path: root/media
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authorRicardo Garcia <>2014-12-16 17:16:58 +0000
committerAndroid (Google) Code Review <>2014-12-16 17:16:59 +0000
commit8975220e28f632c5db4d89c798384d7635228bbc (patch)
tree5958d59957ed406d34759bc06af2d11938bd4e6e /media
parent6eac9e2f04480e80adca05347ae69919037c968e (diff)
parent02521e37c0494b83947c35160f3669de8adc9e5b (diff)
Merge "Fix for Bundled Effects level compensation" into lmp-mr1-dev
Diffstat (limited to 'media')
2 files changed, 144 insertions, 104 deletions
diff --git a/media/libeffects/lvm/wrapper/Bundle/EffectBundle.cpp b/media/libeffects/lvm/wrapper/Bundle/EffectBundle.cpp
index 3ddeb4e..6aeb919 100644
--- a/media/libeffects/lvm/wrapper/Bundle/EffectBundle.cpp
+++ b/media/libeffects/lvm/wrapper/Bundle/EffectBundle.cpp
@@ -766,6 +766,122 @@ int LvmBundle_process(LVM_INT16 *pIn,
return 0;
} /* end LvmBundle_process */
+// EqualizerUpdateActiveParams()
+// Purpose: Update ActiveParams for Equalizer
+// Inputs:
+// pContext: effect engine context
+// Outputs:
+void EqualizerUpdateActiveParams(EffectContext *pContext) {
+ LVM_ControlParams_t ActiveParams; /* Current control Parameters */
+ LVM_ReturnStatus_en LvmStatus=LVM_SUCCESS; /* Function call status */
+ /* Get the current settings */
+ LvmStatus = LVM_GetControlParameters(pContext->pBundledContext->hInstance, &ActiveParams);
+ LVM_ERROR_CHECK(LvmStatus, "LVM_GetControlParameters", "EqualizerUpdateActiveParams")
+ //ALOGV("\tEqualizerUpdateActiveParams Succesfully returned from LVM_GetControlParameters\n");
+ //ALOGV("\tEqualizerUpdateActiveParams just Got -> %d\n",
+ // ActiveParams.pEQNB_BandDefinition[band].Gain);
+ for (int i = 0; i < FIVEBAND_NUMBANDS; i++) {
+ ActiveParams.pEQNB_BandDefinition[i].Frequency = EQNB_5BandPresetsFrequencies[i];
+ ActiveParams.pEQNB_BandDefinition[i].QFactor = EQNB_5BandPresetsQFactors[i];
+ ActiveParams.pEQNB_BandDefinition[i].Gain = pContext->pBundledContext->bandGaindB[i];
+ }
+ /* Activate the initial settings */
+ LvmStatus = LVM_SetControlParameters(pContext->pBundledContext->hInstance, &ActiveParams);
+ LVM_ERROR_CHECK(LvmStatus, "LVM_SetControlParameters", "EqualizerUpdateActiveParams")
+ //ALOGV("\tEqualizerUpdateActiveParams just Set -> %d\n",
+ // ActiveParams.pEQNB_BandDefinition[band].Gain);
+// LvmEffect_limitLevel()
+// Purpose: limit the overall level to a value less than 0 dB preserving
+// the overall EQ band gain and BassBoost relative levels.
+// Inputs:
+// pContext: effect engine context
+// Outputs:
+void LvmEffect_limitLevel(EffectContext *pContext) {
+ LVM_ControlParams_t ActiveParams; /* Current control Parameters */
+ LVM_ReturnStatus_en LvmStatus=LVM_SUCCESS; /* Function call status */
+ /* Get the current settings */
+ LvmStatus = LVM_GetControlParameters(pContext->pBundledContext->hInstance, &ActiveParams);
+ LVM_ERROR_CHECK(LvmStatus, "LVM_GetControlParameters", "LvmEffect_limitLevel")
+ //ALOGV("\tLvmEffect_limitLevel Succesfully returned from LVM_GetControlParameters\n");
+ //ALOGV("\tLvmEffect_limitLevel just Got -> %d\n",
+ // ActiveParams.pEQNB_BandDefinition[band].Gain);
+ int gainCorrection = 0;
+ //Count the energy contribution per band for EQ and BassBoost only if they are active.
