path: root/remote-processor
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'remote-processor')
20 files changed, 1685 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/remote-processor/Android.mk b/remote-processor/Android.mk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e55b158
--- /dev/null
+++ b/remote-processor/Android.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+LOCAL_PATH:= $(call my-dir)
+include $(CLEAR_VARS)
+ Socket.cpp \
+ ListeningSocket.cpp \
+ ConnectionSocket.cpp \
+ Message.cpp \
+ RequestMessage.cpp \
+ AnswerMessage.cpp \
+ RemoteProcessorServer.cpp \
+ RemoteProcessorServerBuilder.cpp
+LOCAL_MODULE:= libremote-processor
+LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optional
+TARGET_ERROR_FLAGS += -Wno-non-virtual-dtor
+ external/stlport/stlport/ \
+ bionic/libstdc++ \
+ bionic/
+LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := libstlport libicuuc
diff --git a/remote-processor/AnswerMessage.cpp b/remote-processor/AnswerMessage.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60bf750
--- /dev/null
+++ b/remote-processor/AnswerMessage.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+/* <auto_header>
+ *
+ * Copyright © 2011 Intel
+ * Corporation All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * The source code contained or described herein and all documents related to
+ * the source code ("Material") are owned by Intel Corporation or its suppliers
+ * or licensors. Title to the Material remains with Intel Corporation or its
+ * suppliers and licensors. The Material contains trade secrets and proprietary
+ * and confidential information of Intel or its suppliers and licensors. The
+ * Material is protected by worldwide copyright and trade secret laws and
+ * treaty provisions. No part of the Material may be used, copied, reproduced,
+ * modified, published, uploaded, posted, transmitted, distributed, or
+ * disclosed in any way without Intel’s prior express written permission.
+ *
+ * No license under any patent, copyright, trade secret or other intellectual
+ * property right is granted to or conferred upon you by disclosure or delivery
+ * of the Materials, either expressly, by implication, inducement, estoppel or
+ * otherwise. Any license under such intellectual property rights must be
+ * express and approved by Intel in writing.
+ *
+ * AUTHOR: Patrick Benavoli (patrickx.benavoli@intel.com)
+ * CREATED: 2011-06-01
+ * UPDATED: 2011-07-27
+ *
+ *
+ * </auto_header>
+ */
+#include "AnswerMessage.h"
+#include "RemoteProcessorProtocol.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+#define base CMessage
+CAnswerMessage::CAnswerMessage(const string& strAnswer, bool bSuccess) : base(bSuccess ? ESuccessAnswer : EFailureAnswer), _strAnswer(strAnswer)
+// Answer
+void CAnswerMessage::setAnswer(const string& strAnswer)
+ _strAnswer = strAnswer;
+const string& CAnswerMessage::getAnswer() const
+ return _strAnswer;
+// Status
+bool CAnswerMessage::success() const
+ return getMsgId() == ESuccessAnswer;
+// Size
+uint32_t CAnswerMessage::getDataSize() const
+ // Answer
+ return getStringSize(getAnswer());
+// Fill data to send
+void CAnswerMessage::fillDataToSend()
+ // Send answer
+ writeString(getAnswer());
+// Collect received data
+void CAnswerMessage::collectReceivedData()
+ // Receive answer
+ string strAnswer;
+ readString(strAnswer);
+ setAnswer(strAnswer);
diff --git a/remote-processor/AnswerMessage.h b/remote-processor/AnswerMessage.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..16259a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/remote-processor/AnswerMessage.h
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+/* <auto_header>
+ *
+ * Copyright © 2011 Intel
+ * Corporation All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * The source code contained or described herein and all documents related to
+ * the source code ("Material") are owned by Intel Corporation or its suppliers
+ * or licensors. Title to the Material remains with Intel Corporation or its
+ * suppliers and licensors. The Material contains trade secrets and proprietary
+ * and confidential information of Intel or its suppliers and licensors. The
+ * Material is protected by worldwide copyright and trade secret laws and
+ * treaty provisions. No part of the Material may be used, copied, reproduced,
+ * modified, published, uploaded, posted, transmitted, distributed, or
+ * disclosed in any way without Intel’s prior express written permission.
+ *
+ * No license under any patent, copyright, trade secret or other intellectual
+ * property right is granted to or conferred upon you by disclosure or delivery
+ * of the Materials, either expressly, by implication, inducement, estoppel or
+ * otherwise. Any license under such intellectual property rights must be
+ * express and approved by Intel in writing.
+ *
+ * AUTHOR: Patrick Benavoli (patrickx.benavoli@intel.com)
+ * CREATED: 2011-06-01
+ * UPDATED: 2011-07-27
+ *
+ *
+ * </auto_header>
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include "Message.h"
+class CAnswerMessage : public CMessage
+ CAnswerMessage(const string& strAnswer, bool bSuccess);
+ CAnswerMessage();
+ // Answer
+ const string& getAnswer() const;
+ // Status
+ bool success() const;
+ // Fill data to send
+ virtual void fillDataToSend();
+ // Collect received data
+ virtual void collectReceivedData();
+ // Size
+ virtual uint32_t getDataSize() const;
+ // Answer
+ void setAnswer(const string& strAnswer);
+ // Answer
+ string _strAnswer;
diff --git a/remote-processor/ConnectionSocket.cpp b/remote-processor/ConnectionSocket.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a0357e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/remote-processor/ConnectionSocket.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+/* <auto_header>
+ *
+ * Copyright © 2011 Intel
+ * Corporation All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * The source code contained or described herein and all documents related to
+ * the source code ("Material") are owned by Intel Corporation or its suppliers
+ * or licensors. Title to the Material remains with Intel Corporation or its
+ * suppliers and licensors. The Material contains trade secrets and proprietary
+ * and confidential information of Intel or its suppliers and licensors. The
+ * Material is protected by worldwide copyright and trade secret laws and
+ * treaty provisions. No part of the Material may be used, copied, reproduced,
+ * modified, published, uploaded, posted, transmitted, distributed, or
+ * disclosed in any way without Intel’s prior express written permission.
