-R5: teq $5, $zero, 7
+ ; R2-R5: mflo $[[T0:[0-9]+]]
+ ; FIXME: This is instruction is redundant since div is signed.
+ ; R2-R5: seh $2, $[[T0]]
+ ; R6: div $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $4, $5
+ ; R6: teq $5, $zero, 7
+ ; FIXME: This is instruction is redundant since div is signed.
+ ; R6: seh $2, $[[T0]]
+ %r = sdiv i16 %a, %b
+ ret i16 %r
+define signext i32 @sdiv_i32(i32 signext %a, i32 signext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: sdiv_i32:
+ ; NOT-R6: div $zero, $4, $5
+ ; NOT-R6: teq $5, $zero, 7
+ ; NOT-R6: mflo $2
+ ; R6: div $2, $4, $5
+ ; R6: teq $5, $zero, 7
+ %r = sdiv i32 %a, %b
+ ret i32 %r
+define signext i64 @sdiv_i64(i64 signext %a, i64 signext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: sdiv_i64:
+ ; GP32: lw $25, %call16(__divdi3)($gp)
+ ; GP64-NOT-R6: ddiv $zero, $4, $5
+ ; GP64-NOT-R6: teq $5, $zero, 7
+ ; GP64-NOT-R6: mflo $2
+ ; 64R6: ddiv $2, $4, $5
+ ; 64R6: teq $5, $zero, 7
+ %r = sdiv i64 %a, %b
+ ret i64 %r
+define signext i128 @sdiv_i128(i128 signext %a, i128 signext %b) {
+ ; ALL-LABEL: sdiv_i128:
+ ; GP32: lw $25, %call16(__divti3)($gp)
+ ; GP64-NOT-R6: ld $25, %call16(__divti3)($gp)
+ ; 64R6: ld $25, %call16(__divti3)($gp)
+ %r = sdiv i128 %a, %b
+ ret i128 %r
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/llvm-ir/select.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/llvm-ir/select.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f17670a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/llvm-ir/select.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,712 @@
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips2 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=M2 -check-prefix=M2-M3
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=CMOV \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=CMOV-32 -check-prefix=CMOV-32R1
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r2 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=CMOV \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=CMOV-32 -check-prefix=CMOV-32R2-R5
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r3 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=CMOV \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=CMOV-32 -check-prefix=CMOV-32R2-R5
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r5 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=CMOV \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=CMOV-32 -check-prefix=CMOV-32R2-R5
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r6 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=SEL -check-prefix=SEL-32
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips3 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=M3 -check-prefix=M2-M3
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips4 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=CMOV -check-prefix=CMOV-64
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=CMOV -check-prefix=CMOV-64
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r2 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=CMOV -check-prefix=CMOV-64
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r3 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=CMOV -check-prefix=CMOV-64
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r5 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=CMOV -check-prefix=CMOV-64
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r6 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=SEL -check-prefix=SEL-64
+define signext i1 @tst_select_i1_i1(i1 signext %s,
+ i1 signext %x, i1 signext %y) {
+ ; ALL-LABEL: tst_select_i1_i1:
+ ; M2-M3: andi $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $4, 1
+ ; M2-M3: bnez $[[T0]], $[[BB0:BB[0-9_]+]]
+ ; M2-M3: nop
+ ; M2-M3: move $5, $6
+ ; M2-M3: $[[BB0]]:
+ ; M2-M3: jr $ra
+ ; M2-M3: move $2, $5
+ ; CMOV: andi $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $4, 1
+ ; CMOV: movn $6, $5, $[[T0]]
+ ; CMOV: move $2, $6
+ ; SEL: andi $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $4, 1
+ ; SEL: seleqz $[[T1:[0-9]+]], $6, $[[T0]]
+ ; SEL: selnez $[[T2:[0-9]+]], $5, $[[T0]]
+ ; SEL: or $2, $[[T2]], $[[T1]]
+ %r = select i1 %s, i1 %x, i1 %y
+ ret i1 %r
+define signext i8 @tst_select_i1_i8(i1 signext %s,
+ i8 signext %x, i8 signext %y) {
+ ; ALL-LABEL: tst_select_i1_i8:
+ ; M2-M3: andi $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $4, 1
+ ; M2-M3: bnez $[[T0]], $[[BB0:BB[0-9_]+]]
+ ; M2-M3: nop
+ ; M2-M3: move $5, $6
+ ; M2-M3: $[[BB0]]:
+ ; M2-M3: jr $ra
+ ; M2-M3: move $2, $5
+ ; CMOV: andi $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $4, 1
+ ; CMOV: movn $6, $5, $[[T0]]
+ ; CMOV: move $2, $6
+ ; SEL: andi $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $4, 1
+ ; SEL: seleqz $[[T1:[0-9]+]], $6, $[[T0]]
+ ; SEL: selnez $[[T2:[0-9]+]], $5, $[[T0]]
+ ; SEL: or $2, $[[T2]], $[[T1]]
+ %r = select i1 %s, i8 %x, i8 %y
+ ret i8 %r
+define signext i32 @tst_select_i1_i32(i1 signext %s,
+ i32 signext %x, i32 signext %y) {
+ ; ALL-LABEL: tst_select_i1_i32:
+ ; M2-M3: andi $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $4, 1
+ ; M2-M3: bnez $[[T0]], $[[BB0:BB[0-9_]+]]
+ ; M2-M3: nop
+ ; M2-M3: move $5, $6
+ ; M2-M3: $[[BB0]]:
+ ; M2-M3: jr $ra
+ ; M2-M3: move $2, $5
+ ; CMOV: andi $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $4, 1
+ ; CMOV: movn $6, $5, $[[T0]]
+ ; CMOV: move $2, $6
+ ; SEL: andi $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $4, 1
+ ; SEL: seleqz $[[T1:[0-9]+]], $6, $[[T0]]
+ ; SEL: selnez $[[T2:[0-9]+]], $5, $[[T0]]
+ ; SEL: or $2, $[[T2]], $[[T1]]
+ %r = select i1 %s, i32 %x, i32 %y
+ ret i32 %r
+define signext i64 @tst_select_i1_i64(i1 signext %s,
+ i64 signext %x, i64 signext %y) {
+ ; ALL-LABEL: tst_select_i1_i64:
+ ; M2: andi $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $4, 1
+ ; M2: bnez $[[T0]], $[[BB0:BB[0-9_]+]]
+ ; M2: nop
+ ; M2: lw $[[T1:[0-9]+]], 16($sp)
+ ; M2: $[[BB0]]:
+ ; FIXME: This branch is redundant
+ ; M2: bnez $[[T0]], $[[BB1:BB[0-9_]+]]
+ ; M2: nop
+ ; M2: lw $[[T2:[0-9]+]], 20($sp)
+ ; M2: $[[BB1]]:
+ ; M2: move $2, $[[T1]]
+ ; M2: jr $ra
+ ; M2: move $3, $[[T2]]
+ ; CMOV-32: andi $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $4, 1
+ ; CMOV-32: lw $2, 16($sp)
+ ; CMOV-32: movn $2, $6, $[[T0]]
+ ; CMOV-32: lw $3, 20($sp)
+ ; CMOV-32: movn $3, $7, $[[T0]]
+ ; SEL-32: andi $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $4, 1
+ ; SEL-32: selnez $[[T1:[0-9]+]], $6, $[[T0]]
+ ; SEL-32: lw $[[T2:[0-9]+]], 16($sp)
+ ; SEL-32: seleqz $[[T3:[0-9]+]], $[[T2]], $[[T0]]
+ ; SEL-32: or $2, $[[T1]], $[[T3]]
+ ; SEL-32: selnez $[[T4:[0-9]+]], $7, $[[T0]]
+ ; SEL-32: lw $[[T5:[0-9]+]], 20($sp)
+ ; SEL-32: seleqz $[[T6:[0-9]+]], $[[T5]], $[[T0]]
+ ; SEL-32: or $3, $[[T4]], $[[T6]]
+ ; M3: andi $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $4, 1
+ ; M3: bnez $[[T0]], $[[BB0:BB[0-9_]+]]
+ ; M3: nop
+ ; M3: move $5, $6
+ ; M3: $[[BB0]]:
+ ; M3: jr $ra
+ ; M3: move $2, $5
+ ; CMOV-64: andi $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $4, 1
+ ; CMOV-64: movn $6, $5, $[[T0]]
+ ; CMOV-64: move $2, $6
+ ; SEL-64: andi $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $4, 1
+ ; FIXME: This shift is redundant
+ ; SEL-64: sll $[[T0]], $[[T0]], 0
+ ; SEL-64: seleqz $[[T1:[0-9]+]], $6, $[[T0]]
+ ; SEL-64: selnez $[[T0]], $5, $[[T0]]
+ ; SEL-64: or $2, $[[T0]], $[[T1]]
+ %r = select i1 %s, i64 %x, i64 %y
+ ret i64 %r
+define float @tst_select_i1_float(i1 signext %s, float %x, float %y) {
+ ; ALL-LABEL: tst_select_i1_float:
+ ; M2-M3: andi $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $4, 1
+ ; M2-M3: bnez $[[T0]], $[[BB0:BB[0-9_]+]]
+ ; M2-M3: nop
+ ; M2: jr $ra
+ ; M2: mtc1 $6, $f0
+ ; M3: mov.s $f13, $f14
+ ; M2-M3: $[[BB0]]:
+ ; M2-M3: jr $ra
+ ; M2: mtc1 $5, $f0
+ ; M3: mov.s $f0, $f13
+ ; CMOV-32: mtc1 $6, $f0
+ ; CMOV-32: mtc1 $5, $f1
+ ; CMOV-32: andi $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $4, 1
+ ; CMOV-32: movn.s $f0, $f1, $[[T0]]
+ ; SEL-32: mtc1 $5, $[[F0:f[0-9]+]]
+ ; SEL-32: mtc1 $6, $[[F1:f[0-9]+]]
+ ; SEL-32: mtc1 $4, $f0
+ ; SEL-32: sel.s $f0, $[[F1]], $[[F0]]
+ ; CMOV-64: andi $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $4, 1
+ ; CMOV-64: movn.s $f14, $f13, $[[T0]]
+ ; CMOV-64: mov.s $f0, $f14
+ ; SEL-64: mtc1 $4, $f0
+ ; SEL-64: sel.s $f0, $f14, $f13
+ %r = select i1 %s, float %x, float %y
+ ret float %r
+define float @tst_select_i1_float_reordered(float %x, float %y,
+ i1 signext %s) {
+ ; ALL-LABEL: tst_select_i1_float_reordered:
+ ; M2-M3: andi $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $6, 1
+ ; M2-M3: bnez $[[T0]], $[[BB0:BB[0-9_]+]]
+ ; M2-M3: nop
+ ; M2: mov.s $f12, $f14
+ ; M3: mov.s $f12, $f13
+ ; M2-M3: $[[BB0]]:
+ ; M2-M3: jr $ra
+ ; M2-M3: mov.s $f0, $f12
+ ; CMOV-32: andi $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $6, 1
+ ; CMOV-32: movn.s $f14, $f12, $[[T0]]
+ ; CMOV-32: mov.s $f0, $f14
+ ; SEL-32: mtc1 $6, $f0
+ ; SEL-32: sel.s $f0, $f14, $f12
+ ; CMOV-64: andi $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $6, 1
+ ; CMOV-64: movn.s $f13, $f12, $[[T0]]
+ ; CMOV-64: mov.s $f0, $f13
+ ; SEL-64: mtc1 $6, $f0
+ ; SEL-64: sel.s $f0, $f13, $f12
+ %r = select i1 %s, float %x, float %y
+ ret float %r
+define double @tst_select_i1_double(i1 signext %s, double %x, double %y) {
+ ; ALL-LABEL: tst_select_i1_double:
+ ; M2: andi $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $4, 1
+ ; M2: bnez $[[T0]], $[[BB0:BB[0-9_]+]]
+ ; M2: nop
+ ; M2: ldc1 $f0, 16($sp)
+ ; M2: jr $ra
+ ; M2: nop
+ ; M2: $[[BB0]]:
+ ; M2: mtc1 $7, $f0
+ ; M2: jr $ra
+ ; M2: mtc1 $6, $f1
+ ; CMOV-32: mtc1 $7, $[[F0:f[0-9]+]]
+ ; CMOV-32R1: mtc1 $6, $f{{[0-9]+}}
+ ; CMOV-32R2-R5: mthc1 $6, $[[F0]]
+ ; CMOV-32: andi $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $4, 1
+ ; CMOV-32: ldc1 $f0, 16($sp)
+ ; CMOV-32: movn.d $f0, $[[F0]], $[[T0]]
+ ; SEL-32: mtc1 $7, $[[F0:f[0-9]+]]
+ ; SEL-32: mthc1 $6, $[[F0]]
+ ; SEL-32: ldc1 $[[F1:f[0-9]+]], 16($sp)
+ ; SEL-32: mtc1 $4, $f0
+ ; SEL-32: sel.d $f0, $[[F1]], $[[F0]]
+ ; M3: andi $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $4, 1
+ ; M3: bnez $[[T0]], $[[BB0:BB[0-9_]+]]
+ ; M3: nop
+ ; M3: mov.d $f13, $f14
+ ; M3: $[[BB0]]:
+ ; M3: jr $ra
+ ; M3: mov.d $f0, $f13
+ ; CMOV-64: andi $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $4, 1
+ ; CMOV-64: movn.d $f14, $f13, $[[T0]]
+ ; CMOV-64: mov.d $f0, $f14
+ ; SEL-64: mtc1 $4, $f0
+ ; SEL-64: sel.d $f0, $f14, $f13
+ %r = select i1 %s, double %x, double %y
+ ret double %r
+define double @tst_select_i1_double_reordered(double %x, double %y,
+ i1 signext %s) {
+ ; ALL-LABEL: tst_select_i1_double_reordered:
+ ; M2: lw $[[T0:[0-9]+]], 16($sp)
+ ; M2: andi $[[T1:[0-9]+]], $[[T0]], 1
+ ; M2: bnez $[[T1]], $[[BB0:BB[0-9_]+]]
+ ; M2: nop
+ ; M2: mov.d $f12, $f14
+ ; M2: $[[BB0]]:
+ ; M2: jr $ra
+ ; M2: mov.d $f0, $f12
+ ; CMOV-32: lw $[[T0:[0-9]+]], 16($sp)
+ ; CMOV-32: andi $[[T1:[0-9]+]], $[[T0]], 1
+ ; CMOV-32: movn.d $f14, $f12, $[[T1]]
+ ; CMOV-32: mov.d $f0, $f14
+ ; SEL-32: lw $[[T0:[0-9]+]], 16($sp)
+ ; SEL-32: mtc1 $[[T0]], $f0
+ ; SEL-32: sel.d $f0, $f14, $f12
+ ; M3: andi $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $6, 1
+ ; M3: bnez $[[T0]], $[[BB0:BB[0-9_]+]]
+ ; M3: nop
+ ; M3: mov.d $f12, $f13
+ ; M3: $[[BB0]]:
+ ; M3: jr $ra
+ ; M3: mov.d $f0, $f12
+ ; CMOV-64: andi $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $6, 1
+ ; CMOV-64: movn.d $f13, $f12, $[[T0]]
+ ; CMOV-64: mov.d $f0, $f13
+ ; SEL-64: mtc1 $6, $f0
+ ; SEL-64: sel.d $f0, $f13, $f12
+ %r = select i1 %s, double %x, double %y
+ ret double %r