+ float energyContribution = 0;
+ //EQ contribution
+ if (pContext->pBundledContext->bEqualizerEnabled == LVM_TRUE) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < FIVEBAND_NUMBANDS; i++) {
+ float bandEnergy = (pContext->pBundledContext->bandGaindB[i] *
+ LimitLevel_bandEnergyContribution[i])/15.0;
+ if (bandEnergy > 0)
+ energyContribution += bandEnergy;
+ }
+ }
+ //BassBoost contribution
+ if (pContext->pBundledContext->bBassEnabled == LVM_TRUE) {
+ float bandEnergy = (pContext->pBundledContext->BassStrengthSaved *
+ LimitLevel_bassBoostEnergyContribution)/1000.0;
+ if (bandEnergy > 0)
+ energyContribution += bandEnergy;
+ }
+ //Virtualizer contribution
+ if (pContext->pBundledContext->bVirtualizerEnabled == LVM_TRUE) {
+ energyContribution += LimitLevel_virtualizerContribution;
+ }
+ //roundoff
+ int maxLevelRound = (int)(energyContribution + 0.99);
+ if (maxLevelRound + pContext->pBundledContext->volume > 0) {
+ gainCorrection = maxLevelRound + pContext->pBundledContext->volume;
+ }
+ ActiveParams.VC_EffectLevel = pContext->pBundledContext->volume - gainCorrection;
+ if (ActiveParams.VC_EffectLevel < -96) {
+ ActiveParams.VC_EffectLevel = -96;
+ }
+ ALOGV("\tVol:%d, GainCorrection: %d, Actual vol: %d", pContext->pBundledContext->volume,
+ gainCorrection, ActiveParams.VC_EffectLevel);
+ /* Activate the initial settings */
+ LvmStatus = LVM_SetControlParameters(pContext->pBundledContext->hInstance, &ActiveParams);
+ LVM_ERROR_CHECK(LvmStatus, "LVM_SetControlParameters", "LvmEffect_limitLevel")
+ //ALOGV("\tLvmEffect_limitLevel just Set -> %d\n",
+ // ActiveParams.pEQNB_BandDefinition[band].Gain);
+ //ALOGV("\tLvmEffect_limitLevel just set (-96dB -> 0dB) -> %d\n",ActiveParams.VC_EffectLevel );
+ if (pContext->pBundledContext->firstVolume == LVM_TRUE){
+ LvmStatus = LVM_SetVolumeNoSmoothing(pContext->pBundledContext->hInstance, &ActiveParams);
+ LVM_ERROR_CHECK(LvmStatus, "LVM_SetVolumeNoSmoothing", "LvmBundle_process")
+ ALOGV("\tLVM_VOLUME: Disabling Smoothing for first volume change to remove spikes/clicks");
+ pContext->pBundledContext->firstVolume = LVM_FALSE;
+ }
// LvmEffect_enable()
@@ -814,6 +930,7 @@ int LvmEffect_enable(EffectContext *pContext){
//ALOGV("\tLvmEffect_enable Succesfully called LVM_SetControlParameters\n");
//ALOGV("\tLvmEffect_enable end");
+ LvmEffect_limitLevel(pContext);
return 0;
@@ -864,6 +981,7 @@ int LvmEffect_disable(EffectContext *pContext){
//ALOGV("\tLvmEffect_disable Succesfully called LVM_SetControlParameters\n");
//ALOGV("\tLvmEffect_disable end");
+ LvmEffect_limitLevel(pContext);
return 0;
@@ -1099,6 +1217,8 @@ void BassSetStrength(EffectContext *pContext, uint32_t strength){
LVM_ERROR_CHECK(LvmStatus, "LVM_SetControlParameters", "BassSetStrength")
//ALOGV("\tBassSetStrength Succesfully called LVM_SetControlParameters\n");
+ LvmEffect_limitLevel(pContext);
} /* end BassSetStrength */
@@ -1159,13 +1279,14 @@ void VirtualizerSetStrength(EffectContext *pContext, uint32_t strength){
/* Virtualizer parameters */
ActiveParams.CS_EffectLevel = (int)((strength*32767)/1000);
- //ALOGV("\tVirtualizerSetStrength() (0-1000) -> %d\n", strength );
- //ALOGV("\tVirtualizerSetStrength() (0- 100) -> %d\n", ActiveParams.CS_EffectLevel );
+ ALOGV("\tVirtualizerSetStrength() (0-1000) -> %d\n", strength );
+ ALOGV("\tVirtualizerSetStrength() (0- 100) -> %d\n", ActiveParams.CS_EffectLevel );
/* Activate the initial settings */
LvmStatus = LVM_SetControlParameters(pContext->pBundledContext->hInstance, &ActiveParams);
LVM_ERROR_CHECK(LvmStatus, "LVM_SetControlParameters", "VirtualizerSetStrength")
//ALOGV("\tVirtualizerSetStrength Succesfully called LVM_SetControlParameters\n\n");
+ LvmEffect_limitLevel(pContext);
} /* end setStrength */
@@ -1343,104 +1464,6 @@ audio_devices_t VirtualizerGetVirtualizationMode(EffectContext *pContext) {
-// EqualizerLimitBandLevels()
-// Purpose: limit all EQ band gains to a value less than 0 dB while
-// preserving the relative band levels.