+ *
+ * No license under any patent, copyright, trade secret or other intellectual
+ * property right is granted to or conferred upon you by disclosure or delivery
+ * of the Materials, either expressly, by implication, inducement, estoppel or
+ * otherwise. Any license under such intellectual property rights must be
+ * express and approved by Intel in writing.
+ *
+ * AUTHOR: Patrick Benavoli (patrickx.benavoli@intel.com)
+ * CREATED: 2011-06-01
+ * UPDATED: 2011-07-27
+ *
+ *
+ * </auto_header>
+ */
+#include "ConnectionSocket.h"
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <netdb.h>
+#include <netinet/in.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#define base CSocket
+// Connection
+bool CConnectionSocket::connect(const string& strRemote, uint16_t uiPort, string& strError)
+ struct sockaddr_in server_addr;
+ // Host entry
+ struct hostent* host = gethostbyname(strRemote.c_str());
+ // Check host
+ if (!host) {
+ strError = "Target not found :-(";
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Fill server address
+ initSockAddrIn(&server_addr, *((uint32_t*)host->h_addr), uiPort);
+ // Connect
+ if (::connect(getFd(), (struct sockaddr *)&server_addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr))) {
+ perror("CConnectionSocket::connect::connect");
+ strError = "Unable to connnect to target :-(";
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
diff --git a/remote-processor/ConnectionSocket.h b/remote-processor/ConnectionSocket.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0d6064
--- /dev/null
+++ b/remote-processor/ConnectionSocket.h
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+/* <auto_header>
+ *
+ * Copyright © 2011 Intel
+ * Corporation All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * The source code contained or described herein and all documents related to
+ * the source code ("Material") are owned by Intel Corporation or its suppliers
+ * or licensors. Title to the Material remains with Intel Corporation or its
+ * suppliers and licensors. The Material contains trade secrets and proprietary
+ * and confidential information of Intel or its suppliers and licensors. The
+ * Material is protected by worldwide copyright and trade secret laws and
+ * treaty provisions. No part of the Material may be used, copied, reproduced,
+ * modified, published, uploaded, posted, transmitted, distributed, or
+ * disclosed in any way without Intel’s prior express written permission.
+ *
+ * No license under any patent, copyright, trade secret or other intellectual
+ * property right is granted to or conferred upon you by disclosure or delivery
+ * of the Materials, either expressly, by implication, inducement, estoppel or
+ * otherwise. Any license under such intellectual property rights must be
+ * express and approved by Intel in writing.
+ *
+ * AUTHOR: Patrick Benavoli (patrickx.benavoli@intel.com)
+ * CREATED: 2011-06-01
+ * UPDATED: 2011-07-27
+ *
+ *
+ * </auto_header>
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include "Socket.h"
+#include <string>
+using namespace std;
+class CConnectionSocket : public CSocket
+ CConnectionSocket();
+ // Connection
+ bool connect(const string& strRemote, uint16_t uiPort, string& strError);
diff --git a/remote-processor/ListeningSocket.cpp b/remote-processor/ListeningSocket.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df5d369
--- /dev/null
+++ b/remote-processor/ListeningSocket.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+/* <auto_header>
+ *
+ * Copyright © 2011 Intel
+ * Corporation All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * The source code contained or described herein and all documents related to
+ * the source code ("Material") are owned by Intel Corporation or its suppliers
+ * or licensors. Title to the Material remains with Intel Corporation or its
+ * suppliers and licensors. The Material contains trade secrets and proprietary
+ * and confidential information of Intel or its suppliers and licensors. The
+ * Material is protected by worldwide copyright and trade secret laws and
+ * treaty provisions. No part of the Material may be used, copied, reproduced,
+ * modified, published, uploaded, posted, transmitted, distributed, or
+ * disclosed in any way without Intel’s prior express written permission.
+ *
+ * No license under any patent, copyright, trade secret or other intellectual
+ * property right is granted to or conferred upon you by disclosure or delivery
+ * of the Materials, either expressly, by implication, inducement, estoppel or
+ * otherwise. Any license under such intellectual property rights must be
+ * express and approved by Intel in writing.
+ *
+ * AUTHOR: Patrick Benavoli (patrickx.benavoli@intel.com)
+ * CREATED: 2011-06-01
+ * UPDATED: 2011-07-27
+ *
+ *
+ * </auto_header>
+ */
+#include "ListeningSocket.h"
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <netinet/in.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <netdb.h>
+#include <strings.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#define base CSocket
+ int iOption = true;
+ // Reuse option
+ setsockopt(getFd(), SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &iOption, sizeof(iOption));
+// Listen
+bool CListeningSocket::listen(uint16_t uiPort)
+ struct sockaddr_in server_addr;
+ // Fill server address
+ initSockAddrIn(&server_addr, INADDR_ANY, uiPort);
+ // Bind
+ if (bind(getFd(), (struct sockaddr*)&server_addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr)) == -1) {
+ perror("CListeningSocket::listen::bind");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (::listen(getFd(), 5) == -1) {
+ perror("CListeningSocket::listen::bind");
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+// Accept
+CSocket* CListeningSocket::accept()
+ struct sockaddr_in client_addr;
+ socklen_t ulClientAddrLen = sizeof(client_addr);
+ int iSockId = ::accept(getFd(), (struct sockaddr*)&client_addr, &ulClientAddrLen);
+ if (iSockId == -1) {
+ perror("CListeningSocket::accept::accept");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return new CSocket(iSockId);
diff --git a/remote-processor/ListeningSocket.h b/remote-processor/ListeningSocket.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a242a73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/remote-processor/ListeningSocket.h
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+/* <auto_header>
+ *
+ * Copyright © 2011 Intel
+ * Corporation All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * The source code contained or described herein and all documents related to
+ * the source code ("Material") are owned by Intel Corporation or its suppliers
+ * or licensors. Title to the Material remains with Intel Corporation or its
+ * suppliers and licensors. The Material contains trade secrets and proprietary
+ * and confidential information of Intel or its suppliers and licensors. The
+ * Material is protected by worldwide copyright and trade secret laws and
+ * treaty provisions. No part of the Material may be used, copied, reproduced,
+ * modified, published, uploaded, posted, transmitted, distributed, or
+ * disclosed in any way without Intel’s prior express written permission.