+define float @tst_select_fcmp_olt_float(float %x, float %y) {
+ ; ALL-LABEL: tst_select_fcmp_olt_float:
+ ; M2: c.olt.s $f12, $f14
+ ; M3: c.olt.s $f12, $f13
+ ; M2-M3: bc1t $[[BB0:BB[0-9_]+]]
+ ; M2-M3: nop
+ ; M2: mov.s $f12, $f14
+ ; M3: mov.s $f12, $f13
+ ; M2-M3: $[[BB0]]:
+ ; M2-M3: jr $ra
+ ; M2-M3: mov.s $f0, $f12
+ ; CMOV-32: c.olt.s $f12, $f14
+ ; CMOV-32: movt.s $f14, $f12, $fcc0
+ ; CMOV-32: mov.s $f0, $f14
+ ; SEL-32: cmp.lt.s $f0, $f12, $f14
+ ; SEL-32: sel.s $f0, $f14, $f12
+ ; CMOV-64: c.olt.s $f12, $f13
+ ; CMOV-64: movt.s $f13, $f12, $fcc0
+ ; CMOV-64: mov.s $f0, $f13
+ ; SEL-64: cmp.lt.s $f0, $f12, $f13
+ ; SEL-64: sel.s $f0, $f13, $f12
+ %s = fcmp olt float %x, %y
+ %r = select i1 %s, float %x, float %y
+ ret float %r
+define float @tst_select_fcmp_ole_float(float %x, float %y) {
+ ; ALL-LABEL: tst_select_fcmp_ole_float:
+ ; M2: c.ole.s $f12, $f14
+ ; M3: c.ole.s $f12, $f13
+ ; M2-M3: bc1t $[[BB0:BB[0-9_]+]]
+ ; M2-M3: nop
+ ; M2: mov.s $f12, $f14
+ ; M3: mov.s $f12, $f13
+ ; M2-M3: $[[BB0]]:
+ ; M2-M3: jr $ra
+ ; M2-M3: mov.s $f0, $f12
+ ; CMOV-32: c.ole.s $f12, $f14
+ ; CMOV-32: movt.s $f14, $f12, $fcc0
+ ; CMOV-32: mov.s $f0, $f14
+ ; SEL-32: cmp.le.s $f0, $f12, $f14
+ ; SEL-32: sel.s $f0, $f14, $f12
+ ; CMOV-64: c.ole.s $f12, $f13
+ ; CMOV-64: movt.s $f13, $f12, $fcc0
+ ; CMOV-64: mov.s $f0, $f13
+ ; SEL-64: cmp.le.s $f0, $f12, $f13
+ ; SEL-64: sel.s $f0, $f13, $f12
+ %s = fcmp ole float %x, %y
+ %r = select i1 %s, float %x, float %y
+ ret float %r
+define float @tst_select_fcmp_ogt_float(float %x, float %y) {
+ ; ALL-LABEL: tst_select_fcmp_ogt_float:
+ ; M2: c.ule.s $f12, $f14
+ ; M3: c.ule.s $f12, $f13
+ ; M2-M3: bc1f $[[BB0:BB[0-9_]+]]
+ ; M2-M3: nop
+ ; M2: mov.s $f12, $f14
+ ; M3: mov.s $f12, $f13
+ ; M2-M3: $[[BB0]]:
+ ; M2-M3: jr $ra
+ ; M2-M3: mov.s $f0, $f12
+ ; CMOV-32: c.ule.s $f12, $f14
+ ; CMOV-32: movf.s $f14, $f12, $fcc0
+ ; CMOV-32: mov.s $f0, $f14
+ ; SEL-32: cmp.lt.s $f0, $f14, $f12
+ ; SEL-32: sel.s $f0, $f14, $f12
+ ; CMOV-64: c.ule.s $f12, $f13
+ ; CMOV-64: movf.s $f13, $f12, $fcc0
+ ; CMOV-64: mov.s $f0, $f13
+ ; SEL-64: cmp.lt.s $f0, $f13, $f12
+ ; SEL-64: sel.s $f0, $f13, $f12
+ %s = fcmp ogt float %x, %y
+ %r = select i1 %s, float %x, float %y
+ ret float %r
+define float @tst_select_fcmp_oge_float(float %x, float %y) {
+ ; ALL-LABEL: tst_select_fcmp_oge_float:
+ ; M2: c.ult.s $f12, $f14
+ ; M3: c.ult.s $f12, $f13
+ ; M2-M3: bc1f $[[BB0:BB[0-9_]+]]
+ ; M2-M3: nop
+ ; M2: mov.s $f12, $f14
+ ; M3: mov.s $f12, $f13
+ ; M2-M3: $[[BB0]]:
+ ; M2-M3: jr $ra
+ ; M2-M3: mov.s $f0, $f12
+ ; CMOV-32: c.ult.s $f12, $f14
+ ; CMOV-32: movf.s $f14, $f12, $fcc0
+ ; CMOV-32: mov.s $f0, $f14
+ ; SEL-32: cmp.le.s $f0, $f14, $f12
+ ; SEL-32: sel.s $f0, $f14, $f12
+ ; CMOV-64: c.ult.s $f12, $f13
+ ; CMOV-64: movf.s $f13, $f12, $fcc0
+ ; CMOV-64: mov.s $f0, $f13
+ ; SEL-64: cmp.le.s $f0, $f13, $f12
+ ; SEL-64: sel.s $f0, $f13, $f12
+ %s = fcmp oge float %x, %y
+ %r = select i1 %s, float %x, float %y
+ ret float %r
+define float @tst_select_fcmp_oeq_float(float %x, float %y) {
+ ; ALL-LABEL: tst_select_fcmp_oeq_float:
+ ; M2: c.eq.s $f12, $f14
+ ; M3: c.eq.s $f12, $f13
+ ; M2-M3: bc1t $[[BB0:BB[0-9_]+]]
+ ; M2-M3: nop
+ ; M2: mov.s $f12, $f14
+ ; M3: mov.s $f12, $f13
+ ; M2-M3: $[[BB0]]:
+ ; M2-M3: jr $ra
+ ; M2-M3: mov.s $f0, $f12
+ ; CMOV-32: c.eq.s $f12, $f14
+ ; CMOV-32: movt.s $f14, $f12, $fcc0
+ ; CMOV-32: mov.s $f0, $f14
+ ; SEL-32: cmp.eq.s $f0, $f12, $f14
+ ; SEL-32: sel.s $f0, $f14, $f12
+ ; CMOV-64: c.eq.s $f12, $f13
+ ; CMOV-64: movt.s $f13, $f12, $fcc0
+ ; CMOV-64: mov.s $f0, $f13
+ ; SEL-64: cmp.eq.s $f0, $f12, $f13
+ ; SEL-64: sel.s $f0, $f13, $f12
+ %s = fcmp oeq float %x, %y
+ %r = select i1 %s, float %x, float %y
+ ret float %r
+define float @tst_select_fcmp_one_float(float %x, float %y) {
+ ; ALL-LABEL: tst_select_fcmp_one_float:
+ ; M2: c.ueq.s $f12, $f14
+ ; M3: c.ueq.s $f12, $f13
+ ; M2-M3: bc1f $[[BB0:BB[0-9_]+]]
+ ; M2-M3: nop
+ ; M2: mov.s $f12, $f14
+ ; M3: mov.s $f12, $f13
+ ; M2-M3: $[[BB0]]:
+ ; M2-M3: jr $ra
+ ; M2-M3: mov.s $f0, $f12
+ ; CMOV-32: c.ueq.s $f12, $f14
+ ; CMOV-32: movf.s $f14, $f12, $fcc0
+ ; CMOV-32: mov.s $f0, $f14
+ ; SEL-32: cmp.ueq.s $f0, $f12, $f14
+ ; SEL-32: mfc1 $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $f0
+ ; SEL-32: not $[[T0]], $[[T0]]
+ ; SEL-32: mtc1 $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $f0
+ ; SEL-32: sel.s $f0, $f14, $f12
+ ; CMOV-64: c.ueq.s $f12, $f13
+ ; CMOV-64: movf.s $f13, $f12, $fcc0
+ ; CMOV-64: mov.s $f0, $f13
+ ; SEL-64: cmp.ueq.s $f0, $f12, $f13
+ ; SEL-64: mfc1 $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $f0
+ ; SEL-64: not $[[T0]], $[[T0]]
+ ; SEL-64: mtc1 $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $f0
+ ; SEL-64: sel.s $f0, $f13, $f12
+ %s = fcmp one float %x, %y
+ %r = select i1 %s, float %x, float %y
+ ret float %r
+define double @tst_select_fcmp_olt_double(double %x, double %y) {
+ ; ALL-LABEL: tst_select_fcmp_olt_double:
+ ; M2: c.olt.d $f12, $f14
+ ; M3: c.olt.d $f12, $f13
+ ; M2-M3: bc1t $[[BB0:BB[0-9_]+]]
+ ; M2-M3: nop
+ ; M2: mov.d $f12, $f14
+ ; M3: mov.d $f12, $f13
+ ; M2-M3: $[[BB0]]:
+ ; M2-M3: jr $ra
+ ; M2-M3: mov.d $f0, $f12
+ ; CMOV-32: c.olt.d $f12, $f14
+ ; CMOV-32: movt.d $f14, $f12, $fcc0
+ ; CMOV-32: mov.d $f0, $f14
+ ; SEL-32: cmp.lt.d $f0, $f12, $f14
+ ; SEL-32: sel.d $f0, $f14, $f12
+ ; CMOV-64: c.olt.d $f12, $f13
+ ; CMOV-64: movt.d $f13, $f12, $fcc0
+ ; CMOV-64: mov.d $f0, $f13
+ ; SEL-64: cmp.lt.d $f0, $f12, $f13
+ ; SEL-64: sel.d $f0, $f13, $f12
+ %s = fcmp olt double %x, %y
+ %r = select i1 %s, double %x, double %y
+ ret double %r
+define double @tst_select_fcmp_ole_double(double %x, double %y) {
+ ; ALL-LABEL: tst_select_fcmp_ole_double:
+ ; M2: c.ole.d $f12, $f14
+ ; M3: c.ole.d $f12, $f13
+ ; M2-M3: bc1t $[[BB0:BB[0-9_]+]]
+ ; M2-M3: nop
+ ; M2: mov.d $f12, $f14
+ ; M3: mov.d $f12, $f13
+ ; M2-M3: $[[BB0]]:
+ ; M2-M3: jr $ra
+ ; M2-M3: mov.d $f0, $f12
+ ; CMOV-32: c.ole.d $f12, $f14
+ ; CMOV-32: movt.d $f14, $f12, $fcc0
+ ; CMOV-32: mov.d $f0, $f14
+ ; SEL-32: cmp.le.d $f0, $f12, $f14
+ ; SEL-32: sel.d $f0, $f14, $f12
+ ; CMOV-64: c.ole.d $f12, $f13
+ ; CMOV-64: movt.d $f13, $f12, $fcc0
+ ; CMOV-64: mov.d $f0, $f13
+ ; SEL-64: cmp.le.d $f0, $f12, $f13
+ ; SEL-64: sel.d $f0, $f13, $f12
+ %s = fcmp ole double %x, %y
+ %r = select i1 %s, double %x, double %y
+ ret double %r
+define double @tst_select_fcmp_ogt_double(double %x, double %y) {
+ ; ALL-LABEL: tst_select_fcmp_ogt_double:
+ ; M2: c.ule.d $f12, $f14
+ ; M3: c.ule.d $f12, $f13
+ ; M2-M3: bc1f $[[BB0:BB[0-9_]+]]
+ ; M2-M3: nop
+ ; M2: mov.d $f12, $f14
+ ; M3: mov.d $f12, $f13
+ ; M2-M3: $[[BB0]]:
+ ; M2-M3: jr $ra
+ ; M2-M3: mov.d $f0, $f12
+ ; CMOV-32: c.ule.d $f12, $f14
+ ; CMOV-32: movf.d $f14, $f12, $fcc0
+ ; CMOV-32: mov.d $f0, $f14
+ ; SEL-32: cmp.lt.d $f0, $f14, $f12
+ ; SEL-32: sel.d $f0, $f14, $f12
+ ; CMOV-64: c.ule.d $f12, $f13
+ ; CMOV-64: movf.d $f13, $f12, $fcc0
+ ; CMOV-64: mov.d $f0, $f13
+ ; SEL-64: cmp.lt.d $f0, $f13, $f12
+ ; SEL-64: sel.d $f0, $f13, $f12
+ %s = fcmp ogt double %x, %y
+ %r = select i1 %s, double %x, double %y
+ ret double %r
+define double @tst_select_fcmp_oge_double(double %x, double %y) {
+ ; ALL-LABEL: tst_select_fcmp_oge_double:
+ ; M2: c.ult.d $f12, $f14
+ ; M3: c.ult.d $f12, $f13
+ ; M2-M3: bc1f $[[BB0:BB[0-9_]+]]
+ ; M2-M3: nop
+ ; M2: mov.d $f12, $f14
+ ; M3: mov.d $f12, $f13
+ ; M2-M3: $[[BB0]]:
+ ; M2-M3: jr $ra
+ ; M2-M3: mov.d $f0, $f12
+ ; CMOV-32: c.ult.d $f12, $f14
+ ; CMOV-32: movf.d $f14, $f12, $fcc0
+ ; CMOV-32: mov.d $f0, $f14
+ ; SEL-32: cmp.le.d $f0, $f14, $f12
+ ; SEL-32: sel.d $f0, $f14, $f12
+ ; CMOV-64: c.ult.d $f12, $f13
+ ; CMOV-64: movf.d $f13, $f12, $fcc0
+ ; CMOV-64: mov.d $f0, $f13
+ ; SEL-64: cmp.le.d $f0, $f13, $f12
+ ; SEL-64: sel.d $f0, $f13, $f12
+ %s = fcmp oge double %x, %y
+ %r = select i1 %s, double %x, double %y
+ ret double %r
+define double @tst_select_fcmp_oeq_double(double %x, double %y) {
+ ; ALL-LABEL: tst_select_fcmp_oeq_double:
+ ; M2: c.eq.d $f12, $f14
+ ; M3: c.eq.d $f12, $f13
+ ; M2-M3: bc1t $[[BB0:BB[0-9_]+]]
+ ; M2-M3: nop
+ ; M2: mov.d $f12, $f14
+ ; M3: mov.d $f12, $f13
+ ; M2-M3: $[[BB0]]:
+ ; M2-M3: jr $ra
+ ; M2-M3: mov.d $f0, $f12
+ ; CMOV-32: c.eq.d $f12, $f14
+ ; CMOV-32: movt.d $f14, $f12, $fcc0
+ ; CMOV-32: mov.d $f0, $f14
+ ; SEL-32: cmp.eq.d $f0, $f12, $f14
+ ; SEL-32: sel.d $f0, $f14, $f12
+ ; CMOV-64: c.eq.d $f12, $f13
+ ; CMOV-64: movt.d $f13, $f12, $fcc0
+ ; CMOV-64: mov.d $f0, $f13
+ ; SEL-64: cmp.eq.d $f0, $f12, $f13
+ ; SEL-64: sel.d $f0, $f13, $f12
+ %s = fcmp oeq double %x, %y
+ %r = select i1 %s, double %x, double %y
+ ret double %r
+define double @tst_select_fcmp_one_double(double %x, double %y) {
+ ; ALL-LABEL: tst_select_fcmp_one_double:
+ ; M2: c.ueq.d $f12, $f14
+ ; M3: c.ueq.d $f12, $f13
+ ; M2-M3: bc1f $[[BB0:BB[0-9_]+]]
+ ; M2-M3: nop
+ ; M2: mov.d $f12, $f14
+ ; M3: mov.d $f12, $f13
+ ; M2-M3: $[[BB0]]:
+ ; M2-M3: jr $ra
+ ; M2-M3: mov.d $f0, $f12
+ ; CMOV-32: c.ueq.d $f12, $f14
+ ; CMOV-32: movf.d $f14, $f12, $fcc0
+ ; CMOV-32: mov.d $f0, $f14
+ ; SEL-32: cmp.ueq.d $f0, $f12, $f14
+ ; SEL-32: mfc1 $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $f0
+ ; SEL-32: not $[[T0]], $[[T0]]
+ ; SEL-32: mtc1 $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $f0
+ ; SEL-32: sel.d $f0, $f14, $f12
+ ; CMOV-64: c.ueq.d $f12, $f13
+ ; CMOV-64: movf.d $f13, $f12, $fcc0
+ ; CMOV-64: mov.d $f0, $f13
+ ; SEL-64: cmp.ueq.d $f0, $f12, $f13
+ ; SEL-64: mfc1 $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $f0
+ ; SEL-64: not $[[T0]], $[[T0]]
+ ; SEL-64: mtc1 $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $f0
+ ; SEL-64: sel.d $f0, $f13, $f12
+ %s = fcmp one double %x, %y
+ %r = select i1 %s, double %x, double %y
+ ret double %r
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/llvm-ir/shl.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/llvm-ir/shl.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6640320
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/llvm-ir/shl.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips2 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP32 \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=M2 -check-prefix=NOT-R2-R6
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP32 -check-prefix=NOT-R2-R6 \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=32R1-R5
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r2 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP32 \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=32R1-R5 -check-prefix=R2-R6
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r3 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP32 \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=32R1-R5 -check-prefix=R2-R6
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r5 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP32 \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=32R1-R5 -check-prefix=R2-R6
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r6 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP32 \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=32R6 -check-prefix=R2-R6
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips3 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP64 \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=M3 -check-prefix=NOT-R2-R6
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips4 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP64 \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=GP64-NOT-R6 -check-prefix=NOT-R2-R6