-// Inputs:
-// pContext: effect engine context
-// Outputs:
-void EqualizerLimitBandLevels(EffectContext *pContext) {
- LVM_ControlParams_t ActiveParams; /* Current control Parameters */
- LVM_ReturnStatus_en LvmStatus=LVM_SUCCESS; /* Function call status */
- /* Get the current settings */
- LvmStatus = LVM_GetControlParameters(pContext->pBundledContext->hInstance, &ActiveParams);
- LVM_ERROR_CHECK(LvmStatus, "LVM_GetControlParameters", "EqualizerLimitBandLevels")
- //ALOGV("\tEqualizerLimitBandLevels Succesfully returned from LVM_GetControlParameters\n");
- //ALOGV("\tEqualizerLimitBandLevels just Got -> %d\n",
- // ActiveParams.pEQNB_BandDefinition[band].Gain);
- // Apply a volume correction to avoid clipping in the EQ based on 2 factors:
- // - the maximum EQ band gain: the volume correction is such that the total of volume + max
- // band gain is <= 0 dB
- // - the average gain in all bands weighted by their proximity to max gain band.
- int maxGain = 0;
- int avgGain = 0;
- int avgCount = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < FIVEBAND_NUMBANDS; i++) {
- if (pContext->pBundledContext->bandGaindB[i] >= maxGain) {
- int tmpMaxGain = pContext->pBundledContext->bandGaindB[i];
- int tmpAvgGain = 0;
- int tmpAvgCount = 0;
- for (int j = 0; j < FIVEBAND_NUMBANDS; j++) {
- int gain = pContext->pBundledContext->bandGaindB[j];
- // skip current band and gains < 0 dB
- if (j == i || gain < 0)
- continue;
- // no need to continue if one band not processed yet has a higher gain than current
- // max
- if (gain > tmpMaxGain) {
- // force skipping "if (tmpAvgGain >= avgGain)" below as tmpAvgGain is not
- // meaningful in this case
- tmpAvgGain = -1;
- break;
- }
- int weight = 1;
- if (j < (i + 2) && j > (i - 2))
- weight = 4;
- tmpAvgGain += weight * gain;
- tmpAvgCount += weight;
- }
- if (tmpAvgGain >= avgGain) {
- maxGain = tmpMaxGain;
- avgGain = tmpAvgGain;
- avgCount = tmpAvgCount;
- }
- }
- ActiveParams.pEQNB_BandDefinition[i].Frequency = EQNB_5BandPresetsFrequencies[i];
- ActiveParams.pEQNB_BandDefinition[i].QFactor = EQNB_5BandPresetsQFactors[i];
- ActiveParams.pEQNB_BandDefinition[i].Gain = pContext->pBundledContext->bandGaindB[i];
- }
- int gainCorrection = 0;
- if (maxGain + pContext->pBundledContext->volume > 0) {
- gainCorrection = maxGain + pContext->pBundledContext->volume;
- }
- if (avgCount) {
- gainCorrection += avgGain/avgCount;
- }
- ALOGV("EqualizerLimitBandLevels() gainCorrection %d maxGain %d avgGain %d avgCount %d",
- gainCorrection, maxGain, avgGain, avgCount);
- ActiveParams.VC_EffectLevel = pContext->pBundledContext->volume - gainCorrection;
- if (ActiveParams.VC_EffectLevel < -96) {
- ActiveParams.VC_EffectLevel = -96;
- }
- /* Activate the initial settings */
- LvmStatus = LVM_SetControlParameters(pContext->pBundledContext->hInstance, &ActiveParams);
- LVM_ERROR_CHECK(LvmStatus, "LVM_SetControlParameters", "EqualizerLimitBandLevels")
- //ALOGV("\tEqualizerLimitBandLevels just Set -> %d\n",
- // ActiveParams.pEQNB_BandDefinition[band].Gain);