+ *
+ * No license under any patent, copyright, trade secret or other intellectual
+ * property right is granted to or conferred upon you by disclosure or delivery
+ * of the Materials, either expressly, by implication, inducement, estoppel or
+ * otherwise. Any license under such intellectual property rights must be
+ * express and approved by Intel in writing.
+ *
+ * AUTHOR: Patrick Benavoli (patrickx.benavoli@intel.com)
+ * CREATED: 2011-06-01
+ * UPDATED: 2011-07-27
+ *
+ *
+ * </auto_header>
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include "Socket.h"
+class CListeningSocket : public CSocket
+ CListeningSocket();
+ // Listen
+ bool listen(uint16_t uiPort);
+ // Accept
+ CSocket* accept();
diff --git a/remote-processor/Message.cpp b/remote-processor/Message.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5679501
--- /dev/null
+++ b/remote-processor/Message.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+/* <auto_header>
+ *
+ * Copyright © 2011 Intel
+ * Corporation All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * The source code contained or described herein and all documents related to
+ * the source code ("Material") are owned by Intel Corporation or its suppliers
+ * or licensors. Title to the Material remains with Intel Corporation or its
+ * suppliers and licensors. The Material contains trade secrets and proprietary
+ * and confidential information of Intel or its suppliers and licensors. The
+ * Material is protected by worldwide copyright and trade secret laws and
+ * treaty provisions. No part of the Material may be used, copied, reproduced,
+ * modified, published, uploaded, posted, transmitted, distributed, or
+ * disclosed in any way without Intel’s prior express written permission.
+ *
+ * No license under any patent, copyright, trade secret or other intellectual
+ * property right is granted to or conferred upon you by disclosure or delivery
+ * of the Materials, either expressly, by implication, inducement, estoppel or
+ * otherwise. Any license under such intellectual property rights must be
+ * express and approved by Intel in writing.
+ *
+ * AUTHOR: Patrick Benavoli (patrickx.benavoli@intel.com)
+ * CREATED: 2011-06-01
+ * UPDATED: 2011-07-27
+ *
+ *
+ * </auto_header>
+ */
+#include "Message.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+#include "Socket.h"
+#include "RemoteProcessorProtocol.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+CMessage::CMessage(uint8_t ucMsgId) : _ucMsgId(ucMsgId), _pucData(NULL), _uiDataSize(0), _uiIndex(0)
+CMessage::CMessage() : _ucMsgId(-1), _pucData(NULL), _uiDataSize(0), _uiIndex(0)
+ delete [] _pucData;
+// Msg Id
+uint8_t CMessage::getMsgId() const
+ return _ucMsgId;
+// Data
+void CMessage::writeData(const void* pvData, uint32_t uiSize)
+ assert(_uiIndex + uiSize <= _uiDataSize);
+ // Copy
+ memcpy(&_pucData[_uiIndex], pvData, uiSize);
+ // Index
+ _uiIndex += uiSize;
+void CMessage::readData(void* pvData, uint32_t uiSize)
+ assert(_uiIndex + uiSize <= _uiDataSize);
+ // Copy
+ memcpy(pvData, &_pucData[_uiIndex], uiSize);
+ // Index
+ _uiIndex += uiSize;
+void CMessage::writeString(const string& strData)
+ // Size
+ uint32_t uiSize = strData.length();
+ writeData(&uiSize, sizeof(uiSize));
+ // Content
+ writeData(strData.c_str(), uiSize);
+void CMessage::readString(string& strData)
+ // Size
+ uint32_t uiSize;
+ readData(&uiSize, sizeof(uiSize));
+ // Data
+ char* pcData = new char[uiSize + 1];
+ // Content
+ readData(pcData, uiSize);
+ // NULL-terminate string
+ pcData[uiSize] = '\0';
+ // Output
+ strData = pcData;
+ // Delete
+ delete [] pcData;
+uint32_t CMessage::getStringSize(const string& strData) const
+ // Return string length plus room to store its length
+ return strData.length() + sizeof(uint32_t);
+// Remaining data size
+uint32_t CMessage::getRemainingDataSize() const
+ return _uiDataSize - _uiIndex;
+// Send/Receive
+bool CMessage::serialize(CSocket* pSocket, bool bOut)
+ if (bOut) {
+ // Make room for data to send
+ allocateData(getDataSize());
+ // Get data from derived
+ fillDataToSend();
+ // Finished providing data?