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP64 \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=GP64-NOT-R6 -check-prefix=NOT-R2-R6
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r2 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP64 \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=GP64-NOT-R6 -check-prefix R2-R6
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r3 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP64 \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=GP64-NOT-R6 -check-prefix R2-R6
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r5 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP64 \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=GP64-NOT-R6 -check-prefix R2-R6
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r6 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP64 \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=64R6 -check-prefix=R2-R6
+define signext i1 @shl_i1(i1 signext %a, i1 signext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: shl_i1:
+ ; ALL: move $2, $4
+ %r = shl i1 %a, %b
+ ret i1 %r
+define signext i8 @shl_i8(i8 signext %a, i8 signext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: shl_i8:
+ ; NOT-R2-R6: andi $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $5, 255
+ ; NOT-R2-R6: sllv $[[T1:[0-9]+]], $4, $[[T0]]
+ ; NOT-R2-R6: sll $[[T2:[0-9]+]], $[[T1]], 24
+ ; NOT-R2-R6: sra $2, $[[T2]], 24
+ ; R2-R6: andi $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $5, 255
+ ; R2-R6: sllv $[[T1:[0-9]+]], $4, $[[T0]]
+ ; R2-R6: seb $2, $[[T1]]
+ %r = shl i8 %a, %b
+ ret i8 %r
+define signext i16 @shl_i16(i16 signext %a, i16 signext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: shl_i16:
+ ; NOT-R2-R6: andi $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $5, 65535
+ ; NOT-R2-R6: sllv $[[T1:[0-9]+]], $4, $[[T0]]
+ ; NOT-R2-R6: sll $[[T2:[0-9]+]], $[[T1]], 16
+ ; NOT-R2-R6: sra $2, $[[T2]], 16
+ ; R2-R6: andi $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $5, 65535
+ ; R2-R6: sllv $[[T1:[0-9]+]], $4, $[[T0]]
+ ; R2-R6: seh $2, $[[T1]]
+ %r = shl i16 %a, %b
+ ret i16 %r
+define signext i32 @shl_i32(i32 signext %a, i32 signext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: shl_i32:
+ ; ALL: sllv $2, $4, $5
+ %r = shl i32 %a, %b
+ ret i32 %r
+define signext i64 @shl_i64(i64 signext %a, i64 signext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: shl_i64:
+ ; M2: sllv $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $5, $7
+ ; M2: andi $[[T1:[0-9]+]], $7, 32
+ ; M2: bnez $[[T1]], $[[BB0:BB[0-9_]+]]
+ ; M2: move $2, $[[T0]]
+ ; M2: sllv $[[T2:[0-9]+]], $4, $7
+ ; M2: not $[[T3:[0-9]+]], $7
+ ; M2: srl $[[T4:[0-9]+]], $5, 1
+ ; M2: srlv $[[T5:[0-9]+]], $[[T4]], $[[T3]]
+ ; M2: or $2, $[[T2]], $[[T3]]
+ ; M2: $[[BB0]]:
+ ; M2: bnez $[[T1]], $[[BB1:BB[0-9_]+]]
+ ; M2: addiu $3, $zero, 0
+ ; M2: move $3, $[[T0]]
+ ; M2: $[[BB1]]:
+ ; M2: jr $ra
+ ; M2: nop
+ ; 32R1-R5: sllv $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $4, $7
+ ; 32R1-R5: not $[[T1:[0-9]+]], $7
+ ; 32R1-R5: srl $[[T2:[0-9]+]], $5, 1
+ ; 32R1-R5: srlv $[[T3:[0-9]+]], $[[T2]], $[[T1]]
+ ; 32R1-R5: or $2, $[[T0]], $[[T3]]
+ ; 32R1-R5: sllv $[[T4:[0-9]+]], $5, $7
+ ; 32R1-R5: andi $[[T5:[0-9]+]], $7, 32
+ ; 32R1-R5: movn $2, $[[T4]], $[[T5]]
+ ; 32R1-R5: jr $ra
+ ; 32R1-R5: movn $3, $zero, $[[T5]]
+ ; 32R6: sllv $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $4, $7
+ ; 32R6: not $[[T1:[0-9]+]], $7
+ ; 32R6: srl $[[T2:[0-9]+]], $5, 1
+ ; 32R6: srlv $[[T3:[0-9]+]], $[[T2]], $[[T1]]
+ ; 32R6: or $[[T4:[0-9]+]], $[[T0]], $[[T3]]
+ ; 32R6: andi $[[T5:[0-9]+]], $7, 32
+ ; 32R6: seleqz $[[T6:[0-9]+]], $[[T4]], $[[T2]]
+ ; 32R6: sllv $[[T7:[0-9]+]], $5, $7
+ ; 32R6: selnez $[[T8:[0-9]+]], $[[T7]], $[[T5]]
+ ; 32R6: or $2, $[[T8]], $[[T6]]
+ ; 32R6: jr $ra
+ ; 32R6: seleqz $3, $[[T7]], $[[T5]]
+ ; GP64: sll $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $5, 0
+ ; GP64: dsllv $2, $4, $1
+ %r = shl i64 %a, %b
+ ret i64 %r
+define signext i128 @shl_i128(i128 signext %a, i128 signext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: shl_i128:
+ ; GP32: lw $25, %call16(__ashlti3)($gp)
+ ; M3: sll $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $7, 0
+ ; M3: dsllv $[[T1:[0-9]+]], $5, $[[T0]]
+ ; M3: andi $[[T2:[0-9]+]], $[[T0]], 32
+ ; M3: bnez $[[T3:[0-9]+]], $[[BB0:BB[0-9_]+]]
+ ; M3: move $2, $[[T1]]
+ ; M3: dsllv $[[T4:[0-9]+]], $4, $[[T0]]
+ ; M3: dsrl $[[T5:[0-9]+]], $5, 1
+ ; M3: not $[[T6:[0-9]+]], $[[T0]]
+ ; M3: dsrlv $[[T7:[0-9]+]], $[[T5]], $[[T6]]
+ ; M3: or $2, $[[T4]], $[[T7]]
+ ; M3: $[[BB0]]:
+ ; M3: bnez $[[T3]], $[[BB1:BB[0-9_]+]]
+ ; M3: daddiu $3, $zero, 0
+ ; M3: move $3, $[[T1]]
+ ; M3: $[[BB1]]:
+ ; M3: jr $ra
+ ; M3: nop
+ ; GP64-NOT-R6: sll $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $7, 0
+ ; GP64-NOT-R6: dsllv $[[T1:[0-9]+]], $4, $[[T0]]
+ ; GP64-NOT-R6: dsrl $[[T2:[0-9]+]], $5, 1
+ ; GP64-NOT-R6: not $[[T3:[0-9]+]], $[[T0]]
+ ; GP64-NOT-R6: dsrlv $[[T4:[0-9]+]], $[[T2]], $[[T3]]
+ ; GP64-NOT-R6: or $2, $[[T1]], $[[T4]]
+ ; GP64-NOT-R6: dsllv $3, $5, $[[T0]]
+ ; GP64-NOT-R6: andi $[[T5:[0-9]+]], $[[T0]], 32
+ ; GP64-NOT-R6: movn $2, $3, $[[T5]]
+ ; GP64-NOT-R6: jr $ra
+ ; GP64-NOT-R6: movn $3, $zero, $1
+ ; 64R6: sll $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $7, 0
+ ; 64R6: dsllv $[[T1:[0-9]+]], $4, $[[T0]]
+ ; 64R6: dsrl $[[T2:[0-9]+]], $5, 1
+ ; 64R6: not $[[T3:[0-9]+]], $[[T0]]
+ ; 64R6: dsrlv $[[T4:[0-9]+]], $[[T2]], $[[T3]]
+ ; 64R6: or $[[T5:[0-9]+]], $[[T1]], $[[T4]]
+ ; 64R6: andi $[[T6:[0-9]+]], $[[T0]], 32
+ ; 64R6: sll $[[T7:[0-9]+]], $[[T6]], 0
+ ; 64R6: seleqz $[[T8:[0-9]+]], $[[T5]], $[[T7]]
+ ; 64R6: dsllv $[[T9:[0-9]+]], $5, $[[T0]]
+ ; 64R6: selnez $[[T10:[0-9]+]], $[[T9]], $[[T7]]
+ ; 64R6: or $2, $[[T10]], $[[T8]]
+ ; 64R6: jr $ra
+ ; 64R6: seleqz $3, $[[T0]], $[[T7]]
+ %r = shl i128 %a, %b
+ ret i128 %r
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/llvm-ir/srem.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/llvm-ir/srem.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ceb53ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/llvm-ir/srem.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips2 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=GP32 -check-prefix=NOT-R6 -check-prefix=NOT-R2-R6
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=GP32 -check-prefix=NOT-R6 -check-prefix=NOT-R2-R6
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r2 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=GP32 \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=R2-R5 -check-prefix=R2-R6 -check-prefix=NOT-R6
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r3 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=GP32 \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=R2-R5 -check-prefix=R2-R6 -check-prefix=NOT-R6
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r5 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=GP32 \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=R2-R5 -check-prefix=R2-R6 -check-prefix=NOT-R6
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r6 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=GP32 -check-prefix=R6 -check-prefix=R2-R6
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips3 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=GP64-NOT-R6 -check-prefix=NOT-R6 -check-prefix=NOT-R2-R6
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips4 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=GP64-NOT-R6 -check-prefix=NOT-R6 -check-prefix=NOT-R2-R6
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=GP64-NOT-R6 -check-prefix=NOT-R6 -check-prefix=NOT-R2-R6
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r2 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=R2-R5 -check-prefix=R2-R6 \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=GP64-NOT-R6 -check-prefix=NOT-R6
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r3 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=R2-R5 -check-prefix=R2-R6 \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=GP64-NOT-R6 -check-prefix=NOT-R6
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r5 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=R2-R5 -check-prefix=R2-R6 \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=GP64-NOT-R6 -check-prefix=NOT-R6
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r6 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=64R6 -check-prefix=R6 -check-prefix=R2-R6
+define signext i1 @srem_i1(i1 signext %a, i1 signext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: srem_i1:
+ ; NOT-R6: div $zero, $4, $5
+ ; NOT-R6: teq $5, $zero, 7
+ ; NOT-R6: mfhi $[[T0:[0-9]+]]
+ ; NOT-R6: sll $[[T1:[0-9]+]], $[[T0]], 31
+ ; NOT-R6: sra $2, $[[T1]], 31
+ ; R6: mod $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $4, $5
+ ; R6: teq $5, $zero, 7
+ ; R6: sll $[[T3:[0-9]+]], $[[T0]], 31
+ ; R6: sra $2, $[[T3]], 31
+ %r = srem i1 %a, %b
+ ret i1 %r
+define signext i8 @srem_i8(i8 signext %a, i8 signext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: srem_i8:
+ ; NOT-R2-R6: div $zero, $4, $5
+ ; NOT-R2-R6: teq $5, $zero, 7
+ ; NOT-R2-R6: mfhi $[[T0:[0-9]+]]
+ ; NOT-R2-R6: sll $[[T1:[0-9]+]], $[[T0]], 24
+ ; NOT-R2-R6: sra $2, $[[T1]], 24
+ ; R2-R5: div $zero, $4, $5
+ ; R2-R5: teq $5, $zero, 7
+ ; R2-R5: mfhi $[[T0:[0-9]+]]
+ ; R2-R5: seb $2, $[[T0]]
+ ; R6: mod $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $4, $5
+ ; R6: teq $5, $zero, 7
+ ; R6: seb $2, $[[T0]]
+ %r = srem i8 %a, %b
+ ret i8 %r
+define signext i16 @srem_i16(i16 signext %a, i16 signext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: srem_i16:
+ ; NOT-R2-R6: div $zero, $4, $5
+ ; NOT-R2-R6: teq $5, $zero, 7
+ ; NOT-R2-R6: mfhi $[[T0:[0-9]+]]
+ ; NOT-R2-R6: sll $[[T1:[0-9]+]], $[[T0]], 16
+ ; NOT-R2-R6: sra $2, $[[T1]], 16
+ ; R2-R5: div $zero, $4, $5
+ ; R2-R5: teq $5, $zero, 7
+ ; R2-R5: mfhi $[[T0:[0-9]+]]
+ ; R2-R5: seh $2, $[[T1]]
+ ; R6: mod $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $4, $5
+ ; R6: teq $5, $zero, 7
+ ; R6: seh $2, $[[T0]]
+ %r = srem i16 %a, %b
+ ret i16 %r
+define signext i32 @srem_i32(i32 signext %a, i32 signext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: srem_i32:
+ ; NOT-R6: div $zero, $4, $5
+ ; NOT-R6: teq $5, $zero, 7
+ ; NOT-R6: mfhi $2
+ ; R6: mod $2, $4, $5
+ ; R6: teq $5, $zero, 7
+ %r = srem i32 %a, %b
+ ret i32 %r
+define signext i64 @srem_i64(i64 signext %a, i64 signext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: srem_i64:
+ ; GP32: lw $25, %call16(__moddi3)($gp)
+ ; GP64-NOT-R6: ddiv $zero, $4, $5
+ ; GP64-NOT-R6: teq $5, $zero, 7
+ ; GP64-NOT-R6: mfhi $2
+ ; 64R6: dmod $2, $4, $5
+ ; 64R6: teq $5, $zero, 7
+ %r = srem i64 %a, %b
+ ret i64 %r
+define signext i128 @srem_i128(i128 signext %a, i128 signext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: srem_i128:
+ ; GP32: lw $25, %call16(__modti3)($gp)
+ ; GP64-NOT-R6: ld $25, %call16(__modti3)($gp)
+ ; 64-R6: ld $25, %call16(__modti3)($gp)
+ %r = srem i128 %a, %b
+ ret i128 %r
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/llvm-ir/sub.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/llvm-ir/sub.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1649758
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/llvm-ir/sub.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips2 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=NOT-R2-R6 -check-prefix=GP32
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=NOT-R2-R6 -check-prefix=GP32
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r2 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=R2-R6 -check-prefix=GP32