- //ALOGV("\tEqualizerLimitBandLevels just set (-96dB -> 0dB) -> %d\n",ActiveParams.VC_EffectLevel );
- if(pContext->pBundledContext->firstVolume == LVM_TRUE){
- LvmStatus = LVM_SetVolumeNoSmoothing(pContext->pBundledContext->hInstance, &ActiveParams);
- LVM_ERROR_CHECK(LvmStatus, "LVM_SetVolumeNoSmoothing", "LvmBundle_process")
- ALOGV("\tLVM_VOLUME: Disabling Smoothing for first volume change to remove spikes/clicks");
- pContext->pBundledContext->firstVolume = LVM_FALSE;
- }
// EqualizerGetBandLevel()
// Purpose: Retrieve the gain currently being used for the band passed in
@@ -1482,7 +1505,8 @@ void EqualizerSetBandLevel(EffectContext *pContext, int band, short Gain){
pContext->pBundledContext->bandGaindB[band] = gainRounded;
pContext->pBundledContext->CurPreset = PRESET_CUSTOM;
- EqualizerLimitBandLevels(pContext);
+ EqualizerUpdateActiveParams(pContext);
+ LvmEffect_limitLevel(pContext);
@@ -1617,7 +1641,8 @@ void EqualizerSetPreset(EffectContext *pContext, int preset){
EQNB_5BandSoftPresets[i + preset * FIVEBAND_NUMBANDS];
- EqualizerLimitBandLevels(pContext);
+ EqualizerUpdateActiveParams(pContext);
+ LvmEffect_limitLevel(pContext);
//ALOGV("\tEqualizerSetPreset Succesfully called LVM_SetControlParameters\n");
@@ -1672,7 +1697,7 @@ int VolumeSetVolumeLevel(EffectContext *pContext, int16_t level){
pContext->pBundledContext->volume = level / 100;
- EqualizerLimitBandLevels(pContext);
+ LvmEffect_limitLevel(pContext);
return 0;
} /* end VolumeSetVolumeLevel */
@@ -1721,7 +1746,7 @@ int32_t VolumeSetMute(EffectContext *pContext, uint32_t mute){
pContext->pBundledContext->volume = pContext->pBundledContext->levelSaved;
- EqualizerLimitBandLevels(pContext);
+ LvmEffect_limitLevel(pContext);
return 0;
} /* end setMute */
diff --git a/media/libeffects/lvm/wrapper/Bundle/EffectBundle.h b/media/libeffects/lvm/wrapper/Bundle/EffectBundle.h
index 420f973..b3071f4 100644
--- a/media/libeffects/lvm/wrapper/Bundle/EffectBundle.h
+++ b/media/libeffects/lvm/wrapper/Bundle/EffectBundle.h
@@ -142,6 +142,7 @@ static const uint32_t bandFreqRange[FIVEBAND_NUMBANDS][2] = {
{1800001, 7000000},
{7000001, 1}};
+//Note: If these frequencies change, please update LimitLevel values accordingly.
static const LVM_UINT16 EQNB_5BandPresetsFrequencies[] = {
60, /* Frequencies in Hz */
@@ -192,6 +193,20 @@ static const PresetConfig gEqualizerPresets[] = {
+/* The following tables have been computed using the actual levels measured by the output of
+ * white noise or pink noise (IEC268-1) for the EQ and BassBoost Effects. These are estimates of
+ * the actual energy that 'could' be present in the given band.
+ * If the frequency values in EQNB_5BandPresetsFrequencies change, these values might need to be
+ * updated.
+ */
+static const float LimitLevel_bandEnergyContribution[FIVEBAND_NUMBANDS] = {
+ 5.0, 6.5, 6.45, 4.8, 1.7 };
+static const float LimitLevel_bassBoostEnergyContribution = 6.7;
+static const float LimitLevel_virtualizerContribution = 1.9;
#if __cplusplus
} // extern "C"