+ assert(_uiIndex == _uiDataSize);
+ // First send sync word
+ uint16_t uiSyncWord = SYNC_WORD;
+ if (!pSocket->write(&uiSyncWord, sizeof(uiSyncWord))) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Size
+ uint32_t uiSize = sizeof(_ucMsgId) + _uiDataSize;
+ if (!pSocket->write(&uiSize, sizeof(uiSize))) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Msg Id
+ if (!pSocket->write(&_ucMsgId, sizeof(_ucMsgId))) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Data
+ if (!pSocket->write(_pucData, _uiDataSize)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Checksum
+ uint8_t ucChecksum = computeChecksum();
+ if (!pSocket->write(&ucChecksum, sizeof(ucChecksum))) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // First read sync word
+ uint16_t uiSyncWord;
+ if (!pSocket->read(&uiSyncWord, sizeof(uiSyncWord))) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Check Sync word
+ if (uiSyncWord != SYNC_WORD) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Size
+ uint32_t uiSize;
+ if (!pSocket->read(&uiSize, sizeof(uiSize))) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Msg Id
+ if (!pSocket->read(&_ucMsgId, sizeof(_ucMsgId))) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Data
+ // Allocate
+ allocateData(uiSize - sizeof(_ucMsgId));
+ // Data receive
+ if (!pSocket->read(_pucData, _uiDataSize)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Checksum
+ uint8_t ucChecksum;
+ if (!pSocket->read(&ucChecksum, sizeof(ucChecksum))) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Compare
+ if (ucChecksum != computeChecksum()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Collect data in derived
+ collectReceivedData();
+ }
+ return true;
+// Checksum
+uint8_t CMessage::computeChecksum() const
+ uint8_t uiChecksum = (_ucMsgId & 0xFF) + (_ucMsgId >> 8);
+ uint32_t uiIndex;
+ for (uiIndex = 0; uiIndex < _uiDataSize; uiIndex++) {
+ uiChecksum += _pucData[uiIndex];
+ }
+ return uiChecksum;
+// Data allocation
+void CMessage::allocateData(uint32_t uiSize)
+ // Remove previous one
+ if (_pucData) {
+ delete [] _pucData;
+ }
+ // Do allocate
+ _pucData = new uint8_t[uiSize];
+ // Record size
+ _uiDataSize = uiSize;
+ // Reset Index
+ _uiIndex = 0;
diff --git a/remote-processor/Message.h b/remote-processor/Message.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ab6a2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/remote-processor/Message.h
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+/* <auto_header>
+ *
+ * Copyright © 2011 Intel
+ * Corporation All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * The source code contained or described herein and all documents related to
+ * the source code ("Material") are owned by Intel Corporation or its suppliers
+ * or licensors. Title to the Material remains with Intel Corporation or its
+ * suppliers and licensors. The Material contains trade secrets and proprietary
+ * and confidential information of Intel or its suppliers and licensors. The
+ * Material is protected by worldwide copyright and trade secret laws and
+ * treaty provisions. No part of the Material may be used, copied, reproduced,
+ * modified, published, uploaded, posted, transmitted, distributed, or
+ * disclosed in any way without Intel’s prior express written permission.
+ *
+ * No license under any patent, copyright, trade secret or other intellectual
+ * property right is granted to or conferred upon you by disclosure or delivery
+ * of the Materials, either expressly, by implication, inducement, estoppel or
+ * otherwise. Any license under such intellectual property rights must be
+ * express and approved by Intel in writing.
+ *
+ * AUTHOR: Patrick Benavoli (patrickx.benavoli@intel.com)
+ * CREATED: 2011-06-01
+ * UPDATED: 2011-07-27
+ *
+ *
+ * </auto_header>
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <string>
+using namespace std;
+class CSocket;
+class CMessage
+ CMessage(uint8_t ucMsgId);
+ CMessage();
+ virtual ~CMessage();
+ // Send/Receive
+ bool serialize(CSocket* pSocket, bool bOut);
+ // Msg Id
+ uint8_t getMsgId() const;
+ // Data
+ void writeData(const void* pvData, uint32_t uiSize);
+ void readData(void* pvData, uint32_t uiSize);
+ void writeString(const string& strData);
+ void readString(string& strData);
+ uint32_t getStringSize(const string& strData) const;
+ // Remaining data size
+ uint32_t getRemainingDataSize() const;
+ // Data allocation
+ void allocateData(uint32_t uiDataSize);
+ // Fill data to send
+ virtual void fillDataToSend() = 0;
+ // Collect received data
+ virtual void collectReceivedData() = 0;
+ // Size
+ virtual uint32_t getDataSize() const = 0;
+ // Checksum
+ uint8_t computeChecksum() const;
+ // MsgId
+ uint8_t _ucMsgId;
+ // Data
+ uint8_t* _pucData;
+ // Data size
+ uint32_t _uiDataSize;
+ // Read/Write Index
+ uint32_t _uiIndex;
diff --git a/remote-processor/RemoteCommand.h b/remote-processor/RemoteCommand.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8409468
--- /dev/null
+++ b/remote-processor/RemoteCommand.h
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+/* <auto_header>
+ *
+ * Copyright © 2011 Intel
+ * Corporation All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * The source code contained or described herein and all documents related to
+ * the source code ("Material") are owned by Intel Corporation or its suppliers
+ * or licensors. Title to the Material remains with Intel Corporation or its
+ * suppliers and licensors. The Material contains trade secrets and proprietary
+ * and confidential information of Intel or its suppliers and licensors. The
+ * Material is protected by worldwide copyright and trade secret laws and
+ * treaty provisions. No part of the Material may be used, copied, reproduced,
+ * modified, published, uploaded, posted, transmitted, distributed, or
+ * disclosed in any way without Intel’s prior express written permission.
+ *
+ * No license under any patent, copyright, trade secret or other intellectual
+ * property right is granted to or conferred upon you by disclosure or delivery
+ * of the Materials, either expressly, by implication, inducement, estoppel or
+ * otherwise. Any license under such intellectual property rights must be
+ * express and approved by Intel in writing.
+ *
+ * AUTHOR: Patrick Benavoli (patrickx.benavoli@intel.com)
+ * CREATED: 2011-06-01
+ * UPDATED: 2011-07-27
+ *
+ *
+ * </auto_header>
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <string>
+class IRemoteCommand
+ // Command Name
+ virtual const std::string& getCommand() const = 0;
+ // Arguments
+ virtual void addArgument(const std::string& strArgument) = 0;
+ virtual uint32_t getArgumentCount() const = 0;
+ virtual const std::string& getArgument(uint32_t uiArgument) const = 0;
diff --git a/remote-processor/RemoteCommandHandler.h b/remote-processor/RemoteCommandHandler.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f1ab3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/remote-processor/RemoteCommandHandler.h
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+/* <auto_header>
+ *
+ * Copyright © 2011 Intel
+ * Corporation All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * The source code contained or described herein and all documents related to
+ * the source code ("Material") are owned by Intel Corporation or its suppliers
+ * or licensors. Title to the Material remains with Intel Corporation or its
+ * suppliers and licensors. The Material contains trade secrets and proprietary
+ * and confidential information of Intel or its suppliers and licensors. The
+ * Material is protected by worldwide copyright and trade secret laws and
+ * treaty provisions. No part of the Material may be used, copied, reproduced,
+ * modified, published, uploaded, posted, transmitted, distributed, or
+ * disclosed in any way without Intel’s prior express written permission.