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r3 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=R2-R6 -check-prefix=GP32
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r5 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=R2-R6 -check-prefix=GP32
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r6 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=R2-R6 -check-prefix=GP32
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips3 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=NOT-R2-R6 -check-prefix=GP64
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips4 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=NOT-R2-R6 -check-prefix=GP64
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=NOT-R2-R6 -check-prefix=GP64
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r2 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=R2-R6 -check-prefix=GP64
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r3 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=R2-R6 -check-prefix=GP64
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r5 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=R2-R6 -check-prefix=GP64
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r6 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=R2-R6 -check-prefix=GP64
+define signext i1 @sub_i1(i1 signext %a, i1 signext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: sub_i1:
+ ; ALL: subu $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $4, $5
+ ; ALL: sll $[[T0]], $[[T0]], 31
+ ; ALL: sra $2, $[[T0]], 31
+ %r = sub i1 %a, %b
+ ret i1 %r
+define signext i8 @sub_i8(i8 signext %a, i8 signext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: sub_i8:
+ ; NOT-R2-R6: subu $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $4, $5
+ ; NOT-R2-R6: sll $[[T0]], $[[T0]], 24
+ ; NOT-R2-R6: sra $2, $[[T0]], 24
+ ; R2-R6: subu $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $4, $5
+ ; R2-R6: seb $2, $[[T0:[0-9]+]]
+ %r = sub i8 %a, %b
+ ret i8 %r
+define signext i16 @sub_i16(i16 signext %a, i16 signext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: sub_i16:
+ ; NOT-R2-R6: subu $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $4, $5
+ ; NOT-R2-R6: sll $[[T0]], $[[T0]], 16
+ ; NOT-R2-R6: sra $2, $[[T0]], 16
+ ; R2-R6: subu $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $4, $5
+ ; R2-R6: seh $2, $[[T0:[0-9]+]]
+ %r = sub i16 %a, %b
+ ret i16 %r
+define signext i32 @sub_i32(i32 signext %a, i32 signext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: sub_i32:
+ ; ALL: subu $2, $4, $5
+ %r = sub i32 %a, %b
+ ret i32 %r
+define signext i64 @sub_i64(i64 signext %a, i64 signext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: sub_i64:
+ ; GP32: subu $3, $5, $7
+ ; GP32: sltu $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $5, $7
+ ; GP32: addu $[[T1:[0-9]+]], $[[T0]], $6
+ ; GP32: subu $2, $4, $[[T1]]
+ ; GP64: dsubu $2, $4, $5
+ %r = sub i64 %a, %b
+ ret i64 %r
+define signext i128 @sub_i128(i128 signext %a, i128 signext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: sub_i128:
+ ; GP32: lw $[[T0:[0-9]+]], 20($sp)
+ ; GP32: sltu $[[T1:[0-9]+]], $5, $[[T0]]
+ ; GP32: lw $[[T2:[0-9]+]], 16($sp)
+ ; GP32: addu $[[T3:[0-9]+]], $[[T1]], $[[T2]]
+ ; GP32: lw $[[T4:[0-9]+]], 24($sp)
+ ; GP32: lw $[[T5:[0-9]+]], 28($sp)
+ ; GP32: subu $[[T6:[0-9]+]], $7, $[[T5]]
+ ; GP32: subu $2, $4, $[[T3]]
+ ; GP32: sltu $[[T8:[0-9]+]], $6, $[[T4]]
+ ; GP32: addu $[[T9:[0-9]+]], $[[T8]], $[[T0]]
+ ; GP32: subu $3, $5, $[[T9]]
+ ; GP32: sltu $[[T10:[0-9]+]], $7, $[[T5]]
+ ; GP32: addu $[[T11:[0-9]+]], $[[T10]], $[[T4]]
+ ; GP32: subu $4, $6, $[[T11]]
+ ; GP32: move $5, $[[T6]]
+ ; GP64: dsubu $3, $5, $7
+ ; GP64: sltu $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $5, $7
+ ; GP64: daddu $[[T1:[0-9]+]], $[[T0]], $6
+ ; GP64: dsubu $2, $4, $[[T1]]
+ %r = sub i128 %a, %b
+ ret i128 %r
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/llvm-ir/udiv.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/llvm-ir/udiv.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7cafe5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/llvm-ir/udiv.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips2 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=NOT-R6 -check-prefix=GP32
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=NOT-R6 -check-prefix=GP32
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r2 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=NOT-R6 -check-prefix=GP32
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r3 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=NOT-R6 -check-prefix=GP32
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r5 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=NOT-R6 -check-prefix=GP32
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r6 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=R6 -check-prefix=GP32
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips3 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=NOT-R6 -check-prefix=GP64-NOT-R6
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips4 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=NOT-R6 -check-prefix=GP64-NOT-R6
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=NOT-R6 -check-prefix=GP64-NOT-R6
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r2 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=NOT-R6 -check-prefix=GP64-NOT-R6
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r3 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=NOT-R6 -check-prefix=GP64-NOT-R6
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r5 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=NOT-R6 -check-prefix=GP64-NOT-R6
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r6 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=R6 -check-prefix=64R6
+define zeroext i1 @udiv_i1(i1 zeroext %a, i1 zeroext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: udiv_i1:
+ ; NOT-R6: divu $zero, $4, $5
+ ; NOT-R6: teq $5, $zero, 7
+ ; NOT-R6: mflo $2
+ ; R6: divu $2, $4, $5
+ ; R6: teq $5, $zero, 7
+ %r = udiv i1 %a, %b
+ ret i1 %r
+define zeroext i8 @udiv_i8(i8 zeroext %a, i8 zeroext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: udiv_i8:
+ ; NOT-R6: divu $zero, $4, $5
+ ; NOT-R6: teq $5, $zero, 7
+ ; NOT-R6: mflo $2
+ ; R6: divu $2, $4, $5
+ ; R6: teq $5, $zero, 7
+ %r = udiv i8 %a, %b
+ ret i8 %r
+define zeroext i16 @udiv_i16(i16 zeroext %a, i16 zeroext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: udiv_i16:
+ ; NOT-R6: divu $zero, $4, $5
+ ; NOT-R6: teq $5, $zero, 7
+ ; NOT-R6: mflo $2
+ ; R6: divu $2, $4, $5
+ ; R6: teq $5, $zero, 7
+ %r = udiv i16 %a, %b
+ ret i16 %r
+define signext i32 @udiv_i32(i32 signext %a, i32 signext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: udiv_i32:
+ ; NOT-R6: divu $zero, $4, $5
+ ; NOT-R6: teq $5, $zero, 7
+ ; NOT-R6: mflo $2
+ ; R6: divu $2, $4, $5
+ ; R6: teq $5, $zero, 7
+ %r = udiv i32 %a, %b
+ ret i32 %r
+define signext i64 @udiv_i64(i64 signext %a, i64 signext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: udiv_i64:
+ ; GP32: lw $25, %call16(__udivdi3)($gp)
+ ; GP64-NOT-R6: ddivu $zero, $4, $5
+ ; GP64-NOT-R6: teq $5, $zero, 7
+ ; GP64-NOT-R6: mflo $2
+ ; 64R6: ddivu $2, $4, $5
+ ; 64R6: teq $5, $zero, 7
+ %r = udiv i64 %a, %b
+ ret i64 %r
+define signext i128 @udiv_i128(i128 signext %a, i128 signext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: udiv_i128:
+ ; GP32: lw $25, %call16(__udivti3)($gp)
+ ; GP64-NOT-R6: ld $25, %call16(__udivti3)($gp)
+ ; 64-R6: ld $25, %call16(__udivti3)($gp)
+ %r = udiv i128 %a, %b
+ ret i128 %r
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/llvm-ir/urem.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/llvm-ir/urem.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5a231c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/llvm-ir/urem.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips2 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=GP32 -check-prefix=NOT-R6 -check-prefix=NOT-R2-R6
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=GP32 -check-prefix=NOT-R6 -check-prefix=NOT-R2-R6
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r2 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=GP32 \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=R2-R5 -check-prefix=R2-R6 -check-prefix=NOT-R6
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r3 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=GP32 \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=R2-R5 -check-prefix=R2-R6 -check-prefix=NOT-R6
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r5 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=GP32 \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=R2-R5 -check-prefix=R2-R6 -check-prefix=NOT-R6
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r6 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=GP32 -check-prefix=R6 -check-prefix=R2-R6
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips3 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=GP64-NOT-R6 -check-prefix=NOT-R6 -check-prefix=NOT-R2-R6
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips4 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=GP64-NOT-R6 -check-prefix=NOT-R6 -check-prefix=NOT-R2-R6
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=GP64-NOT-R6 -check-prefix=NOT-R6 -check-prefix=NOT-R2-R6
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r2 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=R2-R5 -check-prefix=R2-R6 \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=GP64-NOT-R6 -check-prefix=NOT-R6
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r3 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=R2-R5 -check-prefix=R2-R6 \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=GP64-NOT-R6 -check-prefix=NOT-R6
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r5 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=R2-R5 -check-prefix=R2-R6 \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=GP64-NOT-R6 -check-prefix=NOT-R6
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r6 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=64R6 -check-prefix=R6 -check-prefix=R2-R6
+define signext i1 @urem_i1(i1 signext %a, i1 signext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: urem_i1:
+ ; NOT-R6: andi $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $5, 1
+ ; NOT-R6: andi $[[T1:[0-9]+]], $4, 1
+ ; NOT-R6: divu $zero, $[[T1]], $[[T0]]
+ ; NOT-R6: teq $[[T0]], $zero, 7
+ ; NOT-R6: mfhi $[[T2:[0-9]+]]
+ ; NOT-R6: sll $[[T3:[0-9]+]], $[[T2]], 31
+ ; NOT-R6: sra $2, $[[T3]], 31
+ ; R6: andi $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $5, 1
+ ; R6: andi $[[T1:[0-9]+]], $4, 1
+ ; R6: modu $[[T2:[0-9]+]], $[[T1]], $[[T0]]
+ ; R6: teq $[[T0]], $zero, 7
+ ; R6: sll $[[T3:[0-9]+]], $[[T2]], 31
+ ; R6: sra $2, $[[T3]], 31
+ %r = urem i1 %a, %b
+ ret i1 %r
+define signext i8 @urem_i8(i8 signext %a, i8 signext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: urem_i8:
+ ; NOT-R2-R6: andi $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $5, 255
+ ; NOT-R2-R6: andi $[[T1:[0-9]+]], $4, 255
+ ; NOT-R2-R6: divu $zero, $[[T1]], $[[T0]]
+ ; NOT-R2-R6: teq $[[T0]], $zero, 7
+ ; NOT-R2-R6: mfhi $[[T2:[0-9]+]]
+ ; NOT-R2-R6: sll $[[T3:[0-9]+]], $[[T2]], 24
+ ; NOT-R2-R6: sra $2, $[[T3]], 24
+ ; R2-R5: andi $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $5, 255
+ ; R2-R5: andi $[[T1:[0-9]+]], $4, 255
+ ; R2-R5: divu $zero, $[[T1]], $[[T0]]
+ ; R2-R5: teq $[[T0]], $zero, 7
+ ; R2-R5: mfhi $[[T2:[0-9]+]]