+ *
+ * No license under any patent, copyright, trade secret or other intellectual
+ * property right is granted to or conferred upon you by disclosure or delivery
+ * of the Materials, either expressly, by implication, inducement, estoppel or
+ * otherwise. Any license under such intellectual property rights must be
+ * express and approved by Intel in writing.
+ *
+ * AUTHOR: Patrick Benavoli (patrickx.benavoli@intel.com)
+ * CREATED: 2011-06-01
+ * UPDATED: 2011-07-27
+ *
+ *
+ * </auto_header>
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include "RemoteCommand.h"
+#include <string>
+class IRemoteCommandHandler
+ // Return true on success, fill result in any cases
+ virtual bool remoteCommandProcess(const IRemoteCommand& remoteCommand, std::string& strResult) = 0;
diff --git a/remote-processor/RemoteProcessorProtocol.h b/remote-processor/RemoteProcessorProtocol.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28f9bfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/remote-processor/RemoteProcessorProtocol.h
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+/* <auto_header>
+ *
+ * Copyright © 2011 Intel
+ * Corporation All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * The source code contained or described herein and all documents related to
+ * the source code ("Material") are owned by Intel Corporation or its suppliers
+ * or licensors. Title to the Material remains with Intel Corporation or its
+ * suppliers and licensors. The Material contains trade secrets and proprietary
+ * and confidential information of Intel or its suppliers and licensors. The
+ * Material is protected by worldwide copyright and trade secret laws and
+ * treaty provisions. No part of the Material may be used, copied, reproduced,
+ * modified, published, uploaded, posted, transmitted, distributed, or
+ * disclosed in any way without Intel’s prior express written permission.
+ *
+ * No license under any patent, copyright, trade secret or other intellectual
+ * property right is granted to or conferred upon you by disclosure or delivery
+ * of the Materials, either expressly, by implication, inducement, estoppel or
+ * otherwise. Any license under such intellectual property rights must be
+ * express and approved by Intel in writing.
+ *
+ * AUTHOR: Patrick Benavoli (patrickx.benavoli@intel.com)
+ * CREATED: 2011-06-01
+ * UPDATED: 2011-07-27
+ *
+ *
+ * </auto_header>
+ */
+#pragma once
+#define SYNC_WORD 0xBABE
+enum RemoteProtocolMsgType
+ ECommandRequest,
+ ESuccessAnswer,
+ EFailureAnswer
diff --git a/remote-processor/RemoteProcessorServer.cpp b/remote-processor/RemoteProcessorServer.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..efe4342
--- /dev/null
+++ b/remote-processor/RemoteProcessorServer.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+/* <auto_header>
+ *
+ * Copyright © 2011 Intel
+ * Corporation All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * The source code contained or described herein and all documents related to
+ * the source code ("Material") are owned by Intel Corporation or its suppliers
+ * or licensors. Title to the Material remains with Intel Corporation or its
+ * suppliers and licensors. The Material contains trade secrets and proprietary
+ * and confidential information of Intel or its suppliers and licensors. The
+ * Material is protected by worldwide copyright and trade secret laws and
+ * treaty provisions. No part of the Material may be used, copied, reproduced,
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+ * disclosed in any way without Intel’s prior express written permission.
+ *
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+ * of the Materials, either expressly, by implication, inducement, estoppel or
+ * otherwise. Any license under such intellectual property rights must be
+ * express and approved by Intel in writing.
+ *
+ * AUTHOR: Patrick Benavoli (patrickx.benavoli@intel.com)
+ * CREATED: 2011-06-01
+ * UPDATED: 2011-07-27
+ *
+ *
+ * </auto_header>
+ */
+#include "RemoteProcessorServer.h"
+#include "ListeningSocket.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <poll.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <strings.h>
+#include "RequestMessage.h"
+#include "AnswerMessage.h"
+#include "RemoteCommandHandler.h"
+CRemoteProcessorServer::CRemoteProcessorServer(uint16_t uiPort, IRemoteCommandHandler* pCommandHandler) :
+ _uiPort(uiPort), _pCommandHandler(pCommandHandler), _bIsStarted(false), _pListeningSocket(NULL), _ulThreadId(0)
+ // Create inband pipe
+ pipe(_aiInbandPipe);
+ stop();
+// State
+bool CRemoteProcessorServer::start()
+ assert(!_bIsStarted);
+ // Create server socket
+ _pListeningSocket = new CListeningSocket;
+ if (!_pListeningSocket->listen(_uiPort)) {
+ // Remove listening socket
+ delete _pListeningSocket;
+ _pListeningSocket = NULL;
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Create thread
+ pthread_create(&_ulThreadId, NULL, thread_func, this);
+ // State
+ _bIsStarted = true;
+ return true;
+void CRemoteProcessorServer::stop()
+ // Check state
+ if (!_bIsStarted) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Cause exiting of the thread
+ uint8_t ucData = 0;
+ write(_aiInbandPipe[1], &ucData, sizeof(ucData));
+ // Join thread
+ pthread_join(_ulThreadId, NULL);
+ _bIsStarted = false;
+ // Remove listening socket
+ delete _pListeningSocket;
+ _pListeningSocket = NULL;
+bool CRemoteProcessorServer::isStarted() const
+ return _bIsStarted;
+// Thread
+void* CRemoteProcessorServer::thread_func(void* pData)
+ reinterpret_cast<CRemoteProcessorServer*>(pData)->run();
+ return NULL;
+void CRemoteProcessorServer::run()
+ struct pollfd _aPollFds[2];
+ bzero(_aPollFds, sizeof(_aPollFds));
+ // Build poll elements
+ _aPollFds[0].fd = _pListeningSocket->getFd();
+ _aPollFds[1].fd = _aiInbandPipe[0];
+ _aPollFds[0].events = POLLIN;
+ _aPollFds[1].events = POLLIN;
+ while (true) {
+ poll(_aPollFds, 2, -1);
+ if (_aPollFds[0].revents & POLLIN) {
+ // New incoming connection
+ handleNewConnection();
+ }
+ if (_aPollFds[1].revents & POLLIN) {
+ // Consume exit request
+ uint8_t ucData;
+ read(_aiInbandPipe[0], &ucData, sizeof(ucData));
+ // Exit
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+// New connection