+ ; R2-R5: seb $2, $[[T2]]
+ ; R6: andi $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $5, 255
+ ; R6: andi $[[T1:[0-9]+]], $4, 255
+ ; R6: modu $[[T2:[0-9]+]], $[[T1]], $[[T0]]
+ ; R6: teq $[[T0]], $zero, 7
+ ; R6: seb $2, $[[T2]]
+ %r = urem i8 %a, %b
+ ret i8 %r
+define signext i16 @urem_i16(i16 signext %a, i16 signext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: urem_i16:
+ ; NOT-R2-R6: andi $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $5, 65535
+ ; NOT-R2-R6: andi $[[T1:[0-9]+]], $4, 65535
+ ; NOT-R2-R6: divu $zero, $[[T1]], $[[T0]]
+ ; NOT-R2-R6: teq $[[T0]], $zero, 7
+ ; NOT-R2-R6: mfhi $[[T2:[0-9]+]]
+ ; NOT-R2-R6: sll $[[T3:[0-9]+]], $[[T2]], 16
+ ; NOT-R2-R6: sra $2, $[[T3]], 16
+ ; R2-R5: andi $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $5, 65535
+ ; R2-R5: andi $[[T1:[0-9]+]], $4, 65535
+ ; R2-R5: divu $zero, $[[T1]], $[[T0]]
+ ; R2-R5: teq $[[T0]], $zero, 7
+ ; R2-R5: mfhi $[[T3:[0-9]+]]
+ ; R2-R5: seh $2, $[[T2]]
+ ; R6: andi $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $5, 65535
+ ; R6: andi $[[T1:[0-9]+]], $4, 65535
+ ; R6: modu $[[T2:[0-9]+]], $[[T1]], $[[T0]]
+ ; R6: teq $[[T0]], $zero, 7
+ ; R6: seh $2, $[[T2]]
+ %r = urem i16 %a, %b
+ ret i16 %r
+define signext i32 @urem_i32(i32 signext %a, i32 signext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: urem_i32:
+ ; NOT-R6: divu $zero, $4, $5
+ ; NOT-R6: teq $5, $zero, 7
+ ; NOT-R6: mfhi $2
+ ; R6: modu $2, $4, $5
+ ; R6: teq $5, $zero, 7
+ %r = urem i32 %a, %b
+ ret i32 %r
+define signext i64 @urem_i64(i64 signext %a, i64 signext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: urem_i64:
+ ; GP32: lw $25, %call16(__umoddi3)($gp)
+ ; GP64-NOT-R6: ddivu $zero, $4, $5
+ ; GP64-NOT-R6: teq $5, $zero, 7
+ ; GP64-NOT-R6: mfhi $2
+ ; 64R6: dmodu $2, $4, $5
+ ; 64R6: teq $5, $zero, 7
+ %r = urem i64 %a, %b
+ ret i64 %r
+define signext i128 @urem_i128(i128 signext %a, i128 signext %b) {
+ ; ALL-LABEL: urem_i128:
+ ; GP32: lw $25, %call16(__umodti3)($gp)
+ ; GP64-NOT-R6: ld $25, %call16(__umodti3)($gp)
+ ; 64-R6: ld $25, %call16(__umodti3)($gp)
+ %r = urem i128 %a, %b
+ ret i128 %r
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/llvm-ir/xor.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/llvm-ir/xor.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89af9998
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/llvm-ir/xor.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips2 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP32
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP32
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r2 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP32
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r3 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP32
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r5 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP32
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r6 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP32
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips3 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP64
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips4 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP64
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP64
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r2 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP64
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r3 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP64
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r5 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP64
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r6 | FileCheck %s \
+; RUN: -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=GP64
+define signext i1 @xor_i1(i1 signext %a, i1 signext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: xor_i1:
+ ; ALL: xor $2, $4, $5
+ %r = xor i1 %a, %b
+ ret i1 %r
+define signext i8 @xor_i8(i8 signext %a, i8 signext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: xor_i8:
+ ; ALL: xor $2, $4, $5
+ %r = xor i8 %a, %b
+ ret i8 %r
+define signext i16 @xor_i16(i16 signext %a, i16 signext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: xor_i16:
+ ; ALL: xor $2, $4, $5
+ %r = xor i16 %a, %b
+ ret i16 %r
+define signext i32 @xor_i32(i32 signext %a, i32 signext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: xor_i32:
+ ; ALL: xor $2, $4, $5
+ %r = xor i32 %a, %b
+ ret i32 %r
+define signext i64 @xor_i64(i64 signext %a, i64 signext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: xor_i64:
+ ; GP32: xor $2, $4, $6
+ ; GP32: xor $3, $5, $7
+ ; GP64: xor $2, $4, $5
+ %r = xor i64 %a, %b
+ ret i64 %r
+define signext i128 @xor_i128(i128 signext %a, i128 signext %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: xor_i128:
+ ; GP32: lw $[[T0:[0-9]+]], 24($sp)
+ ; GP32: lw $[[T1:[0-9]+]], 20($sp)
+ ; GP32: lw $[[T2:[0-9]+]], 16($sp)
+ ; GP32: xor $2, $4, $[[T2]]
+ ; GP32: xor $3, $5, $[[T1]]
+ ; GP32: xor $4, $6, $[[T0]]
+ ; GP32: lw $[[T3:[0-9]+]], 28($sp)
+ ; GP32: xor $5, $7, $[[T3]]
+ ; GP64: xor $2, $4, $6
+ ; GP64: xor $3, $5, $7
+ %r = xor i128 %a, %b
+ ret i128 %r
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/load-store-left-right.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/load-store-left-right.ll
index f6d0e8d..b8e6e83 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/load-store-left-right.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/load-store-left-right.ll
@@ -4,14 +4,14 @@
; RUN: llc -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r2 < %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=MIPS32 -check-prefix=MIPS32-EB %s
; RUN: llc -march=mipsel -mcpu=mips32r6 < %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=MIPS32R6 -check-prefix=MIPS32R6-EL %s
; RUN: llc -march=mips -mcpu=mips32r6 < %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=MIPS32R6 -check-prefix=MIPS32R6-EB %s
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips4 -mattr=n64 < %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=MIPS64 -check-prefix=MIPS64-EL %s
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips4 -mattr=n64 < %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=MIPS64 -check-prefix=MIPS64-EB %s
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64 -mattr=n64 < %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=MIPS64 -check-prefix=MIPS64-EL %s
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64 -mattr=n64 < %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=MIPS64 -check-prefix=MIPS64-EB %s
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64r2 -mattr=n64 < %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=MIPS64 -check-prefix=MIPS64-EL %s
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r2 -mattr=n64 < %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=MIPS64 -check-prefix=MIPS64-EB %s
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64r6 -mattr=n64 < %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=MIPS64R6 -check-prefix=MIPS64R6-EL %s
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r6 -mattr=n64 < %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=MIPS64R6 -check-prefix=MIPS64R6-EB %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips4 -target-abi=n64 < %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=MIPS64 -check-prefix=MIPS64-EL %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips4 -target-abi=n64 < %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=MIPS64 -check-prefix=MIPS64-EB %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64 -target-abi=n64 < %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=MIPS64 -check-prefix=MIPS64-EL %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64 -target-abi=n64 < %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=MIPS64 -check-prefix=MIPS64-EB %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64r2 -target-abi=n64 < %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=MIPS64 -check-prefix=MIPS64-EL %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r2 -target-abi=n64 < %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=MIPS64 -check-prefix=MIPS64-EB %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64r6 -target-abi=n64 < %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=MIPS64R6 -check-prefix=MIPS64R6-EL %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r6 -target-abi=n64 < %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=MIPS64R6 -check-prefix=MIPS64R6-EB %s
%struct.SLL = type { i64 }
%struct.SI = type { i32 }
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/longbranch.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/longbranch.ll
index b9b52be..9f5b741 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/longbranch.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/longbranch.ll
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
; RUN: llc -march=mipsel < %s | FileCheck %s
; RUN: llc -march=mipsel -force-mips-long-branch -O3 < %s \
; RUN: | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=O32
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips4 -mattr=n64 -force-mips-long-branch -O3 \
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips4 -target-abi=n64 -force-mips-long-branch -O3 \
; RUN: < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=N64
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64 -mattr=n64 -force-mips-long-branch -O3 \
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64 -target-abi=n64 -force-mips-long-branch -O3 \
; RUN: < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=N64
; RUN: llc -march=mipsel -mcpu=mips32r2 -mattr=micromips \
; RUN: -force-mips-long-branch -O3 < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=MICROMIPS
@@ -123,11 +123,10 @@ end:
; MICROMIPS: $[[BB0]]:
; MICROMIPS: lw $[[R1:[0-9]+]], %got(x)($[[GP]])
-; MICROMIPS: addiu $[[R2:[0-9]+]], $zero, 1
-; MICROMIPS: sw $[[R2]], 0($[[R1]])
+; MICROMIPS: li16 $[[R2:[0-9]+]], 1
+; MICROMIPS: sw16 $[[R2]], 0($[[R1]])
; MICROMIPS: $[[BB2]]:
-; MICROMIPS: jr $ra
+; MICROMIPS: jrc $ra
; Check the NaCl version. Check that sp change is not in the branch delay slot
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/mbrsize4a.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/mbrsize4a.ll
index c802991..15e1f47 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/mbrsize4a.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/mbrsize4a.ll
@@ -34,4 +34,4 @@ attributes #0 = { nounwind "less-precise-fpmad"="false" "no-frame-pointer-elim"=
attributes #1 = { "less-precise-fpmad"="false" "no-frame-pointer-elim"="true" "no-frame-pointer-elim-non-leaf" "no-infs-fp-math"="false" "no-nans-fp-math"="false" "stack-protector-buffer-size"="8" "unsafe-fp-math"="false" "use-soft-float"="false" }
attributes #2 = { nounwind }
-!1 = metadata !{i32 68}
+!1 = !{i32 68}
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/micromips-and16.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/micromips-and16.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4eacf18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/micromips-and16.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+; RUN: llc -march=mipsel -mcpu=mips32r2 -mattr=+micromips \
+; RUN: -relocation-model=pic -O3 < %s | FileCheck %s
+define i32 @main() {
+ %retval = alloca i32, align 4
+ %a = alloca i32, align 4
+ %b = alloca i32, align 4
+ %c = alloca i32, align 4
+ store i32 0, i32* %retval
+ %0 = load i32* %b, align 4
+ %1 = load i32* %c, align 4
+ %and = and i32 %0, %1
+ store i32 %and, i32* %a, align 4
+ ret i32 0
+; CHECK: and16
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/micromips-atomic.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/micromips-atomic.ll
index a50e0b7..82eee4b 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/micromips-atomic.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/micromips-atomic.ll
@@ -14,5 +14,5 @@ entry:
; CHECK: ll $[[R1:[0-9]+]], 0($[[R0]])
; CHECK: addu $[[R2:[0-9]+]], $[[R1]], $4
; CHECK: sc $[[R2]], 0($[[R0]])
-; CHECK: beqz $[[R2]], $[[BB0]]
+; CHECK: beqzc $[[R2]], $[[BB0]]
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/micromips-atomic1.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/micromips-atomic1.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37c3d76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/micromips-atomic1.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+; RUN: llc -march=mipsel -filetype=obj --disable-machine-licm -mattr=micromips < %s -o - \
+; RUN: | llvm-objdump -no-show-raw-insn -arch mipsel -mcpu=mips32r2 -mattr=micromips -d - \
+; RUN: | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=MICROMIPS
+; Use llvm-objdump to check wheter the encodings of microMIPS atomic instructions are correct.
+; While emitting assembly files directly when in microMIPS mode, it is possible to emit a mips32r2
+; instruction instead of microMIPS instruction, and since many mips32r2 and microMIPS
+; instructions have identical assembly formats, invalid instruction cannot be detected.
+@y = common global i8 0, align 1
+define signext i8 @AtomicLoadAdd8(i8 signext %incr) nounwind {
+ %0 = atomicrmw add i8* @y, i8 %incr monotonic
+ ret i8 %0
+; MICROMIPS: ll ${{[0-9]+}}, 0(${{[0-9]+}})
+; MICROMIPS: sc ${{[0-9]+}}, 0(${{[0-9]+}})
+define signext i8 @AtomicCmpSwap8(i8 signext %oldval, i8 signext %newval) nounwind {
+ %pair0 = cmpxchg i8* @y, i8 %oldval, i8 %newval monotonic monotonic
+ %0 = extractvalue { i8, i1 } %pair0, 0
+ ret i8 %0
+; MICROMIPS: ll ${{[0-9]+}}, 0(${{[0-9]+}})
+; MICROMIPS: sc ${{[0-9]+}}, 0(${{[0-9]+}})
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/micromips-compact-branches.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/micromips-compact-branches.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..670f9a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/micromips-compact-branches.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+; RUN: llc %s -march=mipsel -mattr=micromips -filetype=asm -O3 \
+; RUN: -disable-mips-delay-filler -relocation-model=pic -o - | FileCheck %s
+define void @main() nounwind uwtable {
+ %x = alloca i32, align 4
+ %0 = load i32* %x, align 4
+ %cmp = icmp eq i32 %0, 0
+ br i1 %cmp, label %if.then, label %if.end
+ store i32 10, i32* %x, align 4
+ br label %if.end
+ ret void
+; CHECK: bnezc
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/micromips-compact-jump.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/micromips-compact-jump.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70cff84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/micromips-compact-jump.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+; RUN: llc -march=mipsel -mcpu=mips32r2 -mattr=+micromips \
+; RUN: -disable-mips-delay-filler -O3 < %s | FileCheck %s
+define i32 @foo(i32 signext %a) #0 {
+ ret i32 0
+declare i32 @bar(i32 signext) #1
+; CHECK: jrc
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/micromips-delay-slot-jr.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/micromips-delay-slot-jr.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09a98c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/micromips-delay-slot-jr.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+; RUN: llc -march=mipsel -mcpu=mips32r2 -mattr=+micromips \
+; RUN: -relocation-model=static -O2 < %s | FileCheck %s
+@main.L = internal unnamed_addr constant [3 x i8*] [i8* blockaddress(@main, %L1), i8* blockaddress(@main, %L2), i8* null], align 4
+@str = private unnamed_addr constant [2 x i8] c"A\00"
+@str2 = private unnamed_addr constant [2 x i8] c"B\00"
+define i32 @main() #0 {
+ br label %L1
+L1: ; preds = %entry, %L1
+ %i.0 = phi i32 [ 0, %entry ], [ %inc, %L1 ]
+ %puts = tail call i32 @puts(i8* getelementptr inbounds ([2 x i8]* @str, i32 0, i32 0))
+ %inc = add i32 %i.0, 1
+ %arrayidx = getelementptr inbounds [3 x i8*]* @main.L, i32 0, i32 %i.0
+ %0 = load i8** %arrayidx, align 4, !tbaa !1
+ indirectbr i8* %0, [label %L1, label %L2]
+L2: ; preds = %L1
+ %puts2 = tail call i32 @puts(i8* getelementptr inbounds ([2 x i8]* @str2, i32 0, i32 0))
+ ret i32 0
+declare i32 @puts(i8* nocapture readonly) #1
+!1 = !{!2, !2, i64 0}
+!2 = !{!"any pointer", !3, i64 0}
+!3 = !{!"omnipotent char", !4, i64 0}
+!4 = !{!"Simple C/C++ TBAA"}
+; CHECK: jrc
+%struct.foostruct = type { [3 x float] }
+%struct.barstruct = type { %struct.foostruct, float }
+@bar_ary = common global [4 x %struct.barstruct] zeroinitializer, align 4
+define float* @spooky(i32 signext %i) #0 {
+ %safe = getelementptr inbounds [4 x %struct.barstruct]* @bar_ary, i32 0, i32 %i, i32 1
+ store float 1.420000e+02, float* %safe, align 4, !tbaa !1
+ ret float* %safe
+; CHECK: spooky:
+; CHECK: jrc $ra
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/micromips-delay-slot.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/micromips-delay-slot.ll
index 4bab97a..b5f6c56 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/micromips-delay-slot.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/micromips-delay-slot.ll
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
; RUN: llc -march=mipsel -mcpu=mips32r2 -mattr=+micromips \
-; RUN: -relocation-model=pic -O3 < %s | FileCheck %s
+; RUN: -relocation-model=static -O2 < %s | FileCheck %s
-; Function Attrs: nounwind uwtable
-define i32 @foo(i32 %a) #0 {
+; Function Attrs: nounwind
+define i32 @foo(i32 signext %a) #0 {
%a.addr = alloca i32, align 4
store i32 %a, i32* %a.addr, align 4
%0 = load i32* %a.addr, align 4
%shl = shl i32 %0, 2
- %call = call i32 @bar(i32 %shl)
+ %call = call i32 @bar(i32 signext %shl)
ret i32 %call
-declare i32 @bar(i32) #1
-; CHECK: nop
+declare i32 @bar(i32 signext) #1
+; CHECK: jals
+; CHECK-NEXT: sll16
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/micromips-li.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/micromips-li.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac315f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/micromips-li.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+; RUN: llc -march=mipsel -mcpu=mips32r2 -mattr=+micromips \
+; RUN: -relocation-model=pic -O3 < %s | FileCheck %s
+@x = external global i32
+@y = external global i32
+@z = external global i32
+define i32 @main() nounwind {
+ store i32 1, i32* @x, align 4
+ store i32 2148, i32* @y, align 4
+ store i32 33332, i32* @z, align 4
+ ret i32 0
+; CHECK: li16 ${{[2-7]|16|17}}, 1
+; CHECK: addiu ${{[0-9]+}}, $zero, 2148
+; CHECK: ori ${{[0-9]+}}, $zero, 33332
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/micromips-or16.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/micromips-or16.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab7e79a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/micromips-or16.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+; RUN: llc -march=mipsel -mcpu=mips32r2 -mattr=+micromips \
+; RUN: -relocation-model=pic -O3 < %s | FileCheck %s
+define i32 @main() {
+ %retval = alloca i32, align 4
+ %a = alloca i32, align 4
+ %b = alloca i32, align 4
+ %c = alloca i32, align 4
+ store i32 0, i32* %retval
+ %0 = load i32* %b, align 4
+ %1 = load i32* %c, align 4
+ %or = or i32 %0, %1
+ store i32 %or, i32* %a, align 4
+ ret i32 0
+; CHECK: or16
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/micromips-sw-lw-16.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/micromips-sw-lw-16.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc09554
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/micromips-sw-lw-16.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+; RUN: llc %s -march=mipsel -mattr=micromips -filetype=asm \
+; RUN: -relocation-model=pic -O3 -o - | FileCheck %s
+; Function Attrs: noinline nounwind
+define void @bar(i32* %p) #0 {
+ %p.addr = alloca i32*, align 4
+ store i32* %p, i32** %p.addr, align 4
+ %0 = load i32** %p.addr, align 4
+ %1 = load i32* %0, align 4
+ %add = add nsw i32 7, %1
+ %2 = load i32** %p.addr, align 4
+ store i32 %add, i32* %2, align 4
+ %3 = load i32** %p.addr, align 4
+ %add.ptr = getelementptr inbounds i32* %3, i32 1
+ %4 = load i32* %add.ptr, align 4
+ %add1 = add nsw i32 7, %4
+ %5 = load i32** %p.addr, align 4
+ %add.ptr2 = getelementptr inbounds i32* %5, i32 1
+ store i32 %add1, i32* %add.ptr2, align 4
+ ret void
+; CHECK: lw16 ${{[0-9]+}}, 0($4)
+; CHECK: sw16 ${{[0-9]+}}, 0($4)
+; CHECK: lw16 ${{[0-9]+}}, 4(${{[0-9]+}})
+; CHECK: sw16 ${{[0-9]+}}, 4(${{[0-9]+}})
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/micromips-xor16.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/micromips-xor16.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9915112
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/micromips-xor16.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+; RUN: llc -march=mipsel -mcpu=mips32r2 -mattr=+micromips \
+; RUN: -relocation-model=pic -O3 < %s | FileCheck %s
+define i32 @main() {
+ %retval = alloca i32, align 4
+ %a = alloca i32, align 4
+ %b = alloca i32, align 4
+ %c = alloca i32, align 4
+ store i32 0, i32* %retval
+ %0 = load i32* %b, align 4
+ %1 = load i32* %c, align 4
+ %xor = xor i32 %0, %1
+ store i32 %xor, i32* %a, align 4
+ ret i32 0
+; CHECK: xor16
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/mips64-sret.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/mips64-sret.ll
index ed494e9..0559747 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/mips64-sret.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/mips64-sret.ll
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64r2 -mattr=n64 < %s | FileCheck %s
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64r2 -target-abi=n64 < %s | FileCheck %s
define void @foo(i32* noalias sret %agg.result) nounwind {
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/mips64directive.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/mips64directive.ll
index 3d95f51..c4ba534 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/mips64directive.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/mips64directive.ll
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips4 -mattr=n64 | FileCheck %s
-; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64 -mattr=n64 | FileCheck %s
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips4 -target-abi=n64 | FileCheck %s
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64 -target-abi=n64 | FileCheck %s
@gl = global i64 1250999896321, align 8
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/mips64ext.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/mips64ext.ll
index 22ea0eb..9c1243b 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/mips64ext.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/mips64ext.ll
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips4 -mattr=n64 | FileCheck %s
-; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64 -mattr=n64 | FileCheck %s
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips4 -target-abi=n64 | FileCheck %s
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64 -target-abi=n64 | FileCheck %s
define i64 @zext64_32(i32 %a) nounwind readnone {