+void CRemoteProcessorServer::handleNewConnection()
+ CSocket* pClientSocket = _pListeningSocket->accept();
+ if (!pClientSocket) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Set timeout
+ pClientSocket->setTimeout(5000);
+ // Process all incoming requests from the client
+ while (true) {
+ // Process requests
+ // Create command message
+ CRequestMessage requestMessage;
+ ///// Receive command
+ if (!requestMessage.serialize(pClientSocket, false)) {
+ // Bail out
+ break;
+ }
+ // Actually process the request
+ bool bSuccess;
+ string strResult;
+ if (_pCommandHandler) {
+ bSuccess = _pCommandHandler->remoteCommandProcess(requestMessage, strResult);
+ } else {
+ strResult = "No handler!";
+ bSuccess = false;
+ }
+ // Send back answer
+ // Create answer message
+ CAnswerMessage answerMessage(strResult, bSuccess);
+ ///// Send answer
+ if (!answerMessage.serialize(pClientSocket, true)) {
+ // Bail out
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Remove client socket
+ delete pClientSocket;
diff --git a/remote-processor/RemoteProcessorServer.h b/remote-processor/RemoteProcessorServer.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0abb5c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/remote-processor/RemoteProcessorServer.h
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+/* <auto_header>
+ *
+ * Copyright © 2011 Intel
+ * Corporation All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * The source code contained or described herein and all documents related to
+ * the source code ("Material") are owned by Intel Corporation or its suppliers
+ * or licensors. Title to the Material remains with Intel Corporation or its
+ * suppliers and licensors. The Material contains trade secrets and proprietary
+ * and confidential information of Intel or its suppliers and licensors. The
+ * Material is protected by worldwide copyright and trade secret laws and
+ * treaty provisions. No part of the Material may be used, copied, reproduced,
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+ * disclosed in any way without Intel’s prior express written permission.
+ *
+ * No license under any patent, copyright, trade secret or other intellectual
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+ * of the Materials, either expressly, by implication, inducement, estoppel or
+ * otherwise. Any license under such intellectual property rights must be
+ * express and approved by Intel in writing.
+ *
+ * AUTHOR: Patrick Benavoli (patrickx.benavoli@intel.com)
+ * CREATED: 2011-06-01
+ * UPDATED: 2011-07-27
+ *
+ *
+ * </auto_header>
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include "RemoteProcessorServerInterface.h"
+class CListeningSocket;
+class IRemoteCommandHandler;
+class CRemoteProcessorServer : public IRemoteProcessorServerInterface
+ CRemoteProcessorServer(uint16_t uiPort, IRemoteCommandHandler* pCommandHandler);
+ virtual ~CRemoteProcessorServer();
+ // State
+ virtual bool start();
+ virtual void stop();
+ virtual bool isStarted() const;
+ // Thread
+ static void* thread_func(void* pData);
+ void run();
+ // New connection
+ void handleNewConnection();
+ // Port number
+ uint16_t _uiPort;
+ // Command handler
+ IRemoteCommandHandler* _pCommandHandler;
+ // State
+ bool _bIsStarted;
+ // Listening socket
+ CListeningSocket* _pListeningSocket;
+ // Inband pipe
+ int _aiInbandPipe[2];
+ // Thread
+ pthread_t _ulThreadId;
diff --git a/remote-processor/RemoteProcessorServerBuilder.cpp b/remote-processor/RemoteProcessorServerBuilder.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed6b2c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/remote-processor/RemoteProcessorServerBuilder.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+/* <auto_header>
+ *
+ * Copyright © 2011 Intel
+ * Corporation All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * The source code contained or described herein and all documents related to
+ * the source code ("Material") are owned by Intel Corporation or its suppliers
+ * or licensors. Title to the Material remains with Intel Corporation or its
+ * suppliers and licensors. The Material contains trade secrets and proprietary
+ * and confidential information of Intel or its suppliers and licensors. The
+ * Material is protected by worldwide copyright and trade secret laws and
+ * treaty provisions. No part of the Material may be used, copied, reproduced,
+ * modified, published, uploaded, posted, transmitted, distributed, or
+ * disclosed in any way without Intel’s prior express written permission.
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+ * of the Materials, either expressly, by implication, inducement, estoppel or
+ * otherwise. Any license under such intellectual property rights must be
+ * express and approved by Intel in writing.
+ *
+ * AUTHOR: Patrick Benavoli (patrickx.benavoli@intel.com)
+ * CREATED: 2011-06-01
+ * UPDATED: 2011-07-27
+ *
+ *
+ * </auto_header>
+ */
+#include "RemoteProcessorServer.h"
+extern "C"
+IRemoteProcessorServerInterface* createRemoteProcessorServer(uint16_t uiPort, IRemoteCommandHandler* pCommandHandler)
+ return new CRemoteProcessorServer(uiPort, pCommandHandler);
diff --git a/remote-processor/RemoteProcessorServerInterface.h b/remote-processor/RemoteProcessorServerInterface.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..991d3db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/remote-processor/RemoteProcessorServerInterface.h
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+/* <auto_header>
+ *
+ * Copyright © 2011 Intel
+ * Corporation All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * The source code contained or described herein and all documents related to
+ * the source code ("Material") are owned by Intel Corporation or its suppliers
+ * or licensors. Title to the Material remains with Intel Corporation or its
+ * suppliers and licensors. The Material contains trade secrets and proprietary
+ * and confidential information of Intel or its suppliers and licensors. The
+ * Material is protected by worldwide copyright and trade secret laws and
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+ * disclosed in any way without Intel’s prior express written permission.