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/mips64extins.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/mips64extins.ll
index 14f92ca..211cd5f 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/mips64extins.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/mips64extins.ll
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64r2 -mattr=n64 | FileCheck %s
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64r2 -target-abi=n64 | FileCheck %s
define i64 @dext(i64 %i) nounwind readnone {
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/mips64fpimm0.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/mips64fpimm0.ll
index 19e076d..0296cb5 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/mips64fpimm0.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/mips64fpimm0.ll
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips4 -mattr=n64 | FileCheck %s
-; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64 -mattr=n64 | FileCheck %s
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips4 -target-abi=n64 | FileCheck %s
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64 -target-abi=n64 | FileCheck %s
define double @foo1() nounwind readnone {
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/mips64fpldst.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/mips64fpldst.ll
index 2f42270..5d62156 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/mips64fpldst.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/mips64fpldst.ll
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips4 -mattr=-n64,n64 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=CHECK-N64
-; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips4 -mattr=-n64,n32 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=CHECK-N32
-; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64 -mattr=-n64,n64 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=CHECK-N64
-; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64 -mattr=-n64,n32 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=CHECK-N32
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips4 -target-abi n64 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=CHECK-N64
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips4 -target-abi n32 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=CHECK-N32
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64 -target-abi n64 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=CHECK-N64
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64 -target-abi n32 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=CHECK-N32
@f0 = common global float 0.000000e+00, align 4
@d0 = common global double 0.000000e+00, align 8
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/mips64intldst.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/mips64intldst.ll
index c3607ba..1ceafc1 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/mips64intldst.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/mips64intldst.ll
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips4 -mattr=-n64,n64 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=CHECK-N64
-; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips4 -mattr=-n64,n32 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=CHECK-N32
-; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64 -mattr=-n64,n64 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=CHECK-N64
-; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64 -mattr=-n64,n32 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=CHECK-N32
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips4 -target-abi n64 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=CHECK-N64
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips4 -target-abi n32 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=CHECK-N32
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64 -target-abi n64 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=CHECK-N64
+; RUN: llc < %s -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64 -target-abi n32 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=CHECK-N32
@c = common global i8 0, align 4
@s = common global i16 0, align 4
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/mips64sinttofpsf.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/mips64sinttofpsf.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3d4603
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/mips64sinttofpsf.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64r2 -soft-float -O0 < %s | FileCheck %s
+define double @foo() #0 {
+ %x = alloca i32, align 4
+ store volatile i32 -32, i32* %x, align 4
+ %0 = load volatile i32* %x, align 4
+ %conv = sitofp i32 %0 to double
+ ret double %conv
+; CHECK-NOT: dsll
+; CHECK-NOT: dsrl
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/named-register-n32.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/named-register-n32.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b15e928
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/named-register-n32.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -relocation-model=static -mattr=+noabicalls -target-abi n32 < %s | FileCheck %s
+define i32* @get_gp() {
+ %0 = call i64 @llvm.read_register.i64(metadata !0)
+ %1 = trunc i64 %0 to i32
+ %2 = inttoptr i32 %1 to i32*
+ ret i32* %2
+; CHECK-LABEL: get_gp:
+; CHECK: sll $2, $gp, 0
+declare i64 @llvm.read_register.i64(metadata)
+!llvm.named.register.$28 = !{!0}
+!0 = !{!"$28"}
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/named-register-n64.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/named-register-n64.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3198772
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/named-register-n64.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -relocation-model=static -mattr=+noabicalls < %s | FileCheck %s
+define i32* @get_gp() {
+ %0 = call i64 @llvm.read_register.i64(metadata !0)
+ %1 = inttoptr i64 %0 to i32*
+ ret i32* %1
+; CHECK-LABEL: get_gp:
+; CHECK: move $2, $gp
+declare i64 @llvm.read_register.i64(metadata)
+!llvm.named.register.$28 = !{!0}
+!0 = !{!"$28"}
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/named-register-o32.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/named-register-o32.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0890c66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/named-register-o32.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+; RUN: llc -march=mips -relocation-model=static -mattr=+noabicalls < %s | FileCheck %s
+define i32* @get_gp() {
+ %0 = call i32 @llvm.read_register.i32(metadata !0)
+ %1 = inttoptr i32 %0 to i32*
+ ret i32* %1
+; CHECK-LABEL: get_gp:
+; CHECK: move $2, $gp
+declare i32 @llvm.read_register.i32(metadata)
+!llvm.named.register.$28 = !{!0}
+!0 = !{!"$28"}
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/no-odd-spreg-msa.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/no-odd-spreg-msa.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30dd1ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/no-odd-spreg-msa.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+; RUN: llc -march=mipsel -mcpu=mips32 -mattr=+fp64,+msa,-nooddspreg < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=ODDSPREG
+; RUN: llc -march=mipsel -mcpu=mips32 -mattr=+fp64,+msa,+nooddspreg < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=NOODDSPREG
+@v4f32 = global <4 x float> zeroinitializer
+define void @msa_insert_0(float %a) {
+ ; Force the float into an odd-numbered register using named registers and
+ ; load the vector.
+ %b = call float asm sideeffect "mov.s $0, $1", "={$f13},{$f12}" (float %a)
+ %0 = load volatile <4 x float>* @v4f32
+ ; Clobber all except $f12/$w12 and $f13
+ ;
+ ; The intention is that if odd single precision registers are permitted, the
+ ; allocator will choose $f12/$w12 for the vector and $f13 for the float to
+ ; avoid the spill/reload.
+ ;
+ ; On the other hand, if odd single precision registers are not permitted, it
+ ; must copy $f13 to an even-numbered register before inserting into the
+ ; vector.
+ call void asm sideeffect "# Clobber", "~{$f0},~{$f1},~{$f2},~{$f3},~{$f4},~{$f5},~{$f6},~{$f7},~{$f8},~{$f9},~{$f10},~{$f11},~{$f14},~{$f15},~{$f16},~{$f17},~{$f18},~{$f19},~{$f20},~{$f21},~{$f22},~{$f23},~{$f24},~{$f25},~{$f26},~{$f27},~{$f28},~{$f29},~{$f30},~{$f31}"()
+ %1 = insertelement <4 x float> %0, float %b, i32 0
+ store <4 x float> %1, <4 x float>* @v4f32
+ ret void
+; ALL-LABEL: msa_insert_0:
+; ALL: mov.s $f13, $f12
+; ALL: lw $[[R0:[0-9]+]], %got(v4f32)(
+; ALL: ld.w $w[[W0:[0-9]+]], 0($[[R0]])
+; NOODDSPREG: mov.s $f[[F0:[0-9]+]], $f13
+; NOODDSPREG: insve.w $w[[W0]][0], $w[[F0]][0]
+; ODDSPREG: insve.w $w[[W0]][0], $w13[0]
+; ALL: # Clobber
+; ALL-NOT: sdc1
+; ALL-NOT: ldc1
+; ALL: st.w $w[[W0]], 0($[[R0]])
+define void @msa_insert_1(float %a) {
+ ; Force the float into an odd-numbered register using named registers and
+ ; load the vector.
+ %b = call float asm sideeffect "mov.s $0, $1", "={$f13},{$f12}" (float %a)
+ %0 = load volatile <4 x float>* @v4f32
+ ; Clobber all except $f12/$w12 and $f13
+ ;
+ ; The intention is that if odd single precision registers are permitted, the
+ ; allocator will choose $f12/$w12 for the vector and $f13 for the float to
+ ; avoid the spill/reload.
+ ;
+ ; On the other hand, if odd single precision registers are not permitted, it
+ ; must copy $f13 to an even-numbered register before inserting into the
+ ; vector.
+ call void asm sideeffect "# Clobber", "~{$f0},~{$f1},~{$f2},~{$f3},~{$f4},~{$f5},~{$f6},~{$f7},~{$f8},~{$f9},~{$f10},~{$f11},~{$f14},~{$f15},~{$f16},~{$f17},~{$f18},~{$f19},~{$f20},~{$f21},~{$f22},~{$f23},~{$f24},~{$f25},~{$f26},~{$f27},~{$f28},~{$f29},~{$f30},~{$f31}"()
+ %1 = insertelement <4 x float> %0, float %b, i32 1
+ store <4 x float> %1, <4 x float>* @v4f32
+ ret void
+; ALL-LABEL: msa_insert_1:
+; ALL: mov.s $f13, $f12
+; ALL: lw $[[R0:[0-9]+]], %got(v4f32)(
+; ALL: ld.w $w[[W0:[0-9]+]], 0($[[R0]])
+; NOODDSPREG: mov.s $f[[F0:[0-9]+]], $f13
+; NOODDSPREG: insve.w $w[[W0]][1], $w[[F0]][0]
+; ODDSPREG: insve.w $w[[W0]][1], $w13[0]
+; ALL: # Clobber
+; ALL-NOT: sdc1
+; ALL-NOT: ldc1
+; ALL: st.w $w[[W0]], 0($[[R0]])
+define float @msa_extract_0() {
+ %0 = load volatile <4 x float>* @v4f32
+ %1 = call <4 x float> asm sideeffect "move.v $0, $1", "={$w13},{$w12}" (<4 x float> %0)
+ ; Clobber all except $f12, and $f13
+ ;
+ ; The intention is that if odd single precision registers are permitted, the
+ ; allocator will choose $f13/$w13 for the vector since that saves on moves.
+ ;
+ ; On the other hand, if odd single precision registers are not permitted, it
+ ; must move it to $f12/$w12.
+ call void asm sideeffect "# Clobber", "~{$f0},~{$f1},~{$f2},~{$f3},~{$f4},~{$f5},~{$f6},~{$f7},~{$f8},~{$f9},~{$f10},~{$f11},~{$f14},~{$f15},~{$f16},~{$f17},~{$f18},~{$f19},~{$f20},~{$f21},~{$f22},~{$f23},~{$f24},~{$f25},~{$f26},~{$f27},~{$f28},~{$f29},~{$f30},~{$f31}"()
+ %2 = extractelement <4 x float> %1, i32 0
+ ret float %2
+; ALL-LABEL: msa_extract_0:
+; ALL: lw $[[R0:[0-9]+]], %got(v4f32)(
+; ALL: ld.w $w12, 0($[[R0]])
+; ALL: move.v $w[[W0:13]], $w12
+; NOODDSPREG: move.v $w[[W0:12]], $w13
+; ALL: # Clobber
+; ALL-NOT: st.w
+; ALL-NOT: ld.w
+; ALL: mov.s $f0, $f[[W0]]
+define float @msa_extract_1() {
+ %0 = load volatile <4 x float>* @v4f32
+ %1 = call <4 x float> asm sideeffect "move.v $0, $1", "={$w13},{$w12}" (<4 x float> %0)
+ ; Clobber all except $f13
+ ;
+ ; The intention is that if odd single precision registers are permitted, the
+ ; allocator will choose $f13/$w13 for the vector since that saves on moves.