+ *
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+ * of the Materials, either expressly, by implication, inducement, estoppel or
+ * otherwise. Any license under such intellectual property rights must be
+ * express and approved by Intel in writing.
+ *
+ * AUTHOR: Patrick Benavoli (patrickx.benavoli@intel.com)
+ * CREATED: 2011-06-01
+ * UPDATED: 2011-07-27
+ *
+ *
+ * </auto_header>
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include "RequestMessage.h"
+using namespace std;
+class IRemoteProcessorServerInterface
+ virtual bool start() = 0;
+ virtual void stop() = 0;
+ virtual bool isStarted() const = 0;
diff --git a/remote-processor/RequestMessage.cpp b/remote-processor/RequestMessage.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f71b8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/remote-processor/RequestMessage.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+/* <auto_header>
+ *
+ * Copyright © 2011 Intel
+ * Corporation All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * The source code contained or described herein and all documents related to
+ * the source code ("Material") are owned by Intel Corporation or its suppliers
+ * or licensors. Title to the Material remains with Intel Corporation or its
+ * suppliers and licensors. The Material contains trade secrets and proprietary
+ * and confidential information of Intel or its suppliers and licensors. The
+ * Material is protected by worldwide copyright and trade secret laws and
+ * treaty provisions. No part of the Material may be used, copied, reproduced,
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+ * disclosed in any way without Intel’s prior express written permission.
+ *
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+ * of the Materials, either expressly, by implication, inducement, estoppel or
+ * otherwise. Any license under such intellectual property rights must be
+ * express and approved by Intel in writing.
+ *
+ * AUTHOR: Patrick Benavoli (patrickx.benavoli@intel.com)
+ * CREATED: 2011-06-01
+ * UPDATED: 2011-07-27
+ *
+ *
+ * </auto_header>
+ */
+#include "RequestMessage.h"
+#include "RemoteProcessorProtocol.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#define base CMessage
+CRequestMessage::CRequestMessage(const string& strCommand) : base(ECommandRequest), _strCommand(strCommand)
+// Command Name
+void CRequestMessage::setCommand(const string& strCommand)
+ _strCommand = trim(strCommand);
+const string& CRequestMessage::getCommand() const
+ return _strCommand;
+// Arguments
+void CRequestMessage::addArgument(const string& strArgument)
+ _argumentVector.push_back(trim(strArgument));
+uint32_t CRequestMessage::getArgumentCount() const
+ return _argumentVector.size();
+const string& CRequestMessage::getArgument(uint32_t uiArgument) const
+ assert(uiArgument < _argumentVector.size());
+ return _argumentVector[uiArgument];
+// Fill data to send
+void CRequestMessage::fillDataToSend()
+ // Send command
+ writeString(getCommand());
+ // Arguments
+ uint32_t uiArgument;
+ for (uiArgument = 0; uiArgument < getArgumentCount(); uiArgument++) {
+ writeString(getArgument(uiArgument));
+ }
+// Collect received data
+void CRequestMessage::collectReceivedData()
+ // Receive command
+ string strCommand;
+ readString(strCommand);
+ setCommand(strCommand);
+ // Arguments
+ while (getRemainingDataSize()) {
+ string strArgument;
+ readString(strArgument);
+ addArgument(strArgument);
+ }
+// Size
+uint32_t CRequestMessage::getDataSize() const
+ // Command
+ uint32_t uiSize = getStringSize(getCommand());
+ // Arguments
+ uint32_t uiArgument;
+ for (uiArgument = 0; uiArgument < getArgumentCount(); uiArgument++) {
+ uiSize += getStringSize(getArgument(uiArgument));
+ }
+ return uiSize;
+// Trim input string
+string CRequestMessage::trim(const string& strToTrim)
+ // Trim string
+ string strTrimmed = strToTrim;
+ strTrimmed.erase(remove_if(strTrimmed.begin(), strTrimmed.end(), ::isspace), strTrimmed.end());
+ return strTrimmed;
diff --git a/remote-processor/RequestMessage.h b/remote-processor/RequestMessage.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0b2183
--- /dev/null
+++ b/remote-processor/RequestMessage.h
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+/* <auto_header>
+ *
+ * Copyright © 2011 Intel
+ * Corporation All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * The source code contained or described herein and all documents related to
+ * the source code ("Material") are owned by Intel Corporation or its suppliers
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+ * suppliers and licensors. The Material contains trade secrets and proprietary
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+ * Material is protected by worldwide copyright and trade secret laws and
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+ * disclosed in any way without Intel’s prior express written permission.
+ *
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+ * of the Materials, either expressly, by implication, inducement, estoppel or
+ * otherwise. Any license under such intellectual property rights must be
+ * express and approved by Intel in writing.