+ ;
+ ; On the other hand, if odd single precision registers are not permitted, it
+ ; must be spilled.
+ call void asm sideeffect "# Clobber", "~{$f0},~{$f1},~{$f2},~{$f3},~{$f4},~{$f5},~{$f6},~{$f7},~{$f8},~{$f9},~{$f10},~{$f11},~{$f12},~{$f14},~{$f15},~{$f16},~{$f17},~{$f18},~{$f19},~{$f20},~{$f21},~{$f22},~{$f23},~{$f24},~{$f25},~{$f26},~{$f27},~{$f28},~{$f29},~{$f30},~{$f31}"()
+ %2 = extractelement <4 x float> %1, i32 1
+ ret float %2
+; ALL-LABEL: msa_extract_1:
+; ALL: lw $[[R0:[0-9]+]], %got(v4f32)(
+; ALL: ld.w $w12, 0($[[R0]])
+; ALL: splati.w $w[[W0:[0-9]+]], $w13[1]
+; NOODDSPREG: st.w $w[[W0]], 0($sp)
+; ALL: # Clobber
+; NOODDSPREG: ld.w $w0, 0($sp)
+; ODDSPREG: mov.s $f0, $f[[W0]]
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/octeon.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/octeon.ll
index d5ff9bd..97e12e7 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/octeon.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/octeon.ll
@@ -1,15 +1,14 @@
-; RUN: llc -O1 < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=octeon | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=OCTEON
-; RUN: llc -O1 < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=MIPS64
+; RUN: llc -O1 < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=octeon | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=OCTEON
+; RUN: llc -O1 < %s -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=MIPS64
define i64 @addi64(i64 %a, i64 %b) nounwind {
-; OCTEON-LABEL: addi64:
+; ALL-LABEL: addi64:
; OCTEON: jr $ra
; OCTEON: baddu $2, $4, $5
-; MIPS64-LABEL: addi64:
-; MIPS64: daddu
-; MIPS64: jr
-; MIPS64: andi
+; MIPS64: daddu $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $4, $5
+; MIPS64: jr $ra
+; MIPS64: andi $2, $[[T0]], 255
%add = add i64 %a, %b
%and = and i64 %add, 255
ret i64 %and
@@ -17,13 +16,142 @@ entry:
define i64 @mul(i64 %a, i64 %b) nounwind {
+; ALL-LABEL: mul:
; OCTEON: jr $ra
; OCTEON: dmul $2, $4, $5
-; MIPS64-LABEL: mul:
-; MIPS64: dmult
-; MIPS64: jr
-; MIPS64: mflo
+; MIPS64: dmult $4, $5
+; MIPS64: jr $ra
+; MIPS64: mflo $2
%res = mul i64 %a, %b
ret i64 %res
+define i64 @cmpeq(i64 %a, i64 %b) nounwind {
+; ALL-LABEL: cmpeq:
+; OCTEON: jr $ra
+; OCTEON: seq $2, $4, $5
+; MIPS64: xor $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $4, $5
+; MIPS64: sltiu $[[T1:[0-9]+]], $[[T0]], 1
+; MIPS64: dsll $[[T2:[0-9]+]], $[[T1]], 32
+; MIPS64: jr $ra
+; MIPS64: dsrl $2, $[[T2]], 32
+ %res = icmp eq i64 %a, %b
+ %res2 = zext i1 %res to i64
+ ret i64 %res2
+define i64 @cmpeqi(i64 %a) nounwind {
+; ALL-LABEL: cmpeqi:
+; OCTEON: jr $ra
+; OCTEON: seqi $2, $4, 42
+; MIPS64: daddiu $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $zero, 42
+; MIPS64: xor $[[T1:[0-9]+]], $4, $[[T0]]
+; MIPS64: sltiu $[[T2:[0-9]+]], $[[T1]], 1
+; MIPS64: dsll $[[T3:[0-9]+]], $[[T2]], 32
+; MIPS64: jr $ra
+; MIPS64: dsrl $2, $[[T3]], 32
+ %res = icmp eq i64 %a, 42
+ %res2 = zext i1 %res to i64
+ ret i64 %res2
+define i64 @cmpne(i64 %a, i64 %b) nounwind {
+; ALL-LABEL: cmpne:
+; OCTEON: jr $ra
+; OCTEON: sne $2, $4, $5
+; MIPS64: xor $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $4, $5
+; MIPS64: sltu $[[T1:[0-9]+]], $zero, $[[T0]]
+; MIPS64: dsll $[[T2:[0-9]+]], $[[T1]], 32
+; MIPS64: jr $ra
+; MIPS64: dsrl $2, $[[T2]], 32
+ %res = icmp ne i64 %a, %b
+ %res2 = zext i1 %res to i64
+ ret i64 %res2
+define i64 @cmpnei(i64 %a) nounwind {
+; ALL-LABEL: cmpnei:
+; OCTEON: jr $ra
+; OCTEON: snei $2, $4, 42
+; MIPS64: daddiu $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $zero, 42
+; MIPS64: xor $[[T1:[0-9]+]], $4, $[[T0]]
+; MIPS64: sltu $[[T2:[0-9]+]], $zero, $[[T1]]
+; MIPS64: dsll $[[T3:[0-9]+]], $[[T2]], 32
+; MIPS64: jr $ra
+; MIPS64: dsrl $2, $[[T3]], 32
+ %res = icmp ne i64 %a, 42
+ %res2 = zext i1 %res to i64
+ ret i64 %res2
+define i64 @bbit0(i64 %a) nounwind {
+; ALL-LABEL: bbit0:
+; OCTEON: bbit0 $4, 3, $[[BB0:BB[0-9_]+]]
+; MIPS64: andi $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $4, 8
+; MIPS64: beqz $[[T0]], $[[BB0:BB[0-9_]+]]
+ %bit = and i64 %a, 8
+ %res = icmp eq i64 %bit, 0
+ br i1 %res, label %endif, label %if
+ ret i64 48
+ ret i64 12
+define i64 @bbit032(i64 %a) nounwind {
+; ALL-LABEL: bbit032:
+; OCTEON: bbit032 $4, 3, $[[BB0:BB[0-9_]+]]
+; MIPS64: daddiu $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $zero, 1
+; MIPS64: dsll $[[T1:[0-9]+]], $[[T0]], 35
+; MIPS64: and $[[T2:[0-9]+]], $4, $[[T1]]
+; MIPS64: beqz $[[T2]], $[[BB0:BB[0-9_]+]]
+ %bit = and i64 %a, 34359738368
+ %res = icmp eq i64 %bit, 0
+ br i1 %res, label %endif, label %if
+ ret i64 48
+ ret i64 12
+define i64 @bbit1(i64 %a) nounwind {
+; ALL-LABEL: bbit1:
+; OCTEON: bbit1 $4, 3, $[[BB0:BB[0-9_]+]]
+; MIPS64: andi $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $4, 8
+; MIPS64: beqz $[[T0]], $[[BB0:BB[0-9_]+]]
+ %bit = and i64 %a, 8
+ %res = icmp ne i64 %bit, 0
+ br i1 %res, label %endif, label %if
+ ret i64 48
+ ret i64 12
+define i64 @bbit132(i64 %a) nounwind {
+; ALL-LABEL: bbit132:
+; OCTEON: bbit132 $4, 3, $[[BB0:BB[0-9_]+]]
+; MIPS64: daddiu $[[T0:[0-9]+]], $zero, 1
+; MIPS64: dsll $[[T1:[0-9]+]], $[[T0]], 35
+; MIPS64: and $[[T2:[0-9]+]], $4, $[[T1]]
+; MIPS64: beqz $[[T2]], $[[BB0:BB[0-9_]+]]
+ %bit = and i64 %a, 34359738368
+ %res = icmp ne i64 %bit, 0
+ br i1 %res, label %endif, label %if
+ ret i64 48
+ ret i64 12
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/powif64_16.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/powif64_16.ll
index 4875727..33ec8c4 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/powif64_16.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/powif64_16.ll
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ define double @foo_pow_f64(double %y, i32 %p) {
attributes #0 = { nounwind optsize "less-precise-fpmad"="false" "no-frame-pointer-elim"="true" "no-frame-pointer-elim-non-leaf"="true" "no-infs-fp-math"="false" "no-nans-fp-math"="false" "stack-protector-buffer-size"="8" "unsafe-fp-math"="false" "use-soft-float"="true" }
attributes #1 = { nounwind readonly }
-!0 = metadata !{metadata !"double", metadata !1}
-!1 = metadata !{metadata !"omnipotent char", metadata !2}
-!2 = metadata !{metadata !"Simple C/C++ TBAA"}
-!3 = metadata !{metadata !"int", metadata !1}
+!0 = !{!"double", !1}
+!1 = !{!"omnipotent char", !2}
+!2 = !{!"Simple C/C++ TBAA"}
+!3 = !{!"int", !1}
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/remat-immed-load.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/remat-immed-load.ll
index b53b156..3d37b43 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/remat-immed-load.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/remat-immed-load.ll
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
; RUN: llc -march=mipsel < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=32
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips4 -mattr=n64 < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=64
-; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64 -mattr=n64 < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=64
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips4 -target-abi=n64 < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=64
+; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64 -target-abi=n64 < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=64
define void @f0() nounwind {
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/start-asm-file.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/start-asm-file.ll
index 9dc501c..60c047a 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Mips/start-asm-file.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/start-asm-file.ll
@@ -19,36 +19,36 @@
; ### N32 ABI ###
; RUN: llc -filetype=asm -mtriple mips64-unknown-linux -mcpu=mips64 \
-; RUN: -relocation-model=static -mattr=-n64,+n32 %s -o - | \
+; RUN: -relocation-model=static -target-abi n32 %s -o - | \
; RUN: FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-STATIC-N32 -check-prefix=CHECK-STATIC-N32-NLEGACY %s
; RUN: llc -filetype=asm -mtriple mips64-unknown-linux -mcpu=mips64 \
-; RUN: -relocation-model=pic -mattr=-n64,+n32 %s -o - | \
+; RUN: -relocation-model=pic -target-abi n32 %s -o - | \
; RUN: FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-PIC-N32 -check-prefix=CHECK-PIC-N32-NLEGACY %s
; RUN: llc -filetype=asm -mtriple mips64-unknown-linux -mcpu=mips64 \
-; RUN: -relocation-model=static -mattr=-n64,+n32,+nan2008 %s -o - | \
+; RUN: -relocation-model=static -target-abi n32 -mattr=+nan2008 %s -o - | \
; RUN: FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-STATIC-N32 -check-prefix=CHECK-STATIC-N32-N2008 %s
; RUN: llc -filetype=asm -mtriple mips64-unknown-linux -mcpu=mips64 \
-; RUN: -relocation-model=pic -mattr=-n64,+n32,+nan2008 %s -o - | \
+; RUN: -relocation-model=pic -target-abi n32 -mattr=+nan2008 %s -o - | \
; RUN: FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-PIC-N32 -check-prefix=CHECK-PIC-N32-N2008 %s
; ### N64 ABI ###
; RUN: llc -filetype=asm -mtriple mips64-unknown-linux -mcpu=mips64 \
-; RUN: -relocation-model=static -mattr=+n64 %s -o - | \
+; RUN: -relocation-model=static -target-abi n64 %s -o - | \
; RUN: FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-STATIC-N64 -check-prefix=CHECK-STATIC-N64-NLEGACY %s
; RUN: llc -filetype=asm -mtriple mips64-unknown-linux -mcpu=mips64 \
-; RUN: -relocation-model=pic -mattr=+n64 %s -o - | \
+; RUN: -relocation-model=pic -target-abi n64 %s -o - | \
; RUN: FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-PIC-N64 -check-prefix=CHECK-PIC-N64-NLEGACY %s
; RUN: llc -filetype=asm -mtriple mips64-unknown-linux -mcpu=mips64 \
-; RUN: -relocation-model=static -mattr=+n64,+nan2008 %s -o - | \
+; RUN: -relocation-model=static -target-abi n64 -mattr=+nan2008 %s -o - | \
; RUN: FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-STATIC-N64 -check-prefix=CHECK-STATIC-N64-N2008 %s
; RUN: llc -filetype=asm -mtriple mips64-unknown-linux -mcpu=mips64 \
-; RUN: -relocation-model=pic -mattr=+n64,+nan2008 %s -o - | \
+; RUN: -relocation-model=pic -target-abi n64 -mattr=+nan2008 %s -o - | \
; RUN: FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-PIC-N64 -check-prefix=CHECK-PIC-N64-N2008 %s
; CHECK-STATIC-O32: .abicalls