+ *
+ * AUTHOR: Patrick Benavoli (patrickx.benavoli@intel.com)
+ * CREATED: 2011-06-01
+ * UPDATED: 2011-07-27
+ *
+ *
+ * </auto_header>
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include "Message.h"
+#include "RemoteCommand.h"
+#include <vector>
+class CRequestMessage : public CMessage, public IRemoteCommand
+ CRequestMessage(const string& strCommand);
+ CRequestMessage();
+ // Command Name
+ virtual const string& getCommand() const;
+ // Arguments
+ virtual void addArgument(const string& strArgument);
+ virtual uint32_t getArgumentCount() const;
+ virtual const string& getArgument(uint32_t uiArgument) const;
+ // Fill data to send
+ virtual void fillDataToSend();
+ // Collect received data
+ virtual void collectReceivedData();
+ // Size
+ virtual uint32_t getDataSize() const;
+ // Command
+ void setCommand(const string& strCommand);
+ // Trim input string
+ static string trim(const string& strToTrim);
+ // Command
+ string _strCommand;
+ // Arguments
+ vector<string> _argumentVector;
diff --git a/remote-processor/Socket.cpp b/remote-processor/Socket.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f77cd45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/remote-processor/Socket.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+/* <auto_header>
+ *
+ * Copyright © 2011 Intel
+ * Corporation All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * The source code contained or described herein and all documents related to
+ * the source code ("Material") are owned by Intel Corporation or its suppliers
+ * or licensors. Title to the Material remains with Intel Corporation or its
+ * suppliers and licensors. The Material contains trade secrets and proprietary
+ * and confidential information of Intel or its suppliers and licensors. The
+ * Material is protected by worldwide copyright and trade secret laws and
+ * treaty provisions. No part of the Material may be used, copied, reproduced,
+ * modified, published, uploaded, posted, transmitted, distributed, or
+ * disclosed in any way without Intel’s prior express written permission.
+ *
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+ * property right is granted to or conferred upon you by disclosure or delivery
+ * of the Materials, either expressly, by implication, inducement, estoppel or
+ * otherwise. Any license under such intellectual property rights must be
+ * express and approved by Intel in writing.
+ *
+ * AUTHOR: Patrick Benavoli (patrickx.benavoli@intel.com)
+ * CREATED: 2011-06-01
+ * UPDATED: 2011-07-27
+ *
+ *
+ * </auto_header>
+ */
+#include "Socket.h"
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <netdb.h>
+#include <strings.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <netinet/in.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+CSocket::CSocket() : _iSockFd(socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0))
+ assert(_iSockFd != -1);
+CSocket::CSocket(int iSockId) : _iSockFd(iSockId)
+ assert(_iSockFd != -1);
+ close(_iSockFd);
+// Socket address init
+void CSocket::initSockAddrIn(struct sockaddr_in* pSockAddrIn, uint32_t uiInAddr, uint16_t uiPort) const
+ // Fill server address
+ pSockAddrIn->sin_family = AF_INET;
+ pSockAddrIn->sin_port = htons(uiPort);
+ pSockAddrIn->sin_addr.s_addr = uiInAddr;
+ bzero(&pSockAddrIn->sin_zero, sizeof(pSockAddrIn->sin_zero));
+// Non blocking state
+void CSocket::setNonBlocking(bool bNonBlocking)
+ int iFlags = fcntl(_iSockFd, F_GETFL, 0);
+ assert(iFlags != -1);
+ if (bNonBlocking) {
+ iFlags |= O_NONBLOCK;
+ } else {
+ iFlags &= ~O_NONBLOCK;
+ }
+ fcntl(_iSockFd, F_SETFL, iFlags);
+// Communication timeout
+void CSocket::setTimeout(uint32_t uiMilliseconds)
+ struct timeval tv;
+ tv.tv_sec = uiMilliseconds / 1000;
+ tv.tv_usec = (uiMilliseconds % 1000) * 1000;
+ setsockopt(_iSockFd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, &tv, sizeof(tv));
+ setsockopt(_iSockFd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, &tv, sizeof(tv));
+// Read
+bool CSocket::read(void* pvData, uint32_t uiSize)
+ uint32_t uiOffset = 0;
+ uint8_t* pucData = (uint8_t*)pvData;
+ while (uiSize) {
+ int32_t iAccessedSize = ::recv(_iSockFd, &pucData[uiOffset], uiSize, MSG_NOSIGNAL);
+ if (!iAccessedSize || iAccessedSize == -1) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ uiSize -= iAccessedSize;
+ uiOffset += iAccessedSize;
+ }
+ return true;
+// Write
+bool CSocket::write(const void* pvData, uint32_t uiSize)
+ uint32_t uiOffset = 0;
+ const uint8_t* pucData = (const uint8_t*)pvData;
+ while (uiSize) {
+ int32_t iAccessedSize = ::send(_iSockFd, &pucData[uiOffset], uiSize, MSG_NOSIGNAL);
+ if (!iAccessedSize || iAccessedSize == -1) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ uiSize -= iAccessedSize;
+ uiOffset += iAccessedSize;
+ }
+ return true;
+// Fd
+int CSocket::getFd() const
+ return _iSockFd;
diff --git a/remote-processor/Socket.h b/remote-processor/Socket.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4552dc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/remote-processor/Socket.h
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+/* <auto_header>
+ *
+ * Copyright © 2011 Intel
+ * Corporation All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * The source code contained or described herein and all documents related to
+ * the source code ("Material") are owned by Intel Corporation or its suppliers
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+ * suppliers and licensors. The Material contains trade secrets and proprietary
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+ *
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+ * of the Materials, either expressly, by implication, inducement, estoppel or
+ * otherwise. Any license under such intellectual property rights must be
+ * express and approved by Intel in writing.
+ *
+ * AUTHOR: Patrick Benavoli (patrickx.benavoli@intel.com)
+ * CREATED: 2011-06-01
+ * UPDATED: 2011-07-27
+ *
+ *
+ * </auto_header>
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <string>
+#include <stdint.h>
+using namespace std;
+struct sockaddr_in;
+struct in_addr;
+class CSocket
+ CSocket();
+ CSocket(int iSockId);
+ virtual ~CSocket();
+ // Non blocking state
+ void setNonBlocking(bool bNonBlocking);
+ // Communication timeout
+ void setTimeout(uint32_t uiMilliseconds);
+ // Read
+ bool read(void* pvData, uint32_t uiSize);
+ // Write
+ bool write(const void* pvData, uint32_t uiSize);
+ // Fd
+ int getFd() const;
+ // Socket address init
+ void initSockAddrIn(struct sockaddr_in* pSockAddrIn, uint32_t uiInAddr, uint16_t uiPort) const;
+ int _iSockFd;